Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - Murah Bolts


“Dimurah!” He shouted as he topped the stairs.

Quit running!

She sent a furtive look over her shoulder and ran faster.

As if I won’t catch you? Truly?

“Stop this idiocy.” He slowed to a jog to persuade her. But seeing her determination, he tossed his head and amped up his speed. Running past her to step into her path.

Can we be done with this foolishness now?

Gasping she leapt backward and turned to change directions.

Apparently not. More sure-footed, he danced around her and slammed a palm to the wall to intercept her.

She reared back and switched directions yet again and he put an arm to that side, flattening along the front of her. Backing her up until she was flush against the wall.

Panting she looked both directions desperately.

“Don’t.” He warned.

She opened her mouth to scream.

He slapped a gentle hand over her lips. “I don’t know that man down there.” He gave her a pointed look. “Don’t make me kill him.”

If he comes to your rescue, he’s going to bring a weapon.

And if he brings a weapon. I’ll kill him with it.

Looking mournful, her shoulders fell in defeat.

Are you willing to listen now?

She put both hands against his chest and shoved him hard.

Obviously not. He didn’t budge so she began to hit him in the abdomen and chest.

The way I taught her to. He grunted as one caught him in-between breaths. Snagging one wrist made her flail harder with the other. He caught the other as well. Crossing them over her chest so her fists were pinned to her shoulders between them as he leaned forward. His eyes narrowed on her. Expression cool. “Why are you running from me?”

You’ve never fled me.

“You’re not taking me back!” Blue eyes were desperate.

To Sanctuary Island.

“No. I’m not.”

She blinked rapidly looking very confused.

He released her wrists and lifted his hands to cup her cheeks. Pressing his lips to hers until she returned the kiss. His grip on her wrists loosening.

She shoved him away enough to toss her arms around his shoulders and press her body to his so fiercely he had to back up a step.

He returned her passion. Kissing her as fervently and walking her back against the wall again. Slipping sideways against her right shoulder to look at her profile from a few inches away. “Don’t run from me. I won’t make you go back.”

She nodded. Brow knitting with emotion as she stared back at his smooth handsome features.

“I missed you.” He confessed. Stroking gentle fingertips along her fine brows in his characteristic way.

She tilted sideways to tip her forehead against his.

He met her in the familiar motion. She missed me too.

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