From the Depths

Chapter We do what now!?!

“Wait, we haven’t gotten anything for lunch!” Henry protested to being pulled away from the food.

“It can wait, better yet there’s fish where we’re going, you can make a fire on the beach.” She quickened her pace as her irritation grew, she knew something had happened to him.

“What’s the rush?”

Rounding a corner she released her hold on him only to peer up at him “What happened!?”

“What do you m- ”

He was cut off as she gently punched his stomach. He recoiled hunched over in pain as his breath left him.

“What happened!” She demanded an explanation.

“Nothing!” He tried.

She grabbed at his shirt, yanking it out from under his belted pants and up to reveal his abdomen.

“Hey, hey, hey, now is not the time to strip me!”

She frowned as she couldn’t see any damage. He attempted to retrieve his clothing from her grasp, in return she took hold of his side and squeezed as hard as she could.


“You’re hurt! What the hell happened!?” She repeated. “And don’t bull shit me!”

“There was a small... incident,” He began.

She eyed him angrily and raised her index finger in a threatening manner as though she were about to poke his ribs.

“Okay okay.” He raised his hands in defeat. “Can we get down to the cavern first? Too many eyes and ears around.”

Sighing she reluctantly agreed.

The walk down to the beach was eerily quiet, she could tell he was on high alert. A feeling of dread slowly crept in, filling her being and making her anxious. Had the King hurt him? Was his injuries her fault?

Stepping foot on the familiar sand the air felt wrong. In the distance, several men were wandering aimlessly into the frothy swallows of the beach.

“What the-” She stopped dead eyeing the strange scene.

“I couldn’t break them out of it even after the monsters were killed.” Henry took ahold of her arm and pulled her along.

“Killed!?” Her head whipped around, her eyes wide. “Ren, is he-”

“He’s fine.” He injected.

Opening the door to the cavern they both slipped through.

“What the fuck is going on!” She blurted out.

“They came for him.” He stated plainly.


“The mermaids- ah Sirens, whatever you wanna call them. Mean ass-looking women with ravers for teeth and claws for hands.”

“What? That makes no sense.”

“This whole situation doesn’t make sense, but hey look we’re living it.” Henry swivelled, turning to approach the water. “There was a fight, three of them came for him and likely for you.”

“Me?” She questioned as she followed after him.

“Ren, you doing okay, how’s the tail?” Henry ignored her.

“I’m fine. I’m more concerned about your injuries.” The siren answered. He was perched up against the ledge of the swallows as the water lightly lapped at his lower waist.

"I'll heal."

“Can someone please exp-” Kirea stopped as she finally took notice of Ren in the water. His tail was transparent, she could just barely make out a pair of legs cocooned within. “What...” She breathed in sharply shocked.

She hurriedly slashed into the water to be by his side. She sank down onto her hands and knees. Her fingers reached out to hover above his tail. Her clothes soaked up the water in an instant but she didn’t care. “What happened, did they hurt you?”

Henry chuckled beside her, though he remained on the edge of the pool. He clearly found her attention switching to Ren so quickly rather amusing. Funny with him she'd just squeeze and poke the shit out of him but with Ren, it was all concern and gentle gestures.

“It’s just growing back, no need to worry. Henry protected me. He’s the one who is hurt, not me.” Ren stated plainly.

“More like you protected and aided me, couldn’t have done it without you,” Henry spoke as though he were talking to his Knights, with respect.

Since when had these too seen eye to eye?

“Then we make a good team.” Ren chuckled.

“Wait, wait. It’s growing back, why?” Kirea invented still confused.

“I think I should give you guys some privacy while Ren explains his... visit to you last night.” Henry stood, though not without cringing from the strain on his body. “Besides someone has to stop the morons from drowning themselves out there. Guess I’ll start them from the tree line again.”

“A few more hours and the song should wear off,” Ren confirmed to the Knight.

“Wait, last night... What do you mean?” She shook her head with a frown.

Henry rolled his eyes at her as though the answer was obvious. With no reply, he left the two alone.

“I’ve inadvertently put you in danger again.” Ren tried to explain. “I’m terribly sorry.”

His green eyes filled with a sadness that had her heart breaking. He reached up his hand to cup the side of her face. Her hand found his as she laced her fingers in his hold and leaned into his touch.

“Tell me what happened.” She asked gently.

“Had I known that they were to come ashore I would never have done what I did. It was selfish of me, and I knew it was a risk. The sirens attacked, but Henry fought and killed them, though not without injury.”

“I knew it! But how are there no external signs of injury?”

“I offered to fully heal him but he refused, so only the external lacerations have been closed.”

“Are more coming, should we move you? Is your tail going to be okay?” And were those really legs she saw under the transparent flesh, was he capable of walking on land!? Questions she didn’t ask, now wasn’t the time.

“I won’t be able to swim for a few hours yet, but aside from that, I’ll be fine." He began. "The females hopefully shouldn’t be coming back for some time, not until they realize the first group has been killed."

He sighed looking uncertain and upset. "Those three had been here since I was moved to the cavern. They followed me after I was taken by the humans. As long as I stayed within the walls of this cavern they couldn't reach me."

Hanging his head he continued. "I had hoped that since Henry was with me they wouldn't come onto land, since they didn't when you visited me, but I was wrong.”

“Thier hunting you?”

He nodded grimly. “The men are not meant to survive copulation. I am a liability, a loose end that must be taken care of.”

Kirea was shaking her head in disbelief. His own kind would go that far? It was true that all the legends and stories they had heard mentioned the siren’s distaste for humans. However for some reason male sirens or mermen were never mentioned, could this be why? Her mind was racing as she tried to take in the information and understand it.

Selective breeding came to mind. A lot of animals, mammals and marine life often partook in such practices. Taking the best traits from parents to produce the perfect offspring. Some species of octopus actually eat the males after the deed was done. But she knew there had to be more to it.

“What do they want from you exactly?” It was obvious his death would be the answer but that’s not what she was after.

“My heart.”

“The females eat the hearts of the males for nutrition?” She asked with a cringe as her theory fell into place.

He nodded with a grim look on his face. “The offspring barely survive coming to term without the females consuming the organ. The siren who was paired with me was interrupted before she could finish retrieving my heart. The three that came for me would be wanting to return my heart to her.”

Ren’s heart must truly hold some special power if the King and the Sirens wanted it. She didn’t want to push him further, already she could tell he was uncomfortable speaking about it.

She shuffled closer to inspect his tail. “Is there anything that I can do to help, do you need me to get you anything? We need to get you well enough to move.”

His eyes widened. “Move?”

“The king wants your heart just as much as your own kind. You’re not safe here anymore.”

“I’m not safe out there.” He protested. “The moment I leave the cavern they will find me again. It’s bad enough that you carry my scent now.”

She froze, her stomach sinking. Since she’d seen what lay inside his tail she couldn’t help but question the events of her dream, but she had tried her best not to think about it, to will it to be false. Her face fell pale as she could no longer ignore it. “Ren... Did you come to see me last night, did-did we?”

She didn’t miss the slight blush on his cheeks as he pulled away and looked down at the water. “I had only intended to heal you internally by giving you some energy, but things... escalated.”

She felt the world crushing down on her as her selfish request filled her with guilt and self-loathing. “I’m so sorry Ren, I-I... ”

Tears began to form in her eyes as she came to realise that she may have forced him to sleep with her last night. She’d been desperate for comfort, for escape from reality and she’d used him.

“Kirea, stop that. It’s okay. I wanted to.” His hands were on her face again, wiping away the tears that escaped from their ducts. “I should be the one that’s sorry. I’ve marked you as my mate, you have my scent and it puts you in danger.”

She appeared to be in a state of panic and unease. His forehead gently touched hers as she sniffled, trying desperately to get control of her emotions.

“It was your first time, wasn’t it?” He asked softly.

She nodded against him.

“Thank you for giving me something so special.”

She looked up at him through teared-stained questioning eyes. Blinking multiple times she wasn’t sure how to respond. She’d given and not taken? Was it okay to think that way?

“I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” His voice was a husky whisper.

A shiver ran up her spine as he pulled her closer bringing her in for a hug. Her face was slightly flushed as a new giddy feeling filled her, was it okay? Could she really allow herself to fall for this Siren, for this man?

“I-I didn’t hurt you at all?” She managed to ask.

He chuckled. “It’s safe to say it was the complete opposite.”

Silence followed for some time as they stared at each other, the atmosphere wasn’t awkward but it was growing heavier by the minute. His lips were only inches away from hers, his forehead still pressed against hers. Her hands were resting on his chest, gently moving to the rise and fall of his breathing.

“What do we do now?” She asked.

“I don’t think there is anything that we can do.” His response was solemn.

She was at a loss for the next course of action, if he couldn’t leave and he couldn’t stay then... were they simply doomed? They were both running out of time for completely different reasons. For once in her life she wished she had more time.

“We kill the King.” Henry’s voice echoed from the entrance of the cavern.

Ren and Kirea split apart putting some distance between them like children who had been caught in the act.

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