Forgot To Tell You Something: An Angsty, Later in Life Romance

Forgot To Tell You Something: Chapter 33

Must maintain a strong front. Must maintain a strong front.

Who the hell am I kidding? I’m a marshmallow where Dr. Owen Stevens is concerned.

I’ll admit that some part of me prayed he would stride into my apartment and sweep me off my feet, promising me and Nugget a happier life. But after recent events, I had my doubts.

I’ve never been so glad to be wrong.

I zipper my suitcase closed, glancing over my shoulder at Owen leaning against the doorjamb. “You don’t have to look so pleased with yourself, you know.”

“I’ve earned this smirk, Darlin. You’ve been a stubborn pain in the ass the last couple of months.”

I spin around, crossing my arms over my chest and sending him a haughty glare. “I am not a pain in the ass.” At his raised brows, I concede, “if I was, it’s your fault. Don’t forget that.”

Owen drops the fedora on my head, swooping in to steal a kiss. “How can I? You won’t let me. Come on, Tally, let’s go home. Hecate’s patience is wearing thin.”

“You’re assuming she had any to begin with. That cat is the definition of spoiled.”

One arm drops around my shoulder, his other hand grabbing my suitcase. “How spoiled is our kid going to be?”

“As spoiled as Hecate. Obviously,” I declare, a smile resting on my lips. It’s amazing how much easier everything seems now that the truth is out on the table.

And who knows? Maybe I’ll get that back-bending sex, after all.

 Maybe not.

I release an audible groan inside my vehicle when I spy Charlotte standing next to her white Mercedes in Owen’s parking garage. I swear, the woman always looks immaculate. She must have a beauty team hidden in her trunk.

But her presence reminds me, once again, of my place. I may be carrying Owen’s child, but she’s not ready to release the claim on her man.

Her man. 

Wow. That’s the first time I’ve uttered those words, even to myself.

Am I jealous?

Abso-fucking-lutely. She’s gorgeous and rich and important and I…wear a fedora. I’m owned by the wickedest cat in the world, so that ups my cool factor, but I’m also the woman relegated to accepting Owen’s charity until I find a new place. Charlotte could buy the state of Florida on one credit card and still have money for designer shoes.

Let’s not get me started on the difference in the looks department.

I push open my car door, as all my excitement deflates like a day-old balloon. Owen is already by my side, a strained expression on his face. I shoot him a glare from the driver’s seat, because I’m in no mood today.

Or any day, for that matter.

“Should I go?” I mutter, watching Charlotte approach from the corner of my eye. Fabulous.

“Why would you ask that question?”

Usually, I’m subtle. I try not to make an ass of myself or anyone else. Well, subtlety can kiss my hormonal butt. Raising my hand in Charlotte’s direction, I roll my eyes. “I can’t imagine where that question would have come from.”

“Tally, I’m going to get rid of her.”

“Don’t do it on my account,” I grumble, offering his statuesque ex-fiancée a thin smile. “Hi there, Charlotte.”

“Tallulah,” she replies, her voice even and measured. “You’re a surprise.”

“Actually, you’re a surprise,” Owen barks, pulling Hecate’s carrier and my suitcase from the backseat. “What are you doing here?”

Charlotte blanches at his pointed accusation. For a split second, I feel sorry for her. I can’t blame her for loving the man. God knows I do, too.

She pulls a large envelope from her satchel. “I have the paperwork regarding the lease for the training center. We need to discuss—”

“Not tonight,” Owen shakes his head at Charlotte before nudging me with the suitcase. “Come on, our dinner is waiting.”

I wish I was better at being cold-hearted, but sarcasm is about as far as I go. With a sigh, I grab the handle of my suitcase. “You two go ahead, I’ll take my stuff up.”

“Are you visiting?” Charlotte inquires, and I realize I’m going to have to speak to her.

“I lost the lease on my apartment, so I’m staying here until I find another place.”

“She’s not finding another place. She’s moving in,” Owen interjects, those gray eyes flashing at me.

I shrug, pulling the suitcase toward me. “Seriously, take care of business. I have to unpack, anyway.”

“I’ll take your things upstairs,” Owen grits out and I realize I’m not winning this battle.

It’s amazing how long an elevator ride can be. In reality, it’s only twenty seconds. But, standing in between Charlotte and Owen, with both of them towering over me, it feels like forever.

As soon as Owen swings open the door, I grab my suitcase, awaiting further instructions.

“Since you insist on carrying it yourself, you know where the bedroom is,” Owen mutters, freeing Hecate from her plastic prison.

The cat looks at each of us in turn, hisses, and runs under the sofa.

I totally get you, Hecate. Come to think of it, can I join you?

No point in standing around, staring—I mean glaring—at each other. I turn and haul my suitcase down the hallway, ignoring Owen’s silent plea for understanding.

Sorry, Doc, I’m fresh out of love and understanding.

Within the space of fifteen minutes, I’ve unpacked my essentials. Now, I’m sprawled across the bed in the guest room, laptop open and mission clear.

Owen’s place needs to be a temporary landing. Very temporary.

I hear the door open, but don’t bother to look. Unless Hecate has developed opposable thumbs, I know who it is.

The mattress sinks next to me, as Owen’s talented hands skate along my abdomen. “What are you doing back here?”

I grab his hand, shoving it off my body. “I’m looking for an apartment.”

Owen rolls me over, resting his forearms on either side of my body. “Tally, you moved in less than an hour ago. You live here now.”

“I appreciate the help, but I can’t live with you.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want to be the third wheel with you and your ex-fiancée. Fiancée. What the fuck ever.”

I expect that my statement will rile Owen’s anger. Instead, I watch that sexy as hell smirk travel across his face. What the hell is so damn amusing?

“You are hardly the third wheel.” He presses a finger to my lips, keeping me quiet. ‘I informed Charlotte that these unscheduled visits had to stop. I told her you were stressed enough, and that you and the baby—”

I bolt upright. “You told Charlotte about the baby?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

My mind races. “There are so many reasons to not tell that woman. First, she wants you back. Second, she could tank your deal. Third,”—I hesitate, because that’s really all I have to work with—“you’re not supposed to say anything until twelve weeks. It’s bad luck.”

The smirk widens as his large hands ease me back onto the mattress. “First, I don’t want her back. Second, it’s not Charlotte’s deal. It’s her father’s and trust me, he wants it completed. Third,” he murmurs, his lips caressing my neck, “I’m excited about our baby and I want to tell everyone. Sue me.”

“I might have to,” I grumble, shoving at his iron chest. “Get off, Owen.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do, Darlin.”

His words are playful, coaxing me to let him back in and forget everything before this moment. But my heart is not a cat toy—something to be batted about and then discarded when a newer toy appears. “It’s not going to work like this.”

Owen sighs, pulling himself to a seated position. “Is that why you’re camped out in here?”

“Should I take the other bedroom?”

“Yes, your sweet ass should be in our bedroom, where I can strip you naked and adore every delectable inch of you.”

I throw up my hands, jumping to my feet. “See? This is what I’m talking about. We can’t do this,”—I motion between the two of us—“anymore. It’s not healthy.”

Owen runs his hand over his scalp. “Trust me, I get it, Darlin. It’s been difficult for both of us. Charlotte has ruined far too many nights.”

I shake my head. “That’s just it, Owen. It’s not just Charlotte. You’re an active participant, too. She’s been destroying things between us, and she will keep doing it. Worse, you’ll keep allowing it. Something has to give, and that something is me.” I wag my finger at him, daring him to cut into my diatribe. “I really appreciate you helping me out, giving me and Hecate a place to stay. But this is temporary, Owen. I won’t be a third wheel. I won’t be your roommate, and—”

“Let me guess. We can’t be intimate anymore,” Owen spits out, his foot tapping against the floor.

“Exactly. I’m glad you understand.”

“Like hell I do. I’m not giving you up, and I’m not giving up on us. Now, I’ll admit that this situation is beyond screwed, but I fixed it tonight. Don’t believe me? Call Charlotte.”

“I don’t want to call your ex-fiancée. I’d rather go through a root canal without Novocain. How many people have to put up with the crap I’m dealing with, Owen?”

He grabs my wrists, pulling my ass back onto the bed. “You’re right, and it ended tonight. I promise you.”

“I don’t believe you.”

A grin splits Owen’s face as his mouth closes around one of my fingers. Damn this man and his talented tongue. “I’m fully aware of that fact, which is why you can remain stubborn and angry. In the interim, I will continue to seduce the fuck out of you until you cave.”

God, I hate how delicious that sounds. “You think I’ll cave? Have we met?”

“Darlin, I think those pregnancy hormones are going to be raging soon—if they aren’t already—and you’ll be begging me to sink inside you.” His lips nip my neck, and I hesitate one second too long before shooing him away.

He knows he has me.

“I also have you living under the same roof, now. So, if it makes you feel better to draw your line in the sand and stay back here, be my guest. But don’t think for one second that you aren’t going to be mine. Not happening, Tally.”

 “Let me get this straight. You’re living with Owen but not sleeping with him, and that is entirely your decision?” Stefani pops a fry into her mouth, shooting me an exasperated scowl.

I nod, ignoring her incredulous stare. “He didn’t give me much of a choice. He barged into my apartment, hired some movers, and whisked me off to his condo. It actually worked out, because Mrs. Smalls needed the space for her grandson.”

“Way to ignore the question.”

“We both know that Owen is gorgeous and sexy as hell. But, and this is huge but, he also sees his ex-fiancée almost every day.”

“I thought you said he fixed that problem.”

Damn Stefani and her elephant-like memory. “Okay, so I may be exaggerating. Since I moved in, Owen sees Charlotte once or twice a week. But that’s still too many times. He’s not supposed to be hanging out with his ex-fiancée at all. That’s why she’s his ex!”

“Thankfully, the rigamarole for the training center is almost completed, right? Then, your life can get back to happy sex times.”

I grunt, shaking my head. “It’s not that simple.”

Stefani gives my shoulder a gentle rub. “You don’t feel you measure up? Am I right?”

I hate how transparent I am, and I worry that Owen realizes the truth, too. “How can I not? I have a healthy self-confidence, but that woman is supermodel material. I look like I ate a beach ball.”

“You do not. You’re adorable.”

“Yeah, an adorable person who ate a beach ball.”

I don’t mention my battle with the full-length bathroom mirror today. It’s unnatural how much bigger I look than last week. I went from a three-months pregnant belly to six in the blink of an eye.

I’m exaggerating again, but these pregnancy hormones are not helping my cause. Neither is the six-foot statuesque beauty who is champing at the bit to bring Owen back into her clutches.

At this point, I’m not sure which of us looks more pathetic. Me, homeless and crashing in Owen’s guest room or Charlotte plying him with million-dollar deals.

“Stop being so damn hard on yourself. You also need to stop focusing your energy on Charlotte. Owen doesn’t want her, Lu. If he did, he would have reconciled with her already.”

“Fine,” I mutter, stealing a fry from her plate. Stefani definitely got the bigger serving. “Tell me about your dates with Dan.”

The smile creeping across her face speaks volumes, and for a minute, I forget about the craziness called my life.

Hey, at least one of us is getting laid.

I arrive back at the condo an hour later, and pause to appreciate the view. It’s a gorgeous location, but aren’t most million-dollar pads? I wager his apartment with Charlotte resembled Buckingham Palace.

Speaking of the ice queen, at least her car is nowhere around. I hold my breath every time I pull into the parking garage, certain I’ll see her waiting for Owen like some gorgeous, insane stalker.

I open the front door, greeted by the smell of cinnamon apples wafting through the air. I don’t know how, but this place always smells like the inside of a bakery. Damn, now I’m hungry again.

“Hecate,” I call out, climbing the steps to the rooftop garden. No sign of little miss priss, but it is a gray day. “Hecate, where are you?”

“We’re in here,” Owen calls from the bedroom.

His bedroom.

I pause by the door, releasing a fake scoff of indignation. “Seriously?”

Owen offers a sleepy smile from his spot on the bed, my cat curled up next to him. “I told you that Hecate makes the final decision.”

“Now, I know where she’s been the last few nights. Traitorous animal. So much for loyalty.”

Owen chuckles, stroking Hecate’s head. “Jealous? Come here, I’ll scratch your head, too.”

I glare at him even though a warm flush passes through my body. “Pass.”

“You know you want it.”

“I know no such thing,” I volley back.

“Stop being such a hardass, Tally.”

“Why should I?”

“You’re not very good at it. You’re no more immune to me than I am to you. But you wanted your space, so I’m letting you have it.”

“Thanks,” I mutter, although I’m not sure how thankful I am. Owen was right, my pregnancy hormones are raging, and the sight of him half-naked in bed is mighty appealing.

“Yep, you’ll have to make the first move.”

“Noted.” I’m horny as hell, no doubt about it, but I would sooner swallow fire than approach Owen after everything.

“How are you feeling?”

I shrug. “Tired. But I guess that’s normal. The best part is that I look more tired than I feel.”

His eyes wander over my face, a smile lighting up his mouth. “You’re glowing.”

“I’m probably sweating.”

“Okay, Ms. ‘I can’t take a compliment’. I stand by my first observation.” Owen chuckles, putting his arms behind his head and showing off that delectable chest full of muscles and ink. I have to hand it to him, the man knows what he has to work with, and he is shameless about flaunting it. In front of me, at least.

I fiddle with the door handle, looking for a reason to continue conversing while not throwing myself into his arms. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

I pivot on my heel, feeling the food coma settling in. Time for a nap, and maybe a few minutes with my battery operated boyfriend. Hey, a woman has needs.

“Sure you don’t want that head scratch? I give a mean butt scratch, too. Just ask Hecate.”

I flip him the bird, sticking out my tongue at the same time. Yes, I’m mature. Leave me alone.

“Your loss, Darlin.”

Something in Owen’s flippant remark ignites my ire. He’s right, I lost. But so did he. “No, Darlin, I believe it’s your loss. I wouldn’t hold your breath if you think I’ll come to you, begging sexual favors. If you want me, you’d better get busy seducing me. Or was that all talk, too?”

Owen pushes himself to a seated position, those gray eyes flashing at me. “You just gave me a green light, Tally.”

“No, you’re still on yellow.”

“Better than red.”

The heat between us simmers. All I have to do is make one move toward him, and I’ll be halfway to orgasm land in ten minutes.

But I’m not ready to make that step. Not yet. My hormones are kicking and screaming, but my ego is dragging its feet.

I finger the door frame, staring at the wood floor. Everything is top end here. The guest bathroom is bigger than my old bedroom, and I know that this place is a step down from where Owen lived in San Francisco.

Just like that, the reality of the situation shifts into sharp clarity. I much prefer it fuzzy and out of focus. Then I can pretend I belong here, that there’s a place for me. “What are you cooking? It smells delicious.”

“I thought we’d have an early dinner, followed by an evening of movies. Lady’s choice, of course.”

“I get to pick the dinner or the movie?”

“Considering the dinner is already prepped, you’re shit out of luck there. But you can pick the movie. Fair enough?”

I nod. “That’s really nice of you. Thank you.”

“Oh, you’ll make it up to me. Don’t you worry about that.” He stifles a yawn behind his hand.

“How much sleep did you get last night?”

“I got the call at around three, got back around one.”

“The case took that long?”

“No, but I figured I’d round on my patients, make some phone calls.”

Visit with Charlotte? The snarky retort sits on the tip of my tongue, but I bite it back. No point poking the bear, especially when he’s feeding me later. “We have a few hours before dinner. Go back to sleep.”

“Come, lay with me.” He holds out his hand and my entire body throbs to go to him. “Just lay with me. I’ll keep my hands to myself…if you really want me to.” He pats the mattress. “This bed is far more comfortable, which you would know if you ever slept in it. So come on, consider it partial payment for dinner.”

I kick off my shoes before sliding under the covers. He’s not kidding. This bed is ridiculously comfortable. “What’s the remaining payment?”

“You’ll find out, won’t you?” Owen’s hand snakes around my waist, his body spooning me.

I try to focus on my breathing, instead of his proximity, but when his hand settles on my belly, his lips sliding against my neck, I lose all vestiges of calm. “Maybe—”

“Shush, Tally.”

“Or what?”

“I’ll be forced to tie you up, strip you down, and neither of us will get any sleep.”

He’s laid it out there, what he wants. What he knows I want. All I have to do is give him the go ahead, the proverbial green light.

But my heart and ego? Still stuck on yellow. I snuggle closer to him, my hand stroking Hecate’s glossy coat. “I’m shushed.”

He’s silent for a beat before I feel his lips press a gentle kiss to my nape. “I’m glad you’re home, Darlin.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.