Forsaken (Book #1)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Four

Two hours later, I had arrived home unscathed. As I had been leaving the city, I could hear the hoof beats coming close to the city and orders shouted in a guttural tongue. Then the screams had started. The sound of the screams was horrible. It was pure unadulterated fear, and I had wanted to turn back and make it stop but that would only result in my death or someone – like Grayson – getting hurt trying to protect me.

So I had forced myself to keep going even though everything in me wanted to go back. Now, at home I was pacing my jaw clenched as I wondered if Grayson had survived. The vision had showed my his gravestone, I wondered if I had changed it with my appearance in the city or if it would still happen. I spun around but paused in my steps. Standing – or hovering, rather was this doorway similar to what Elysia had conjured. The only difference was that this one was a lot less extravagant – by that I mean less shimmery – and the color of it was a royal purple. Anais stepped through the portal, dressed in a matching purple ensemble her eyes bright with tears.

Behind her Elysia emerged, and then behind her streams of people came out of the portal. But I didn’t see Grayson. My heart crawled up my throat and I gripped at my chest, as more and more people came through the portal. Still no Grayson. Just as the last vestiges of people came through and I was beginning to lose all hope, a familiar figure with dark hair and vibrant purple eyes shot through the portal breathing heavily.

With a whoosh of air and a flash of light the doorway disappeared leaving me with a horde of people in my living room. But I wasn’t really focused on them, I was focused on Grayson. Grayson who was alive. I had done it! I had saved him.

“Grayson you’re alive,” I breathed, feeling a smile curling my lips.

He looked up at me, panting heavily and nodded. “Yeah,” He said after a moment.

“No thanks to you.” Anais sneered glaring at me, “It was a pretty close call.”

I flinched back as if struck and look to Grayson only now just noticing that the fabric of his shirt was stained with blood and he was pressing a hand to his side. Blood was trickling down his temple and one of his eyes was starting to swell shut. I bit my lip looking down and feeling so, incredibly guilty.

Firstly for not noticing the extent of his injuries – actually, not noticing he was injured at all – and secondly, for not having warned them sooner. I had only found out about it three hours before they were to be attacked but instead of sitting around here and worrying about what I should do, I should have taken action.

“I’m sorry.” I said my voice little more than a whisper. “I’m so, so sorry.”

Grayson didn’t say anything just looked at me for a long while, his eyes watching me carefully. He only turned away when Anais grabbed his arm and led him into the kitchen. I felt a tickle in my stomach and looked away, recognizing the feeling as jealousy. I shouldn’t be jealous though.

I had basically chosen Lucian over Grayson. I had even told myself that Lucian was who I wanted that I was drawn to him because he was different and he wasn’t truly bad. Even though I had told myself that I wondered if I truly believed that. I think that even though when I was with Lucian and wanted him, I also had unresolved feelings with Grayson. The people who had come through the portal looked around my house. I noticed that most of the people who had come with were women and little children. There were a few men here and there, but the majority were women and children.

Elysia approached me, tucking a strand of red hair behind her ears. Her eyes were surprisingly gentle as she looked at me.

“Thank you for warning us Calla.” Elysia murmured. She looked away from me and at the people who had been brought with. “Though, the warning was almost too late I believe we still managed to save a lot of people. So thank you. You tried to do the right thing.”

“Are they going to be okay?” I asked, looking at the people.

Elysia smiled softly. “Yes. They will be fine, Calla. They will recover and they will look out for each other.” She glanced at me. “Sometimes I think that you forget that we are all supernaturals, and not just humans. We persevere and we bounce back quickly.”

I nodded, and looked away from her suddenly knowing gaze.

“You feel guilty,” She said. “For not telling us ahead of time? Or do you feel guilty because of your attraction to Lucian?”

Instead of answering her I said, “How did you know that I was feeling guilty?”

“Empathy.” Elysia said with a shrug. “I’m not the most adept at sensing it. It only happens if the emotion is strong enough, and right now you are feeling immense guilt. For what?”

“For everything.” I answered back slowly. “For not giving you advanced warning. If I had, everyone would have been safe and no one would have gotten hurt. And of course I feel guilty about Lucian. I…He seemed different to me, and I trusted him. I still think I do trust him, but if I hadn’t of been distracted with him maybe I’d be further in my training and maybe they wouldn’t have targeted the city.”

Elysia shook her head. “Your relationship with Lucian might have given them an extra motive, but they were already targeting the city. You did your best Calla.”

I disagreed with her but I didn’t voice it. I hadn’t done my best. If I had been doing my best I would have been focused on my training and stopping Darya from being summoned by the Afterdark. But I hadn’t. I had been focused on Lucian and the possibility of a relationship with Lucian.

Now, I had learned from my error in judgment. I wouldn’t let Lucian – or Grayson – distract me. I would do what they intended for me to do and after everything was done, then maybe I would look for a relationship. My mission was to stop Darya and that was what I would do.

* * * * *

I drew Elysia to the side, away from the people though I was sure that they could still probably here us.

“I know that I’m supposed to stop Darya, but how? I’ve been told to kill the people summoning her and to destroy the ingredients, but is there anything else?” I asked pitching my voice low so it would be harder for someone to eavesdrop on our conversation.

Elysia pursed her lips in thought. “No,” she finally said, “there is nothing. When summoning Darya the Witches of the Afterdark will use a pentagram. Destroying that will interfere with the summoning and moving or destroying the ingredients will also help. The most effective way would be killing the Witches taking part in the summoning.”

“Won’t they be heavily guarded though? Or at least have a back-up plan? Like I don’t know, having other Witches on stand-by?” I asked being a little sarcastic.

“That’s always a possibility Calla. But we just have to stop the summoning. Do whatever it takes.” Elysia answered. “Is that all you wanted to talk about?” I nodded. “Good. Then I must take care of the people.”

She walked away and I watched her go, consumed by my thoughts. They wanted me to – more or less – do whatever it takes to stop Darya from being summoned. Despite that, I knew that it would be difficult killing people who had done nothing to me.

The Witches of the Afterdark were trying to summon an evil demon, but they had never tried to kill me before so when it came down to it I would still have trouble killing them. However, knowing that they were summoning a demon who would probably end the world made a huge difference. So maybe I wouldn’t have such a hard time with it as I thought I would.

I sighed, heading into the kitchen to check on Grayson when I stopped short at the sound of laughter. I peered into the kitchen my stomach twisting as I saw Anais leaning close to Grayson as the two of them were talking. A small smile was on Grayson’s face and he looked happy.

I hadn’t seen him look happy in a long time, and my heart broke because she was able to make him smile and laugh. I wasn’t able to do that. I hadn’t been able to do that since our kiss. The kiss with Grayson had effectively ruined everything. For a time I was on this euphoric high because Grayson had kissed me and it had been wonderful. But then everything between the two of us had become awkward and strained, and then whatever I had with Lucian came to an end because he saw the kiss.

Though, Grayson and I had kissed before I even started anything with Lucian. I watched them sadly as Anais jerked away from him with a laugh, her cheeks turning pink. I walked into the kitchen plastering a fake smile on my face as I headed to the fridge.

Neither of them spoke to me and it hurt. I understood that Anais didn’t like me. When the two of us had met she had been jealous because Grayson and I although having just met were starting to forge a relationship. But with Grayson it stung. We had been friends, and he had been training me. We had understandably grown close, but now to have him ignore me.

It hurt.

“Are you okay?” I asked, pouring a glass of milk. I put it back in the fridge and shut the door softly.

Grayson’s eyes were wary as he watched me. “Yes.” He hesitated. “Are you?”

“I’m fine.” I mustered a shaky smile. “I…I’m sorry, for everything.”

Grayson’s eyes softened and he gave me a small smile. My heart lightened and I felt a little happier. It wasn’t a lot, but it was a start and that was more than I could have asked for.

I could only hope that I would be able to win their trust and friendship back before Halloween.

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