Forsaken (Book #1)

Chapter Chapter Six

After my little declaration all was silent. Grayson evidently didn’t know how to respond to that. If he had said anything it wouldn’t have changed my stance. I was supposed to be New Haven’s savior – at least that’s what Grayson had been telling me – and I figured that I could just ask for a few little things in exchange for saving their lives and preventing a demon from rising. Granting my requests was the least that they could do for me.

Assuming that everything would go smoothly.

Anais kneeled on the floor, grabbing a few herbs from her different piles and then grabbing a bracelet from her bag. I watched her silently. I wanted to make sure that she wouldn’t hurt any of the people that she was supposed to be helping me protect. I was sure she wouldn’t but she didn’t like me. People would do crazy things to harm someone that they didn’t like.

“Have you read anymore of the book?” Grayson asked.

“Yeah.” I answered. “It’s…interesting. All the stories about Ilya, are interesting. Are you sure that I’m her descendant?”

Grayson nodded, a confused expression appearing on his face.

“It’s just…she’s this fearsome warrior. She’s strong and demands respect, and I’m not like that. It’s hard for me to believe that I’m her descendant when we’re polar opposites, and I have these expectations to live up to. Unrealistic expectations for me.” I explained. By the end of my little spiel, Grayson still looked a little confused. “Are you absolutely sure that I’m her descendant?”

“Yes.” Grayson sighed a little aggravated. “All of New Haven is sure that you are the descendant of Ilya. Why is that so hard to believe? Is it because your personalities are different? That’s a stupid reason to doubt being her descendant.”

I looked down at the dark hardwood floor beneath my feet. Grayson had hit the nail right on the hand. I was doubting because Ilya and I were complete opposites. I didn’t see how someone like me could be related to someone like her. It just didn’t make any sense to me. I sighed.

I was being stupid. That much was clear. Of course our personalities would be different. We came from completely different worlds but it still seemed like everyone was expecting me to be like Ilya. There was this enormous amount of pressure on me because I was her descendant. No matter how much training I received I would never be Ilya.

I don’t think anyone really understood that. I don’t even think I understood it. Not until now. I wouldn’t be Ilya no matter how much training I received, I wouldn’t be Ilya. I wouldn’t be this all-powerful, Valkyrie commanding respect.

I would just be Calla.

A tougher, stronger, version of Calla. But ultimately I would still just be Calla, not Ilya. Though I was her descendant I would never be Ilya. I wouldn’t be able to come close to being her. But I would be Calla, and I’d be the best version of Calla that I could be.

“Calla?” Grayson asked getting my attention.

“Hm?” I looked at him.

“Anais is done with three charms. How many do you need?” Grayson said.

I looked at Anais. Her face was pale and sweat was beading on her forehead. She looked terrible and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the cost of magic. My eyes fell to the herbs and I saw two bracelets and a ring, sitting in front of Anais. They emitted a soft blue glow as they laid on the ground.

Three charms would only be enough for Cassie and my parents. I didn’t need that many protection charms but I would rather have a few extras just in case. Looking at Anais, I knew that I couldn’t ask her to make more charms now. She looked like she was going to drop dead at any moment.

“Three charms is sufficient for now.” I finally said. “I might need more later but right now I think that three is good.”

Grayson nodded. I kept my gaze on Anais, noting how she sagged a little and relief filled her eyes. No matter how much I disliked her, I didn’t want to see her nearly kill herself.

“Okay.” Grayson said. He turned his attention to Anais. “Thank you Anais. I’ll contact you if we need more of the charms.” His next words were directed towards me. “Now, we are going to start training you.”

That sounded ominous. But it couldn’t be too bad.

* * * * *

I hit the mat with a thump, my breath whooshing out of my lungs. Grayson and I had been sparring for three hours now. Actually it was more like I had been getting my ass kicked for three hours. We were sparring in a private room at one of the more prestigious gyms. Fortunately, this gym had a spa so once I was done getting my butt kicked I could go and relax.

“You need to anticipate what I’m going to do before I do it.” Grayson said, extending a hand down and helping me to my feet.

“I’m sorry that I’m not a mind reader.” I snapped.

“You’re doing well for a beginner.” Grayson reassured me. “But if you want any hope of going up against Lucian or Alaric, you need to improve really quick.”

I just sighed. Since we had started sparring Grayson had been saying that a lot. I knew that I wasn’t the best fighter – I didn’t expect to be – but expecting me to go up against Lucian and Alaric seemed to be a little much.

“Let’s try something else.” Grayson said, rocking back on his heels and observing me. “Let’s see if you can use any Valkyrie abilities.”

“I can barely fight you. Yet, somehow you think I can somehow just unlock these Valkyrie abilities.” I said with narrowed eyes.

“Point taken.” Grayson answered with a nod. “But we-”

He stopped talking, eyes fixating on something behind me. Before I could even turn around Grayson was a blur, moving at a speed faster than my eyes could follow. By the time I had turned around Grayson was standing in front of me, clutching a dagger in his hand. A dagger that was surely meant for me.

My eyes widened and I peered over his shoulder trying to see who had sent it on its deadly spiral towards me. Molten gold filled my vision and heat pooled in my belly. God, I wish that I could find him unattractive but I couldn’t. Lucian was handsome. You’d have to be blind not to see how handsome he is.

“Bravo Grayson, nice to know you’re not slacking in your duties.” Lucian murmured mockingly. “Cheerio, Calla.”

“What’s with the English accent that you’ve suddenly decided to adopt?” I asked him suspiciously.

Grayson gave me a warning look, not pleased that I was interacting with Lucian. Lucian just threw his head back in laughter, his golden eyes lighting up with amusement.

“Blunt. I like it.” Lucian said his voice filled with admiration. “You know the Afterdark would love you,” he purred. “Feel free to switch sides any time.”

“I’m good.” I said a little uneasily.

“Suit yourself.” Lucian answered with a shrug. “As for the English accent that I so recently acquired, I was just in England. I was born in England too so it was quite easy for me to pick back up.”

“You were?” I asked him suddenly interested.

“Uh uh. You can’t ask me any questions unless a) I get to ask you questions or b) you join the Afterdark.” Lucian tutted.

Yeah not going to happen, I thought. I crossed my arms looking away from him suddenly feeling like we were playing this dangerous game and I was doing exactly what he wanted me to. A growl rumbled in Grayson’s chest.

Then with extreme speed he launched the dagger at Lucian. I expected Lucian to flinch or try to move out of the way or something. I didn’t expect him to just stand there as the dagger came flying through the air towards him. My mouth opened in a silent gasp when his arm shot up, his hand closing around the hilt of the dagger as he caught it.

“Thanks for returning the dagger,” Lucian said. His eyes fell on me. “I’ll see you later Calla lily.”

My cheeks flushed and then he was just gone.

“Can all of you do that?” I questioned, still staring at the spot where Lucian had been standing.

“No. Only Vampires and Demons.” Grayson said shortly. “Let’s keep practicing.”

We sparred for only an hour before Grayson decided that we should take a break. I could tell that the encounter with Lucian had rattled him and I wanted to make him feel better but I didn’t know how. The two had a past – a sordid one – and nothing I said would erase that or make Grayson feel better.

“Tonight, I think it’d be good for you to read more about the abilities that a Valkyrie has. Also read up on weapons.” Grayson told me as we walked out of the gym.

“You want me to get started with weapons?” I asked him a little surprised.

“We have two months until Samhain. That means two months to prevent the Afterdark from summoning Darya successfully. And if they do, you need to know how to fight her. Hand-to-hand isn’t going to help you when all of your opponents are using weapons.” Grayson told me.

Grudgingly, I had to admit that he was right. But I did feel like we were going a little fast with the whole learning how to fight thing. But I did understand that there was a need for urgency. I didn’t agree with it necessarily but I understood it.

When I went up against the Afterdark in a fight I needed to win. There was no other option.

“So how often are we going to do this sparring thing?” I asked Grayson as we walked back to my house.

The gym was in an affluent neighborhood – meaning that it was really close to my house. I think two or three blocks. The trees lining the sidewalk provided a little bit of cover as dark gray clouds were gathering overhead. Grayson stumbled in his steps and I reached out to steady him.

“I’m fine.” He brushed me off. “We’ll be sparring every night, but I have to go.”

Then he just disappeared like Lucian had. I sighed in aggravation. Seriously? My protector just left me here all by myself? What if Lucian or Alaric showed up, or someone else from the Afterdark? Then what was I supposed to do?

I ducked my head, quickening my pace so that I would get home quicker and hopefully avoid anyone that might be after me. God, I was becoming so paranoid. I’d say that I had every right to be a little paranoid though.

I passed by an alleyway, made it two steps and then was yanked into the darkness a hand covering my mouth. My back was pressed against a solid chest and I squirmed trying to throw the person off of me or disorient them.

“Oh that’s so cute, she thinks that she can fight us off.” A voice cooed.

Another voice said in a scathing voice, “This is supposed to be the great Ilya’s descendant?”

“Ooh I’m shaking in my boots!” Another voice chimed in.

I screamed. It wasn’t like I knew what to do. I wasn’t really that adept at fighting – I had only started learning today – and if my scream was loud enough maybe someone would come to my rescue. But my scream was muffled by my assailant’s hand. I wriggled in his grip, throwing my elbow back into his stomach but he didn’t let me go.

“Hey, boys.” An eerily similar voice said. “We aren’t supposed to be terrorizing her. Yet.”


I couldn’t tell if I was relieved by his appearance or frightened. Probably a little bit of both.

“Lucian.” Two of the three voices groaned.

The person, that had been holding me abruptly let go of me and I stumbled. Then before I could see anything else happen I was off running, completely shaken by the whole encounter. By the time I reached my house, I was huffing and puffing. I had never really been a runner and running – even for a couple blocks – left me winded.

I stopped short just steps in front of my house. Sitting on the front steps, twirling a dagger in his hands was Lucian.

“You know, you could always thank me for you know, saving your life.” Lucian said with a charming smile, golden eyes meeting my emerald.

“Why did you?” I asked him before I could stop myself. “Why did you save my life?”

“We aren’t supposed to go after you. Yet.” Lucian answered, “That’s why I saved your life.” He sighed, “Don’t go thinking that it’s because I have a conscience. I don’t. We aren’t supposed to kill you yet.”

“But you’ll have to eventually. So why stop them from killing me when in the end I’ll end up dead anyways?” I pressed.

Lucian got to his feet, his eyes hard. “Let it go Calla.”

“No.” I said stubbornly. “Why did you stop them from killing me?”

“Because I want the honor of doing it myself.” He answered.

While that would have been the most believable thing – considering he was either a Vampire or a Demon – and I should have just dropped the matter. I was unable to do so. What he had said just felt like a lie to me.

Before I could press him for more answers, he disappeared.

Dang it.

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