Forsaken (Book #1)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three

There was only one little problem that I ran into. Well, two actually. I didn’t know where the city was and I didn’t know where Grayson was so he couldn’t take me to the city. If Elysia were here I’d be able to tell her but she wasn’t here. So what was I to do now?

I couldn’t exactly go wandering around by myself. As Lucian had pointed out a few minutes ago, I didn’t have my weapons so I was completely and utterly defenseless. Before I had been more than willing to wander around but that’s because I was so sure that Grayson would find me. But he had been absent a lot, and he wasn’t doing the best job of protecting me because of his absence.

I was perfectly aware that he probably had other responsibilities, but he was also supposed to be my protector. I was also one of his responsibilities but no one would know it. I sighed, running a hand through my hair and closing my eyes as I thought about what I should do.

Think! I shouted at myself. What should I do? What would Ilya do?

Ilya…She would do whatever it took to save the people, I knew that for certain. But, how? How would she do it if she didn’t know how to get there and didn’t have a way to get there? That was a question that I didn’t have the answer.

Maybe, my weird Valkyrie powers – that I still didn’t really know how to use – might help me. Valkyries were supposed to be able to predict death right? Somehow I could try to use that and maybe get a clue on where the city was and see if Lucian really was telling the truth. A quick glance at the clock told me that I didn’t have much time. Only an hour.

Okay, we were on a time crunch here. How was I going to be able to use those so-called powers when I had only just been able to use the enhanced speed? I didn’t have long to figure it out. I had to figure out how to do it now. I think it had happened before, but it had been at school and I had touched the person.

So how was I supposed to do it now?

I sunk down onto the couch and buried my head in my hands. Maybe meditating would work, but it was hard to meditate. I was so anxious and was having trouble steadying my breathing. I took a deep breath and then let it out. My rapidly beating heart slowed and I took another deep breath, trying to conjure some sort of image in my head or something to trigger the inherent Valkyrie ability.

I sighed, getting to my feet and feeling a surge of hopelessness. I gasped, and staggered as everything went blurry. I squeezed my eyes shut and when I reopened them I was no longer in my house.

I was standing in front of the city that Grayson and I had been in. A large sign by the gate proclaimed its name as Lurundi. It looked picturesque as it had last time but something was out of place. The acrid smell of smoke hit my senses and I jerked, looking around wildly. My eyes landed on the building that we had headed to for the Council meeting.

It was alight with flames licking at the roof. I shivered and looked away. When I looked back the fire had spread, consuming most of the buildings. I watched in horror as through the gate, a number of people dressed all in black mounted on horses ran through the gate, going after the civilians that were running in fear.

They struck them down. Blood splattered onto the street, as the people running were killed. Their bodies soon filled the streets and soon the whole city was alight. I looked away, uncomfortable at the sight that I had just seen and feeling so incredibly heartbroken. Eventually I lifted my head, because I needed to see it.

But the town was gone and I was standing in a cemetery, with people being buried by the dozen. I looked around looking at all of the freshly dug graves and turned back to the grave that I was standing in front of my mouth falling open when I saw who it was.

Grayson Elijah Rousseau.

No. No. No. No. Not Grayson. I dissolved into tears, sinking to my knees and staring uncomprehendingly at the grave before me. Grayson was dead.

Then in a blink I was back in my house. I looked around, and sank down onto the couch momentarily disoriented. I was still trying to process what I had just seen. I had seen the city – Lurundi – burn. I had seen the people of it die and among those Grayson had been killed. Just the thought of him dying made me want to break down again.

I choked, wiping at my eyes as I began to cry again. Steeling myself, I wiped my eyes and stood up. This crying had to stop, I decided. I have to start acting like I can handle this and take action instead of crying every time some new and scary situation pops up.

I have to toughen up.

I headed towards the door, gripping the door handle firmly and after a moment of hesitation headed outside. Now there was only one more problem facing me. Getting to the city. I was pretty sure that no humans would know where it was, and the only thing I had been able to discern was its name.

But I had to try something.

* * * * *

To my great surprise, when I did get a cab and told him the name of the city he knew exactly where it was. But he was puzzled on to why I was going to an abandoned mental hospital. I just said that I was doing a paper on it, and wanted to get as much information as I could. Thankfully, he seemed to buy it.

The drive took a little longer than I would have liked and by the time we got there it was 10:45. I had fifteen minutes to warn everyone about what the Afterdark was going to do. Thanking the cab driver, I darted out and headed towards the gate where two guards stood, rapiers on one side of their waist, and pistols on the other.

“I need to talk to Grayson or Elysia.” I said.

They glanced at each other before looking at me. The taller of the two said, “State your name and business.”

I sighed, rolling my eyes. “Calla, and I need to speak with Elysia or Grayson.”

Once again they looked at each other. Then in unison they shook their heads, taking a threatening step towards me. I didn’t flinch, just stayed where I was. Inwardly frustration boiled inside of me. I didn’t have time for this!

In the back of my mind I knew that they didn’t know I was trying to save lives, but that notion did little to stem my frustration and quickly mounting anger.

“Just get Elysia, and let her know that I’m here.” I said angrily, crossing my arms and glaring at the two.

“No can do.” The taller one said now glaring at me. “We are supposed to be protecting New Haven, and we don’t know who you are.”

You may not, but Elysia and Grayson do.” I shot back venom in my voice.

They narrowed their eyes at me and then resolutely avoided making eye contact or even looking at me. There was thing tingling sensation on my back and next thing I know the wings – golden – have unfurled and following my gut instinct I pushed off of the ground. With a powerful flap of my newly acquired wings, flew over the guards and the wall. I landed on the other side of the wall and as soon as I had done that the wings were gone.

With a quick glance at the gate, I was sprinting away. The gate slowly opened and I heard the yells of the two guards behind me. I glanced over my shoulder as I continued to run but wasn’t able to see anyone behind me.

I pushed myself to go faster, just in case they were pursuing me and I just wasn’t able to see them. I brushed past a woman holding a baby, just barely managing not to run into them. I leapt over a kid bending down to pick someone up, and stumbled trying to regain my footing.

I passed by this ornate cathedral with stunning mosaic windows and large doors. I was thrown off balance and felt panic streak through my body when I was lifted into the air by an invisible force. I scrabbled at the air uselessly, looking around in a panic.

“What are you doing?” A stern voice asked causing me to relax because I knew exactly who it was.

“Elysia!” I said excitedly, looking down.

She had a stern look on her youthful face and I could tell that she was disappointed in me. For what, I didn’t know.

“What are you doing here, Calla?” She repeated, raising an eyebrow. “You are supposed to be in New York, training not gallivanting around.”

“Just listen!” I exploded. I lowered my voice as people began to openly stare at us. “Listen, Elysia you have to get everyone out of the city.”

“Why?” She asked tilting her head to the side.

I stared at her. Why was she behaving so coldly towards me? What had I done to possibly make her mad? She couldn’t have found out about Lucian. No one knew aside from Lucian and myself. So then, what had I done?

“Elysia, this is important!” I told her beginning to grow frustrated. “Why don’t you believe me?”

“It has been brought to my attention that you were told to stay away from Lucian, yet you did the exact opposite. I can’t trust you knowing that.” Elysia answered stiffly, crossing her arms over her chest.

I looked away from her, guilt surging through my bloodstream. I didn’t know exactly why I was feeling guilty but I knew that it was about my relationship with Lucian.

I sighed. There was no relationship with Lucian, not anymore. I don’t think.

“Elysia please!” I begged. “I think he’s telling the truth! I saw the city being burned in this vision type of thing. If he was lying I wouldn’t have seen that.”

I looked to Elysia, tears blurring my vision. I didn’t want people to die just because I wasn’t able to stay away from Lucian. Elysia stared at me suspiciously, distrust in her posture and in her eyes. I hated that because Lucian and I weren’t able to stay away from each other, I lost the trust of the people I needed to trust me. The people that were my friends, now didn’t want anything to do with me.

Maybe that’s why Grayson had been so scarce recently. Maybe he had figured out or had seen Lucian and I together.

Elysia was still watching me and then I was dropping to the ground, landing unceremoniously and feeling the sharp stones digging into my skin and likely drawing blood. I scrambled back to my feet.

Before we could say anything – or come up with a game plan – the bell tolled. I spun around feeling my blood run cold as I saw the time on the clock. 11:00.

I looked towards the Council building and watched saw the roof beginning to burn. I could just barely make out the shaft of an arrow sticking out from the roof.

My vision was coming true.

Fire licked at the roof of the Council building, casting it in an eerie glow. Smoke was wafting into the sky and the acrid burning smell had soon reached my nose, as the fire spread to the building standing too close to the Council building.

“Elysia you have to get as many people as you can out of here.” I told her, not taking my eyes off the fire as it slowly spread.

An arrow embedded itself in the thatch roof of one of the houses near the gate and it came alight, slowly and then becoming a blazing inferno.

“Now, Elysia.” I said my voice hard as I watched the fire beginning to become more widespread.

Elysia didn’t answer me and I turned to look at her only to find her gone. I looked around wildly searching for her familiar figure but wasn’t able to spot her. In the distance I could see people running and I bolted towards them. As I grew closer I could see Elysia waving her arms wildly and shouting something unintelligible at the people. As she was yelling a shimmery royal blue doorway appeared beside her.

A portal?

Since when could Witches create a Portal? But if it was going to save people I wasn’t going to question it. Even if I couldn’t save anyone, I was just glad that I had helped in saving someone.

“What are you doing here?” A hard voice demanded and I whirled around, a little stunned at the harsh tone.

“Grayson,” I breathed, staring at his cold purple eyes.

“You shouldn’t be here Calla.” He snapped. “Shouldn’t you be spending time with Lucian?”

“No.” I answered. “Saving people is more important than spending time with Lucian. Besides, we aren’t on the best of terms right now.”

“You should go.” Grayson said, although his tone was considerably softer. “You shouldn’t be here Calla.”

“Will you get everyone out that you can?” I asked, staring at him and feeling utterly helpless.

I had brought the vision to Elysia’s notice and in that way I had helped. But I hadn’t done enough. There had to be more that could be done, but I wasn’t the best at fighting, I had lost some trust, and I didn’t know how to use my abilities. Still, I wanted to do more than I had.

“Yes,” Grayson answered. He gave me a gentle smile, “Now go Calla.”

With a nod and a small smile directed his way I was off running through the crowded streets. I was apprehensive about leaving but there was nothing more that I could do.

I could only hope that everything I had been able to do was enough.

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