Fragment of Destiny

Chapter 8 - Death Marked Part 2

Floating on her back in the water Tess stared up at the impossibly rich blue sky. She had long since lost all reckoning of time. There was no night in this place, only the persistent sun. At first, she had attempted forays into the forest or across the water but neither amounted to much. It was as if she were tethered by some unseen force that molded the landscape around her. Gradually her frustration had given way to despair and despair to apathy. She knew she could not stay here forever. Already her food supply had become nothing but empty wrappers. How many days ago now had it been since she had last eaten?

Tess knew she would starve to death here. Yet somehow that did not seem like such a horrible fate, at least there was the water. Lazily she drifted soaking up the sun, even as she thought this a part of her screamed for action to be taken. Yet it was hollow, distant, and easily ignored.

At length, she paddled back to the shore where her survival pack held vigil over a tarp she had laid out on the sand. There she let the gentle rays of the sun dry her body as her stomach grumbled from neglect. The small part of her that was still fueled by self-preservation rallied joining its cry to the pangs of hunger she felt. With a heavy sigh, Tess took her eyes from the placid water. She would try again today.

Once dry Tess dressed lazily before donning her pack. Despite most of its contents having been consumed or discarded it felt far heavier than she last remembered. Heading into the forest she knew where it would take her. The same place it always did. There was a cave deep in the forest and then this lake. They were the only two places she was permitted to go in this world. In contrast to the relaxing lake, the presence of the cave seemed to sap her strength and resolve driving her back to the lake time and time again.

Footprints and bent grass told her she was in the right place and soon the dark entrance could be seen past an opening in the trees. She knew this was obviously the way towards her crystal yet every step in that direction was a struggle. Her feet dragged and the pack seemed to double in weight. Conversely, she knew if only she were to turn around the weight would lessen.

For a moment her determination wavered and she was filled with a deep longing to rest on the water once more. The voice inside her screamed at her to resist, knowing if she went back now there would be no returning home.

Taking another step Tess struggled to keep her eyes open as fatigue threatened to overpower her. Letting her pack fall to the ground Tess stumbled forward and caught herself on the dark stone at the mouth of the cave. Her entire body trembled with emotion as she felt herself slipping in and out of consciousness.

With her back to the stone at the cave entrance, Tess sat with eyes closed and head bowed. Then for the first time since entering the storm, she felt movement in the air. Opening her eyes she saw wisps of purple haze curling from the mouth of the cave. Where ever the haze touched her goosebumps stood out along her skin and she felt as though something was beginning to melt away. Slowly Tess inched towards the opening until she was fully enveloped by the warm breath.

Like the shedding of a second skin, something invisible sluffed away from her. With each passing seconds, she could feel her strength and mental clarity returning.

Pushing away from the cave Tess took in her surroundings with new eyes. She had been a fool. Whatever spell had held her hear was now broken. It was time to finish what she had started. Tess shuddered at the thought of letting herself die in a place like this.

Retrieving her fallen pack Tess stared at the darkness in defiance. Regardless of what lay ahead of one thing she was certain. Unless Elroy Grimwald managed to get himself killed, there was no way she would be winning her bet now.

Upon entering the cave, the path took an immediate turn to the left before descending at a sharp angle. Tess had been prepared with her flashlight only to find that once around the corner it was not needed. Tiny shafts of pure light illuminated the path before her as they streamed down from openings overhead. To her surprise and growing suspicion, the lights persisted even after she had descended several levels underground.

Ever curious, Tess turned around. As she suspected the way back was completely dark. Retrieving her flashlight Tess shined it back up the path. Her heart nearly leaped from her chest at the sight of solid stone no more than an arm’s length in front of her. Cold dread washed over her as she thought about what might happen when she turned back to her path. Holding her breath, she slowly turned back and for the first time since entering the trial, she was truly afraid. All of her guiding lights were gone. The flashlight illuminated nothing, it was as if the darkness itself was driving away the light. Tentatively Tess shut the flashlight off and waited. Nothing. Hesitantly she inched forward in the pitch darkness, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as in unison her lights returned.

With the return of the lights came the sound of rushing water and it was close. A few paces further and the sound became a roar that reverberated through the confined space. As though a door had been opened before her sparkling rays of sunlight spilled into the tunnel. Upon reaching the sunlit path the narrow tunnel opened into an expansive cavern. At the far left of the space flowed a clear waterfall like a dazzling veil over an amber studded backdrop. Gray rocks washed smooth from the constant flow ringed a dark pool that churned ominously before sinking down into the depths below. Looking back over her shoulder Tess smiled. The way back was gone, at least this meant she was on the right track.

From where she stood the only way forward would be to traverse a thin line of rocks that made up a ledge leading off behind the falls. With the water obscuring the path Tess could only hope that a new way forward would reveal itself when she approached.

Tess unburdened her pack with a sigh. She hated the thought of leaving anything behind as in all likely hood she would not be allowed to return for it. Yet from here on the bulky survival pack would be a liability. Taking a minute to rummage through the remaining contents Tess settled on keeping only her survival knife and several lengths of rope. She had a full water skin she could have taken but it had been filled with water from that accursed lake.

Progress was slower than she would have liked but it couldn’t be helped. With all the moisture, slick moss or algae had claimed most of the real estate along the path. Cold spray from the falls pelted Tess as approached. The near-freezing water was a startling contrast to the perfectly temperate water on the surface.

Passing behind the veil of water Tess froze at the sight. The wall was studded with thousands of tiny amber crystals that pulsed with an inner fire. In the center of the cluster a massive amber crystal, larger than her torso, jutted from the stone wall. Within the monstrous crystal, a black shape throbbed like a beating heart. Excitement threatened to take her feet out from under her before she forced herself to calm down.

Heart still racing Tess inched her way along the ever-narrowing path. Soon the ledge no longer covered the entire length of her foot as she slid along. With her chest pressed against the wall, her fingers dug at the algae in search of a handhold. The search became even more tedious as she reached the sheet of amber crystals. Each one she touched exploded with the sound of shattering glass. By the time she neared the large crystal tiny lacerations covered her palms in every direction.

When at last Tess came within arms reach of her prize a foul black mist began to seep from the stone around her. The touch of it prickled her skin and burned her nose with the smell of melting plastic. Ignoring the mist Tess continued towards her prize.

Stretching out her hand to the crystal Tess gave no heed to the lacerations on her hands or to what had caused them. Instead, all her focus was now bent on obtaining her ascension crystal. By the time Tess realized her mistake, it was too late. The crystal exploded with a crash that muted all sound, and the force of the blast threw Tess into the churning waters below. Thousands of amber shards flashed in the sunlight before winking out of existence. Only the black heart of the crystal remained as it plummeted toward the water after her.

Tess snatched the shard from the air as she hit the water. A strange warmth filled her entire body. It was as if she had finally been reunited with a piece of her soul she hadn’t known was missing. The last thing she saw was the figure of a man half shrouded in mist descending into the water after her. Tess reached for the man’s outstretched hand as she felt herself being dragged away by the current. Then everything went dark.

The blackness faded, and her vision flickered involuntarily as she found herself looking out over a crowd of people at the edge of a pool of water. She was outside, and a starlit sky showcased twin new moons overhead. In her mind, she felt a sense of recognition like she knew everyone gathered around her, yet each face looked completely foreign.

A low chant began to drift from the crowd and Tess watched in horror as person after person collapsed face down. A host of crystals rose from the mound of bodies each shining like a flair as it rose. A pulsing blue and purple light shone from somewhere behind her casting a long shadow over the now shimmering water. As the multitude crystals rose into the air, they began to drift toward her coming to rest over the dark pool. Tendrils of dark purple mist seeped from each crystal extending in her direction. Tess willed her body to move but it did not respond. Soon the many threads blended together creating a shroud around her. Tess felt this body groan in pain, and liquid fire erupted in her veins.

Time itself seemed to stand still, as a lone streak of brilliant white shot across the sky before falling to the horizon. Her mouth moved and a male voice muttered, “Four at the world’s end.” A sudden panic came crashing down on her. She felt the fear strong and hot yet its origin was from someplace outside of herself.

A moment later white fire stretched from the horizon consuming everything in its path. In only a second it was upon her and the fire from within surged forward to confront the blazing death. On contact, her defenses were completely enveloped as her fire was ground out of existence along with both her body and soul. Tess felt a brief moment of unbearable agony then everything stopped.

Slowly a sense of reality began to form as Tess felt a rattling cold that permeated her body. She broke the surface of frigid water with a gasp. A strong wind whipped at her as she found herself tossed by rolling waves. Sputtering for air Tess floundered for a moment before regaining control of her limbs. Everything was dark around her yet in the distance she could see lights shining like brilliant stars. It took a moment to realize it was an enforcer recovery team.

With all the strength she could muster Tess swam for the lights. When at last she neared the shore bright spotlights tracked her, and she could hear muffled shouts in the distance. Laying on the wet sand Tess let the waves crash over her. Too tired to move Tess waited with eyes closed and her fist clutched tight around her crystal. She knew they would come for her. She had done her part. She had survived, and now, at last, she could rest.

It took several minutes before Tess could hear the sound of footsteps sloshing through the water and wet sand towards her. Without asking someone hoisted her off the beach and over their shoulder. She did not resist. Eyes still closed Tess focused all her effort on keeping a firm grasp on her crystal. Fading back and forth from waking and sleeping Tess could feel movement though it was distant as if part of another reality.

When at last the movement stopped Tess shivered awake. For a long moment, Tess peered into the darkness of her room failing to comprehend her surroundings. Like waking from a crazy dream, she remembered bits and pieces of what had happened during her trial but she knew there was so much more just beyond her grasp.

Slowly she uncurled her clenched fist and watched as splashes of purple danced amid the deep black of her crystal. Tess shivered again, and warm tears dropped into her open palm. She had done it, it was really hers.

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