
Chapter From 12

Chapter 12

Natalie looked perplexed. Touching the bracelet on his wrist, Josh asked in a warning tone. “Have you finished entering our information?”

The employee came out of his dare and replied, “Yes.”

“That’s good,” Josh said.

Then the staff member gave the marriage certificate to Josh. After inspecting it, Josh stood up and left with Natalie.

Outside, Natalie asked josh, “Why did the clerk look at you like that?

With a barely noticeable smile, Josh said. “Perhaps he’s jealous that I’m marrying a young and beautiful wife who is eight years younger.

Natalie didn’t know what to say. Josh looked at her and gently patted the back of Natalie’s head with his hand. “Nat,” he called her nam

“Yes!” Natalie answered. Bathed in the spring sunlight, Natalie looked up at Josh with her bright eyes.

“Would you mind having a husband who’s eight years older?” asked Josh.

Natalie paused for a few seconds before shaking her head.

Josh smiled softly and added, “It doesn’t matter if you do mind. In the end, I’ll probably die before you”

Caught off guard, Natalie realized Josh was teasing her.



I at him and hopped into the car. Josh got in the car after her.

Inside the car, Josh inquired, “What kind of wedding do you want? I can get someone to stan organizing it.”

Natalie said, “Well, you don’t have to make it high–profile. The contract is just for two years, after all.”

Then the car fell quiet. Neither of them spoke. At last, Josh said quietly, “Okay

Half an hour later, they reached the entrance of Galaxy Manor. Josh watched Natalie exit the car and mentioned, “I have some work today. You don’t need to wait for me for lunch.

“Okay, Natalie nodded without further questions and walked inside.

Then the car headed towards the Presidential Office.

Inside the car, Josh lit a cigarette. Smoke curled around his eyes, hiding his expression. He didn’t seem to notice when the cigarette nearly burned down to his fingers. After some time, Josh remembered the marriage certificate in his pocket.

On the certificate, Josh’s name was now officially linked with Natalie’s. They were married. He gazed at their photo for quite a while. His eyes seemed deeper and more complex than before.

At last, Josh allowed himself a small smile. Then, he took a picture of the marriage certificate and sent it to Dianna

Receiving the message, Dianna was overjoyed and replied: [My dear Josh! I am so relieved! Your father would be so proud if he were here.]

Shortly after. Jensen texted Josh to offer his congratulations [Congrats, Josh.]

Josh glanced at the text, set his phone down, and commanded in a firm voice, “Announce that Ms. Linney is married. Any news outlets that have ridiculed her must be blacklisted‘

“Understood, sir,” replied Martin.

Back at her place, Natalie was surprised to find that all the negative news about her had disappeared, replaced by articles about her wedding. As soon as the news came out, it sparked a great deal of discussion. People online shared a variety of comments.

I am literally shocked]

(Couldn’t he have told the bride beforehand if he didn’t want to get married? Why did he have to embarrass her by not showing up at his own wedding!

Chapter 12

[Does this guy really think it’s okay to publicly ditch his wedding? How could be put the bride through that?]

[LOL. Does the man think he can do anything he wants? That Natalie should understand him no matter what? Disgusting!

[They’re made for each other! Anyone else who ends up with that guy or girl will be just as miserable!]

[Poor Natalie. She didn’t do anything wrong. She just listened to her family.]

[Natale is a little reckless. Marriage is not a game.

As the lead dancer at the National Opera House, Jennifer might not have been a celebrity, but she had her share of online support

“FYL Jennifer and Brian grew up together. Natalie was the other woman, got it!]

Good for her. I hope she gets married quickly and leaves Jennifer and Brian alone.)

Say what you want, but Brian belongs with Jennifer! I think Natalie got what she deserved! No matter who she ends up with, she won’t find anyone as good as Brian!”

Now I’m curious who she married Is he some broke and unattractive guy! Haha!]

Of course, the users who had posted nasty comments about Natalie were b

banned for good in less than a day.

Natalie stopped looking at the comments. Just half an hour after she set her phone aside, the Linneys began calling her one by one, as she had anticipated. They must have heard the news and wanted to question her. Yet Natalie did not pick up the calls.

Elizabeth also called. “Nat, are you free tomorrow? Let’s go bungee jumping.” Elizabeth suggested.

But Natalie declined. Elizabeth laughed and said, Tm just teasing. Let’s meet at the cafe. I’ve got something to tell you.”

“Alrightagreed Natalie.

After lunch,

  1. h. Natalie lay on th

the lounge chair in the room, basking in the sun and reading-

The staff at the villa had thought that Natalie would set some new rules since she had just moved in, but they were surprised by how quiet and reserved she was,

In the Presidential Office, Josh was in high spirits all day, Martin noticed, and even the Secretary of Defense, who was meeting with Josh, thought he seemed unusually friendly and easygoing

But Josh kept glancing at his watch and seemed to be waiting for the chance to leave work. He was typically hardworking, but today was different.

At four in the afternoon, Josh called the landline of Galaxy Manor to listen to Spencer’s report: “Mrs. Franco spent the morning reading by the French windows and the afternoon resting in her room. Do you want me to wake her up for the phone?“–

“No, let her be,” Jash answered. After ending the call. Josh asked Martin. “Do I have any appointments tonight”

Martin responded politely, “You have an intelligence briefing from seven to eight this evening

Josh stood up and instructed. “Push it back three days.”

“But, sir, you planned a summary meeting for tomorrow” Martin reminded him.

“Then clear my schedule for three days starting the day after tomorrow,” Josh decided.

“Understood,” confirmed Martin.

Josh grabbed his jacket and walked swiftly out the door.

The intelligence agent who had come to report to Josh entered the room and greeted him, “Hello, Mr. Pres-”

But before he could finish, Josh sped past as if he didn’t even see him. The officer was left speechless.

He quickly caught up with Martin, who was following Josh, and asked, “Why is the President leaving so soon? I have something important to


“Leave it for later, Martin suggested, gently pulling away from the officer’s grip. He added, “It’s the President’s first evening with his wife, and he wants to get home. Let’s not bother him with more issues now.”


Chapter 12

The intelligence agent was stunned, thinking to himself, Has the President really gotten married?”

When Josh got back to Calaxy Manor, the house was quiet. “Where’s Natalie?” he asked, catching Spencer by surprise with his early return

“She’s upstairs,” Spencer replied.

Josh climbed the stairs. Entering the bedroom, he found Natalie dozing on the recliner by the large windows, a book resting in her hands.

Josh glanced at the title of the book. It was “Encounter.”“

His eyes lingered on the title. He paused for a moment, then gently removed the book from Natalie’s grasp, intending to lift her into bed.

But right then, Natalie stirred awake. Her eyes met Josh’s dim outline. “You’re back?” she whispered.

Yes,” Josh replied sofily. “Why are you sleeping here? It’s cool you could get cold”

“I can handle a little cold, Natalie said, sitting up. “You haven’t eaten yet, have you? Spencer should have dinner ready soon.”

Josh didn’t respond.

Natalie looked at him, concerned. “Is something wrong?”

Josh gazed at Natalie, each word deliberate, Tonight is our weddling night”

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