Forgot To Tell You Something: An Angsty, Later in Life Romance

Forgot To Tell You Something: Chapter 32

“I have an entire evening planned,” I blurt as we walk out of the office, my hand holding Tally firm. I feel like I’m hopped up on speed after seeing my baby for the first time, and I’m beyond desperate to get the woman I love home to prove how much I miss her.

“Do you?” Tally offers me a smile, but it’s forced, like most of her smiles lately. In fact, the first real one I’ve seen since the whole Charlotte debacle was when she gazed at the monitor and saw our baby.

Our baby.

It’s crazy, but it’s so right. I always knew I wanted kids; I just didn’t want them with Charlotte. But with Tally, there’s no hesitancy. Only joy.

Along with the sneaking suspicion that my gorgeous girl is going to make me jump through an array of hoops to earn back a place in her heart.

“I called in a takeout order from the best Italian restaurant in town, and I’ll have a bubble bath ready for you the moment you arrive. Or just leave your car here. Let me drive you.” I don’t know if I’m speaking at the speed of light because of excitement or fear that she’s going to say no to date night.

Her face scrunches in confusion. “Hold up a minute. Who are these plans with?”

“You, Darlin. I’m getting us back on track.”

Tally laughs, but it’s not her husky chuckle of excitement. No, it’s as stilted as the rest of her responses today. “Thanks for the offer, but I can’t tonight.”

“Why not?”

Her eyes widen at my pointed question. Good, at least it’s a genuine response. “Excuse me?”

“I asked why not?” I repeat, crossing my arms over my chest. “This is a big night, Tally. We just saw our baby. Don’t you want to celebrate with me?”

She falters, but it’s only for an instant before the mask slides back into place. “I have a prior engagement, Owen.” She lifts onto tiptoe, offering me a bland kiss on the cheek. “Enjoy your dinner. I’m sure you can find company, should you require it.”

“Who are your plans with? Let me guess—Dan?”

She rolls her dark eyes at me, her full lips pursed in annoyance. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t ask me that question.”

“Is there something going on? He’s been very devoted.” My questions are clipped and harsh, but I’m finding it hard to contain my rage.

“Screw you, Owen.” Tally turns on her heel, yanking open the car door.

I have a ton of things I want to say in response to her blow off. Scream in response, at this point. But all I can manage is clenching and unclenching my fists as she drives off, with nary a backward glance.

I’m so screwed.

I’m halfway to my car, stomping like a furious toddler, when I catch sight of Stefani walking off the elevator banks across the garage. “Stefani!” I bellow, waving my hand as I jog over. If anyone knows what’s going on in Tally’s head, it’s her best friend.

“Hi, Owen. What can I do for you?” Her brows raise. “Don’t tell me you missed the sonogram appointment.”

Jesus, what these women think of me. The worst part is knowing that I’ve earned their skepticism. “I didn’t miss the appointment.”

“Is everything okay with the baby?”

I smile, despite my frustration, as I lean against her car. “The baby is perfect. It was such a trip, seeing him on the screen.”


I shrug, offering a dry laugh. “Too early to tell definitively, but Tally and I both think it’s a boy.”

Stefani leans next to me, giving me a nudge with her elbow. “That is a trip. But it’s not why you ran across the parking garage, either.”

I know that I should make small talk, but I don’t have that kind of time.

I need answers.


“Is there something going on between Tally and Dan?”

Stefani wrinkles her nose at my direct question. That’s not a good start. “Where in the world did that idea come from?”

“Things have been shit between me and Tally—”

“And you’re blaming Dan?”

This is definitely not going as smoothly as I hoped. “Not exactly. I know that they’re friends, but I wondered if he’d made a move on Tally.”

Stefani stretches to her full height, only a few inches shorter than me. “First, Dan and Lu are just friends. Period. They’ve been friends for years. Second, Dan has been keeping Lu company because her life has been crap the last few weeks. Third, and most important, Lu is pregnant”—she pokes me in the chest with her finger—“with your baby. So perhaps the strain in your relationship is less about Dan and more about how busy you’ve been entertaining your ex-fiancée.”

Tell me how you really feel, Stefani.

I do appreciate her candor. Now at least I know that Dan isn’t a threat, and my girl hasn’t moved on.


I run a hand over my scalp, shooting Stefani a rueful glance. “You’re right. This training center and business with Charlotte has hijacked all my free time. But I allowed it. I was the asshole who let her get away with it, while Tally paid the price.”

Stefani fiddles with her keys, and I’m uncertain I want to hear what more she has to say. “Owen, is this some battle of wills? Lu is my best friend, and she deserves to be treated with care and courtesy.”

“I agree—”

“That’s the trouble,” Stefani cuts me off, raising her hand when I open my mouth to retort. “You say that, but look at the situation. How would you feel if the roles were reversed, and Lu was hanging out with an old flame several nights per week? An old flame that wanted her back?”

I have to hand it to Stefani; she has a way of cutting to the quick. “I would have mopped the floor with his ass by now, set him straight.”

“Exactly. I know this situation is different, with the success of the training center contingent on your participation, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that Lu’s heart is hurting. And you did it.” Finally, she raises her gaze to meet mine. “I really hoped you would be different. You seemed different.”

“I am different. I have a ring for Tally, remember?”

She taps my chest with her key, narrowing her gaze. “Then might I suggest you treat her like the woman you love, and less like the woman who you think will be waiting when your business with Charlotte is finished? I have to go. Dan and I have a date.” Another pointed glance.

Message received. I’m way the hell off.

I open Stefani’s door, forcing a smile. “Have a good time. You two make a good couple.”

“Owen, you and Lu were relationship goals. Seriously. I’ve never seen two people so intoxicated with one another. But she will not be sloppy seconds, even for a man like you.” She slides the car into reverse, pausing with her hand on the shifter. “To be fair, she really is busy. Packing up her apartment and discovering she’s pregnant has usurped most of the real estate in her brain these last few weeks.”

“Moving?” As I eke out the syllables, my heart sinks. Is Tally making good on her threat to relocate?

“She lost the lease on her apartment. The landlord needs the space for her grandson, so Lu is packing and trying to be out by this weekend. I’m going to help her tomorrow.”

“No need. I’ll hire movers.” I offer a wave goodbye before making a beeline for my car.

My destination?

Tally’s soon to be former apartment, and if my girl is lifting heavy boxes, I’m spanking every inch of her sweet ass.

I push open the door, my ire growing as I watch Tally fumble to hoist a box above her head.

“If you don’t put that box down—” I order, marching across the room and grabbing it from her hands.

“Owen, what are you doing here?”

“These are your plans? Packing? Why didn’t you ask me for help?”

Tally lifts herself to her full height, more than a foot below me, and I can’t help but smile at the size difference between her and Stefani. “Maybe I don’t need your help.”

“Maybe it’s not up for debate.”

She throws up her hands, flopping onto the couch with a pout that I’m tempted to suck off her lips. “You can’t just walk in here and order me around.”

I bite back a grin. Tally may be ready for battle, but this time, I’ve got my armor on, too. She’s not winning this fight. “Yes, I can.” I punch in a number on my phone, my gaze resting on her perturbed expression.

The woman is too damn delectable when she’s mad.

Within five minutes, I’ve hired a moving company. They’re even handling the rest of the packing. Tally has enough stress. She doesn’t need to spend her downtime wrapping plates. “All done. They’ll be here on Saturday.”

“Great, that solves part of my problem,” Tally states, chewing her lower lip.

I sink next to her on the couch, close enough to feel the energy sparking between us. “What’s the other part of your problem?”

“I haven’t found a place to live yet.”

Leaning back, I shoot her a smirk. “Why not, Tally? That seems so irresponsible of you.” Yes, I’m screwing with her, but I need to stoke the emotion that she’s holding at bay.

True to form, my girl’s temper flares as she adjusts her glasses. “I want to hit you. Preferably with something heavy.”

“Go ahead. Still doesn’t answer my question.”

“What can I say? I enjoy living on the edge.”

With lightning reflexes, I pull Tally onto my lap, feeling her tense in my arms. “You have a place to live. You, Nugget and Hecate are moving into the condo. I bought it for us, and it’s about damn time you started living there. See? Two problems solved in less than ten minutes. This is why you need me.” My lips caress her neck as I bask in the scent that is intrinsically Tally.

Christ, this woman smells like heaven, even covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Especially covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

“How does that solve anything?” Tally counters, her slight hands trying to put space between us.

Not happening.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” I murmur my words against her neck, as I trace a path along her skin with my tongue. My hands circle her hips, pushing her down against my erection. I swear to God, if I don’t get inside Tally soon, my dick is going to explode.

“I can say it louder.” Despite my sexual ministrations, Tally isn’t willing to cave that easily. She’s going to make me work for every inch of her delicious body.

Mission accepted.

“As I see it, we have three options. I can kiss every inch of your body, right here, right now.”

“What are the other options?” Tally may act tough, but I feel her pulse quicken as I tongue the hollow of her neck.

“We can continue arguing, because that’s so much more productive. Or, we pick up our dinner, which is waiting for us, and then for dessert, I feast on you.” I stand up, taking my tiny vixen with me, only setting her back down when she squirms in my arms. “You have ten minutes to pack some clothes while I coax Hecate into the carrier.”

Tally stands her ground, her hands locked on her hips and jaw set, but she looks more like a Care Bear than a fierce warrior.

Better not mention that fact.

With a chuckle, I drop a kiss on the top of her head. “Come on blood goat queen, times a wasting.”

That did it. The grimace fades, and Tally grins, shrugging in resignation. “Fine. But it’s only temporary until I find a place.”

“We’ll see about that. The final decision lies with Hecate.”

“She’s my cat. She’s going to side with me.”

I offer Tally a wink as I stroke Hecate’s fur, her back arching into my hand. “You sure about that? She seems really fond of me.”

“No accounting for taste.”

“You know I taste good,” I volley back, watching my girl flush. “Not as good as you, but—”

“Go collect the cat,” she mutters, ushering me out of the room as she opens a suitcase on her bed. “I’ll be done in a minute.”

As I coax—okay, shove—Hecate into the carrier and cart her to the car, I can’t keep the smile from my face.

Finally, my girl is coming home.

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