Chapter ALAZAR - Not Receiving Savage Jack Well

Rhyers House, Mane Country


“I came to see you. To warn you.” Alazareth was never one for beating around the point.

She’s not going to like this. He already felt uneasy.

And trying to control Savage Jack is like putting a driter in a cage.

“To warn me?” The pretty redhead leapt to her feet. For the first time Alazareth realized how lovely she looked in finery. She wore a pale blue dress made of some glossy fabric. A matching ribbon wove through hair piled loosely atop her head with a few twirls tracing sun-kissed cheeks.

She already knows of what or she wouldn’t be this upset. Well perhaps the appealing sight of her in finery will tamper whatever temper Savage Jack is in.

The man had said nothing the whole ride to Rhyers House, buried deep in Mane Country. Several days’ ride from the Blue Lark Assassin’s Guild in Dread Hideout.

“About what?” Rhyers asked protectively.

He mentioned she’d become like a little sister to him. Wait until he sees the creature that calls her mate. Alazar was half amused at the shock he’d see in Rhyers’ face at the discovery.

“He’s here.”

Her blue eyes rounded. “I thought you said he wouldn’t find me?” She gave Rhyers a betrayed look.

He sputtered.

It’s not his fault.

“He didn’t. I’m showing him.” Alazar explained.

Making her turn the betrayed gaze on him. “When?” She cried. Horrified. Gaze flitting as though looking for an escape. Her eyes drifted to a window at the back of the house where the curtains billowed open and it was a straight shot over the lawns and into the trees.

You won’t make it. He’ll hunt you down. Alazar was sure.

“When!” She cried again.


“Oh no…” She shook her head frantically. Backing up. “No. No!” She turned and fled from the parlor into the entryway, heading for the stairs. “He’s not taking me back! He won’t find me!” She barreled up the stairs.

Where’s she going? To hide under her bed?

“You’re too late, Murah.” Savage Jack boomed from the entryway.

When did he come in? I didn’t hear the door. Alazar frowned.

The bloody man is as quiet as Rhyers. Alazareth glanced at the tall dark-haired man who seemed as startled as he was.

He didn’t hear him either…That’s unsettling.

She froze on the stairs. Ducking her head. Holding very still.

“What’s she doing?” Rhyers asked. “Why isn’t she turning around?”

“I don’t know.” Alazar shrugged. “People tend to this around Savage Jack.”


“They seem to think it’ll make them invisible.”

“Certainly, that’s never worked?” Rhyers looked at him astonished.

No. It hasn’t. But they try anyway.

Seems to be instinct…

“Never…But, they keep trying.”

“I see you.” He announced. Voice crystal clear as it shattered the dead silence like a canon.

She remained unmoving.

“Don’t make me chase you up the stairs.”

She stiffened.

Surely she’s not going to run? Alazar’s brows shot up.

“Don’t. Don’t do it.” Savage Jack warned.

But Alazareth was certain they all knew what was about to happen. No one was shocked when she jumped into motion.

Clutching her blue skirt and diving up the stairs, two at a time.

Growling, Savage Jack rushed up the stairs after her.

She squawked and ran faster.

“Is he going to hurt her?” Rhyers looked worried. Taking a step forward.

Alazar put a hand to his chest to stop him. “I don’t think so.”

I hope not.

But he’ll kill you for trying to intervene either way.

“The look of him was depraved.”

He’s not wrong. Alazar considered what it’d look like to see Savage Jack for the first time. Black hide clothing, dirtied boots, kill beads clicking in twisted lengths of hair, a fierce expression, and cutting blue eyes.

He does look brutal. But not nearly as much as he is.

Alazar cleared his throat before urging. “Let’s just wait down here.”

“What if he harms her?” Rhyers gnawed a cheek. “That didn’t move like a normal man.”

“It’s not.”

“What was it?”

Damned if I know.

I haven’t the faintest idea what he is. Some kind of Dread.


How the hell do you describe Savage Jack? You could describe a hundred men but when you pointed to Savage Jack you’d pause and say… “And then there’s that…”

“He’s the King of Assassins.” Alazar reluctantly admitted.

“And you brought him here?” Rhyers’ light green eyes rounded to nearly the same extent as Dimurah’s had.

“Well,” Alazar winced. “Once I told him I knew where she was, I’d little choice.”


“I think their mates.”

Kind of.

“Like we have mates?”

Sort of.

“Yes…” Alazar shifted uncomfortably.

“You sound unsure. Is she his mate or he hers?”

Alazar mulled over the question. Blue-green eyes shifting upward and side to side as he considered both options. Unable to make a determination. “I’m not wholly certain…”

“So, he may be kidnapping her?” Rhyers’ voice rose.

It’s plausible.


“I find you less than reassuring.” Rhyers said dryly. “I’ve told you she’s like a young sister to me.”

“Well, that’s good. I fear if you found her as much else, he’d be trying to cut your throat.” Alazar nodded to the ceiling where there were several thumps from the floor above. And a grunt like someone had been punched.

They both stared at above them apprehensively.

“Was that her?”

“I’d doubt it.” Alazar gnawed a cheek before asking sideways. “She wasn’t armed, was she?”

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