Chapter RHYERS - Siren at a Ball


Rhyers could see Lucien’s intent written over his face, as he peered over the railing of the gazebo watching the pretty woman settling on the cushions. He has it well in hand here.

Rhyers had left in his personal chaise to arrive here early. So, I could scout the surroundings. Including Gunnison Forest. He’d found plenty of tracks that indicated that there was a possibility Firoque, Radix’s still-human servants, were in the area.

But nothing indicating direct Cimmerii. Another glance at Lucien revealed he is was well and alert to his surroundings. Consistently looking around. And paying careful attention to the lower shrubs.

For Nonis.

Feeling confident in Lucien’s abilities to seduce the woman in the gazebo he decided to return indoors. I’ve no desire to see his methods in wooing the woman.

That felt a bit too personal. I don’t wish to know that much about him.

I wonder if Ebony and Sam have arrived yet. They’d all agreed to meet up later since Rhyers had left so early.

It’ll be obvious when I go in. Ebony, looking so much smaller and more youthful then everyone else, tended to stick out like a sore thumb.

Entering he spotted Sam quick enough. Noting the way he shifted to favor a leg he’d injured years ago. A tiny woman was standing with him. Laughing uproariously.

Good. They’re safe.

He’d only just made it in the door, carefully adjusting his wig and ensuring his gold mask was in place, when he was intercepted by a woman with a silver embroidered burgundy hood and a matching burgundy mask. Framed by silver sequins which made the woman’s strange colored eyes stand out starkly.

They were an odd color that could turn either a green tint or deep brown. The silver brought out the subtle green notes. Intriguing eyes.

Her lovely lips curled up in a beckoning smile and she held out a white gloved hand.

Lowering over it he greeted her with a lingering kiss to the back. Making prolonged eye contact. “Good evening, Miss.”

It was obvious from her movements and the glow of her skin that she was a young woman. Her eyes vibrant and cheeks warmed by a slight blush.

A comely young woman.

Her smile revealed even white teeth. And a single dimple in one cheek.

“How are you tonight?”

She lifted a gloved finger to lightly tap her bottom lip.

“You don’t speak?” He arched a fine black brow. “Tonight, or in general?”

She pointed a finger downward.

For this event.

A fascinating approach. He was duly intrigued.

She exuded charm. She glanced over her shoulder toward the dance floor meaningfully before giving him a steady look.

Grinning he offered her his hand. “Care to dance?”

Smiling again she quirked her head in assent. Slipping a gloved hand into his.

Who is she?

She didn’t move like anyone he knew.

He sniffed and didn’t catch the stink of Cimmerii. However, he couldn’t distinguish her particular smell in the crush of people. She looks like she’d smell good.

He couldn’t refrain from letting his gaze flit down to take in the silver trimmed burgundy gown. It molded a tiny waist and breasts which seemed overly large for such a small frame. And the deep neckline prominently displayed a tantalizing glimpse of the rounded curves of them.

Touchable for certain. He was willing to bet his hands would fit easily around that tiny waist.

What is this mesmerizing little creature looking for tonight? Was she some fine widow he was thinking he’d certainly be willing to offer her some comfort this eve. If she so desired…

He was dancing with her. Blatant appreciation on his face as she moved in the steps. Face upturned enough he was tempted to brush his lips along hers. She seems to be offering them.

She moved perfectly in the rhythmic step. Turning gracefully and returning in expert movements. A well-cultured lady obviously.

How have I not met this creature before?

Grier. He decided. There were likely many women in Grier he hadn’t yet met since he resided in Mane. This by far, being the most interesting.

He turned her again and when the dance concluded he slid a hand down to test that tiny waist. Finding his hands fit firmly. When she didn’t object he lifted her slightly and moved her albeit closer to look into her face. Taking in her pretty features.

She upturned that mouth and blew a light breath.

Unable to resist he leaned enough to brush his lips against those in a passing as he leaned near her ear.

“You’re a tempting creature indeed. You truly must confide to me who you are?” He leaned away from her. Still gazing deeply in those fascinating eyes.

Without breaking his gaze she stepped on the tops of his shined shoes to lean up closer to him, despite that they were still on the edge of the dance floor. “I told you, you could pretend I was one of your pretty brunettes.”

He reared back so hard, one foot skid from under hers and she had to hop aside to keep from tripping.

Tipping her head back she laughed merrily as she rounded to exit the dancefloor.

Rhyers head shot up like a hound as he scouted the floor, spotting Sam across the room. The tiny creature still happily chatting with him.

Surely, that’s Ebony. But he saw her lift a hand to stroke Sam’s arm in a blatant caress.

No, could still be her. Has to be. His numbed brain insisted.

But just then the woman moved aside to let someone by. Giving Rhyers her back. And he glimpsed the dark blonde curls washing down her back.

No. His eyes jerked back to the woman in the burgundy hood standing in the crowd. Smiling at him triumphant.

I didn’t…I would’ve known if it was her.

As if sensing his inner debate she slid the hood back and shook out her shining raven tresses.

Dammit! He turned on his heel. Eyes on the floor as his active mind raged.

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