Forsaken (Book #1)

Chapter Chapter Seven

Sunday passed similarly to Saturday with Grayson and I spending a lot of our time at the gym sparring and improving my fighting skills. I wasn’t doing well – I was absolutely horrendous – but Grayson continued to insist that I was doing spectacularly. In between bouts of sparring Grayson and I tried to figure out how to tap into my dormant Valkyrie abilities.

Needless to say that wasn’t going very well either. There was nothing. Nada. Zilch. The most I had gotten out of that was a baseball sized bruise on my side.

Luckily we still had at least two months before I had to be battle ready. But at the rate this was going, I was never going to be ready to go up against the Afterdark. Waking up on Monday my body ached and I was extremely sore. I slowly crawled out of bed and walked into my bathroom to take a nice warm shower.

The hot water stung the skin of my back a little but it soothed my muscles. I wrapped a towel around my body slowly and painstakingly. Changing into clothes was quite the challenge because lifting my arms hurt like hell. But I managed to do it, slipping into a thin gray cotton shirt and black pleated skirt. I tucked the shirt into the skirt and grabbed a black leather jacket from my closet.

It had been a Christmas gift from my aunt and I had never worn it until now. I brushed my hair and then pulled it into a high ponytail. Before leaving for school I decided that I would glance at the book and see if there were any tips on getting a Valkyrie to use her powers or on fighting.

I needed every edge that I could get. I traipsed down the stairs, my footsteps light and froze when I came to the bottom of the stairs. There standing near the door and dressed impeccably as always was Andrea McCarthy.

My adoptive mother. There was not an ounce of gray in her hair and her blue eyes glittered coldly betraying no emotion as she stared at me. She was dressed in a black dress underneath a tan trench coat.

“Calla.” She greeted me voice void of any emotion. “Why aren’t you at school?”

“It doesn’t start for thirty more minutes mother.” I returned back tone cordial. “I will get there on time.” I took a deep breath. “I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until next week?”

“Yes, well your father and I had a minor disagreement so I am back early. I will be leaving on the next flight to Los Angeles.” She answered her tone a little sharp.

“And dad?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Will be staying in London for another week to secure the business deal.”

I nodded. She sighed, reaching up to rub her temples. Then she muttered something about going to bed, needing a drink and jet lag before trudging up the stairs. Once she was gone I hurried over to the couch where the book was laying. I glanced up at the stairs nervously before turning my attention to the book.

Ilya was skilled with many blades as are all Valkyrie. Weapons that feel the most comfortable and natural for the Valkyrie include: dagger, katana, sabers and rapiers.

While that was helpful information it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. Flipping through the book I found nothing on awakening dormant abilities – just what abilities the Valkyrie had. They could choose if someone lives or dies – but only in battles they are not part of, predict death, they had immortality, the ability of flight with their wings, enhanced speed and strength, and the ability to compel.

I could do none of the above. A horn honked from outside. I stood up, closed the book and headed over to the door grabbing my backpack. Just before I headed out, I looked back at the couch where the book was laying biting my lip.

Could I really leave it here with my adoptive mom? No. Not with the knowledge that she would more than likely throw it away. My adopted parents had high expectations of me – mom more so than dad – and as a little kid I was only allowed to read nonfiction books. Or if I did read fiction books they weren’t to be fantasy books. Andrea would consider the book laying on the ground a fantasy novel and she would throw it away.

I couldn’t let that happen. I needed the book. Quickly I darted to the couch, grabbing the book and stuffing it into my backpack before sprinting out of the door and heading toward the car where the driver was waiting impatiently. The drive to school was filled with silence, broken only by the sound of the radio. Outside the sky was a melancholy shade of gray and it was starting to drizzle lightly.

I stepped out of the car and jogged lightly into the school. Cassie was unsurprisingly waiting by the door and upon seeing me her eyes lit up. She made a bee line for me, linking our arms and glancing at my outfit. Her eyes trailed from my scuffed combat boots to the leather jacket and then to my hair.

“Not bad, but next time ditch the boots.” Cassie said.

I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t going to take her advice. Cassie looked effortlessly preppy wearing a black pleated skirt, silver long sleeved shirt, and black ballet flats. The colors of the teams at school were black and silver, and Cassie made sure that whenever there were tryouts or games that she was wearing black and silver.

“I got you something.” I said abruptly to her and she looked at me surprised. From the pocket of my jacket I withdrew the silver tennis bracelet that Anais had charmed.

“It’s so pretty.” Cassie cooed taking it eagerly and sliding it onto her wrist. “And it’s perfect because it goes with my outfit! Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” I answered back. “Have the seniors started hazing the freshmen yet?”

Cassie pouted, “No. But I am hopeful that they still will today.”

We ascended the stairs. My nose wrinkled at the sight of freshmen standing on the second floor in clusters, water bottles and pieces of paper littering the floor. Cassie scowled eyeing the freshmen with distaste. When they saw the look on Cassie’s face they scattered heading back downstairs while two of them picked up the paper and water bottles and threw it in the trash.

“Oh they are so afraid of us.” Cassie said jovially as we arrived at our lockers.

I just shook my head with a laugh, opening my locker and putting my backpack in it. I tucked my phone into the pocket of my leather jacket and then began to gather the things that I needed for our first class. I closed my locker, leaning patiently against it as I waited for Cassie to finish getting her things.

“Ready?” I asked her once she shut her locker.

“Yeah.” Cassie answered sounding less than thrilled.

We walked to class – English – and upon stepping into the room the familiar smell of coffee and donuts flooded into the hallway. Mrs. Jordan – a woman fresh out of college – loved her coffee and her donuts, and also loved to give the donuts and the coffee to her first class of the day. That was why she was Cassie’s – and my – favorite teacher. She gave us friendly smile from where she was standing at the podium but her smile became a little strained when her eyes landed on the bracelet that Cassie was wearing.

“Hi Mrs. Jordan,” Cassie greeted her with a bright smile, taking her seat at the front of the class.

“Good morning Cassie and Calla,” Mrs. Jordan said with a smile as I sat my stuff beside Cassie’s.

“Morning Mrs. Jordan,” I echoed with a small smile.

Cassie and Mrs. Jordan made small talk as students slowly filtered into the classroom as the minutes passed by. When the bell rang almost everyone was in the classroom. Cassie and Mrs. Jordan finished their conversation and Mrs. Jordan stepped out from behind the podium and towards the door.

“Today before we begin, we are getting two new students.” Mrs. Jordan said. The door opened and two familiar people stepped in. “Please be nice to Grayson and Lucian.”

Behind me someone muttered, “They’re so hot.”

I kept my attention on Grayson and Lucian as they stepped further into the classroom. When Mrs. Jordan had introduced Lucian her voice had oozed with warmth but when she had mentioned Grayson, it had fallen slightly and turned a little bitter.

Could she be a part of this too?

I almost shook my head. I was being too paranoid. It was just a coincidence. Grayson looked like a bad boy more than Lucian did. Little did they know that Lucian was something much worse. The two walked leisurely to the tables with Grayson taking a seat next to me and Lucian sitting behind me.

“Good morning petite moineau,” Lucian said in a gleeful voice making no attempt to mask the thinly veiled malice.

I didn’t reply to him, just ducked my head and tried to focus on the words that Mrs. Jordan were saying. Lucian with his long legs kicked the leg of my chair.

“Petite moineau,” He said with disappointment in his voice. “I’m talking to you.”

“Lucian please stop talking.” Mrs. Jordan said sternly although there was an undercurrent of amusement hidden in her tone. “The first book we will be reading this semester is Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. I’m sure that you all know the story of it but this will prepare you for similarly styled stories, plays, or poems. Romeo and Juliet is a story about the star-crossed lovers of the same names. As we all know, the story doesn’t end happily but I hope that each one of you will take something meaningful away from the story.”

Some of the class moaned, and grumbled. While others – like Cassie – looked enthused about it. Mrs. Jordan allowed a small smile to slip onto her face.

She clapped her hands together, “Now let’s begin.”

* * * * *

After class was over, Cassie and I headed to our lockers. She wanted to corner me and confront me about Grayson and Lucian but she wasn’t able to as the two followed us to our locker. Actually they didn’t follow us, their lockers just happened to be right next to mine. Cassie sighed with annoyance as Lucian stepped next to me, opening his own locker.

Beside him I could see the look of annoyance and anger on Grayson’s face. Once Lucian had gathered his books he leaned close to me.

“Petite moineau, why aren’t you speaking to me?” He cooed. Then in a low voice – too low for anyone else to here – said, “I saved your life remember?”

“You still didn’t tell me why.” I shot back just as quiet.

“Maybe I will when you start speaking to me.” Lucian answered leaning closer to me.

I inhaled sharply, tensing. With wide eyes I stayed frozen as he brushed a feather light kiss on my cheek. Then he straightened and walked away, leaving the rest of us in stunned silence.

It seemed that Lucian was going to bring nothing but trouble with him. But watching him walked away I couldn’t help but feel thrilled. Even though he was supposed to be an enemy he had never done anything to make me hate him or distrust him.

For goodness sake, he saved my life. So even though he was my enemy and I knew I shouldn’t trust him – let alone get near him – but I couldn’t help but be intrigued and drawn to him. Even though a friendship with him would end badly, that wasn’t enough to make me stay away.

Maybe then I’d get to find out why he saved me.

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