From the Depths

Chapter Safe for now... right?

Ren had his hands clenched together in front of him as though in prayer as his voice rose high. He was trying desperately to keep the song going, he didn’t even know if it was working, but he couldn’t risk stopping. His throat burned from overuse and he was feeling weak and drained from all the energy he was expelling through the song.

He felt a tap on his shoulder jolting him out of his song, he fell backward with a gasp as fear gripped him. He hadn’t known anyone had entered the cave, mainly because he had had his eyes closed, focusing on only one thing.

“It’s okay... now.” The knight’s voice was worn and drained, but it was Henry!

Ren looked up at the Knight with joy-filled eyes, relief flooding through him at the mere sight of the human.

But Henry collapsed to the ground, his eyes barely open. The joy and relief quickly replaced with panic and concern, Ren rushed to aid him only to be further shocked by the condition he was in. His body was filling out with patches of black and blue, his clothing was torn and blood dripped at an alarming rate from numerous wounds. He touched a hand to the protector’s chest, turning it over to look at his red-stained hand.

Frowing his brows Ren hooked his arm in Henry’s and attempted to drag him over to the water’s edge.

“What... are you doing?” The Knight managed to say between the wheezing and laboured breathing.

“You need to be healed.”

“No... Save your... energy for Kirea.” He protested.

Ren’s heart clenched, so Henry knew that he was also weakened by this encounter. Thinking on it for a moment he came up with a better idea. “Let me at least close the wounds on the outside, the King will ask questions.”

Henry made a disgruntled sound of disapproval but nodded his head regardless.

Ren continued to drag the half-unconscious man to the water, leaving a trail of red behind.

“Please... don’t drown me.” Henry attempted a laugh.

“Now is no time for jokes!”

“You sound... like my mother.” He wheezed again.

“Shut it, Henry! You need to rest.” Ren warned.

“I’ll rest when I’m d-” He was cut off as Ren abruptly pulled the Knight into and below the water’s surface. Coughing and spluttering Henry scowled at the Siren clearly knowing he had done that on purpose.

Ren kept him in the shallows, the water quickly turned to a cloudy crimson, a mixture of sand and blood from both their bodies. Closing down his eyes, Ren drew upon the water around them rather than the energy within himself. It had always been easier to channel his energy through water and it was less physically draining. Maybe he could better heal Kirea in the water than on land, but that would need to wait, Henry needed him now.

Focusing on the water lapping at the human’s skin we willed it to flow over his body, trickling down and encasing the wounds in little puddles of water. He was on his knees beside Henry, his arms stretched out above the human's body, his fingers moving as though he were playing a musical instrument.

Henry watched with hooded eyes as the siren’s body slowly began to change, his scales and patterned markings returning to the surface of his skin and letting off a soft glow. He was changing back to his other form. Was it because he was in the water or because he was using magical abilities that required his other form?

Ren opened his eyes, his glowing green irises shining down at Henry as we used the droplets of water to meld Henry’s skin together. Slowly the wounds knitted themselves shut and Henry was able to breathe easier and deeper.

He sat up looking down at himself in awe, “Amazing.” He poked a finger over the area that had once had a wound and immediately hissed in pain.

“Don’t go that!" Ren slapped the hand away. "I’ve only healed the surface damage, your insides are still a mess. You’ll be sore for quite some time.”

"Better than nothing, I dare say you're quite useful." Henry attempted to laugh but grimaced as his lungs protested.

With a grunt, Henry forced himself to stand.

“You shouldn’t move-” Ren was cut off as he fell face-first into the shallow water trying to follow after Henry. Pushing himself up with his forearms he gasped for air, he glanced back at his legs, the cause of the fall. Already his tail was reforming, his legs had been enchased with what appeared to be a translucent flesh chasing and soft scales. “I- I didn’t think it would be this quick.” He commented surprised.

Ignoring the half-flailing antics of what appeared to be a desperate siren trying to reach him, Henry retreated back out of Ren’s reach. “I have to go meet Kirea, I- we still have a job to do.”

Ren frowned not liking it. “But, the females, it’s too dangerous.”

“Is it normal for them to turn to bubbles and just... disintegrate?”

Ren froze looking up at the Knight shocked. “You killed them?”

Henry wore a smirk. “It was a kill or be killed situation.”

“But you actually did it, You killed them?”

“Was I not meant to? Didn’t think we wanted prisoners.”

“I’m just... shocked.” Ren appeared to relax down into the water as he heaved a sigh of relief. “Then she’s safe.”

“For now,” Henry commented.

Reaching the entrance point her turned his head to the side his eyes lingering on the ground. “By the way, thanks... for the song.”

Ren beamed, a wide smile spreading over his face. He hadn’t been sure it had worked, he had been useful! and it felt incredible. "N-No worries!"

Henry shook his head at the giddy siren. “I’ll be back with Kirea.”

Kirea felt great, her body didn’t ache and her chest and throat even felt light and unaffected. She knew it wouldn’t last long but she was going to make the most of it. Today was going to be a good day! Swinging her makeshift bag over her shoulder, which she had hastily sewn together to house her materials for research, she tidied her hair and exited the room eager to find Henry so they could head down to the cavern.

Her first stop was the mess hall. She would grab a quick bite to eat, pack some extras for the day and head down to the beach, her second stop. Hopefully, Henry was already there with the other Knights. She wanted to know what Henry had told Ren last night. She needed to make sure they were all on the same page before they started working on the next phase of their plan, whatever that may be.

The plan? Even she didn’t have a clue at this point. It all hinged on Ren and what he wanted to do. Though in truth she already knew his answer, would she be able to convince him otherwise? And was she and Henry truly going to be safe after the King got what he wanted? No, she didn’t believe they would be. Though Henry had more of a chance than herself, and if she were to truly become his wife that could be a way to survive longer than the blood moon at least.

But she would have to live through Ren's death.

She sighed, it would also mean a continued life at the castle. One without her mother, would she ever be able to go home before... She couldn’t finish that thought, she didn’t want to.

The hustle and bustle of the mess hall was in full swing when she entered. She still wasn’t used to the wolf whistles and hungry glances of the men.

However, today was a little different. On her entry, the men all stood and began clapping.

She was shocked and completely taken aback.


“Nice going!”

“Welcome to the family Kirea!”

Various men yelled and shouted taking her completely by surprise. Kirea stood stunned, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide.

“I told you all not to make a big deal out of it!” Henry approached from behind with a heavy sigh. “Sorry.” He added solely to Kirea.

Blinking a few times she burst out laughing. “It’s fine, really.”

Word sure had spread fast, though she wasn’t sure if that was the King’s doing or his. Regardless they sat and celebrated their loveless marriage arrangement, though she wasn’t upset about it. She’d never seen herself marrying anyone due to her disease, and Henry wouldn’t be stuck with her forever regardless. This was another opportunity in her life that she would never normally be able to experience, she’d embrace it.

“So what’s the commander like in the sack?” The knight beside her blurted out.

She choked on the mouthful of water she was attempting to take down after her spoon full of dry grain.

“Anderson!” Henry’s stern voice cut in.

Regaining her composure she elbowed him in the ribs, the furrow of his brow and the little hiss that escaped suddenly catching her attention. She noted it and would bring it up later. “Come now Henry, they are just worried about your well-being.”

“It’s as the lady says!” A group of eager men surrounded them begging for details.

“Well if you must know.” She began.

Henry groaned next to her as he rolled his eyes.

Will a chuckle she continued. “Good enough to leave me craving more on the nights when I’m left alone.”

"Ha! Sounds like the Caption isn't seeing to your needs enough then!" Someone spouted.

She chuckled as Henry placed a hand on his forehead with a heavy sigh.

The group erupted with laughter, chatter and noise. Kirea used the opportunity to pull Henry from the hall and out into the corridor away from the commotion.

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