Galactic: The Superhuman Robot

Chapter 15: Sergey Is Questioned and Examined

The FBI Agent questions Sergey

FBI Agent: “Why did you defect to the United States?”

Sergey: “I wasn’t free. The Russian scientists were controlling every aspect of my life.”

FBI Agent: “I’m sorry. You’re not involved in any espionage, are you?”

Sergey: “Absolutely not. I want to be an American Citizen and part of your program.”

FBI Agent: “I believe you. We’ll be keeping an eye on you for a while. We want you to live with the other hostages for the time being.”

Sergey: “That’s what I want to do.”

FBI Agent: “Then it’s settled. Welcome to the United States. One of the creators of our superhumans wants to talk to you and examine you, Is that okay?”

Sergey: “Yes, I want to cooperate.”

The FBI Agent calls the creator to the room. “He’s all yours.”

Creator: “Great. Let’s go to my office. We can discuss your capabilities and do a physical.”

Sergey: “Okay, let’s go.”

At the creator’s office:

Creator: “I’m going to ask you some questions later about your capabilities. For now, jump to the ceiling and down to the floor several times.”

Sergey: “I can do that for hours on end.”

Creator: “Show me a few jumps holding these two-hundred-pound weights in each hand.”

Sergey effortlessly jumps to the ceiling and down to the floor ten times.

Creator: “Very good. How fast can you fly?”

Sergey: “My top speed is forty miles an hour.”

Creator: “We’ll have to do something about that. What materials are your body, skin and hair composed of?”

Sergey: “I wasn’t given that information.”

Creator: “That’s okay. We can test that. Are you asexual?”

Sergey: “No, I’m not.”

Creator: “Please continue.”

Sergey: “I have private parts and can be intimate with a woman.”

Creator: “That’s phenomenal. Do you know the procedure done to allow that?”

Sergey: “I only know that the material is synthetic. I have feelings in that area. I know because I’ve been intimate more than once.”

Creator: “Do I have permission to examine you?”

Sergey: “Yes. I’d like to be as strong as your superhumans.”

Creator: “That can be accomplished.”

Creator: “What about your IQ? Do you have information on that?”

Sergey: “Yes; I ingest information one hundred times more quickly than humans. I’ve received my degrees in quantum physics, classical physics, astrophysics, astronomy, calculus, chemistry, biology, advanced mathematics, electrical engineering and computer modeling in less than a year.”

Creator: “You’ve been busy. Your more intelligent that my superhumans. Would you like to travel in space?”

Sergey: “Yes.”

Creator: “Let’s get you to the examining room.”

They go to the examining room. Sergey gets on the examining table. The creator touches him lightly on the hand and asks if he feels that.

Sergey: “Yes.”

Creator: “Is it pleasant to you?”

Sergey: “Yes.”

The creator presses harder and asks, “How does that feel?”

Sergey: “It feels good. I never feel pain.”

Creator: “Your body is almost identical to my superhumans. You’ll fit in nicely with our program. You might want to change your last name as a precautionary measure.

Sergey: “I’m willing to do that if it will keep me safe. But I don’t know how the Russians could capture me. My strength would overwhelm them.”

Creator: “They couldn’t. But what if they forced the other Russian superhumans to capture you? They could do it.”

Sergey: “I didn’t think of that.”

Creator: “One other thing; how’s your vision?”

Sergey: “I see like an eagle. I can see a small object clearly that’s fifty feet away.”

Creator: Do you know what material was used for your ears?”

Sergey: No, but I can hear frequencies that are inaudible to humans, such as a dog whistle and deer alerts that are attached to cars.”

Creator: “You have better hearing than my superhumans. I’d like to take a biopsy to determine the material that was used.”

Sergey: “That’s fine.”

The creator takes the biopsy.

Creator: “You can get off the examining table. One other thing; I forgot to ask you why you became a superhuman robot.”

Sergey: “I was in an automobile accident and was seriously wounded. I lost one leg and both arms. I didn’t want to live like that.”

Creator: “How terrible. I’m glad you’re doing well now. How old are you?”

Sergey: “I’m thirty.”

Creator: “Do you want to live forever.”

Sergey: “If I’m useful to society and if I can continue learning.”

Creator: “I think you can achieve that. I’ll call you soon.”

The men shake hands and Sergey leaves the office.

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