Chapter ALAZAR - She'll Accept No Reasoning

Nightway Castle, Nightway


As soon as he’d healed enough to stand, Alazareth was fully clad in armor again. A hand, pressed to his aching chest as he crept the inner bailey in search of Riaura. Summoning every ounce of his courage to confront the woman he knew would be overflowing with hatred and betrayal.

He checked another hallway for Riaura.

What are you even going to say to the girl, you fool? He could come up with no answer.

I’m just going to see her, ensure she’s safe. Then I’ll go…Until I can find a way to try to explain it to her. If I ever do.

She’ll never understand. The little voice in him warned. How could I convince her that her eyes told her wrong?

Kneeling behind a few barrels of ale, he crept to the stables. From there I can see the whole bailey. I’ll see her the moment she comes into view.

What if she has locked herself away in her room?

She won’t. He told himself. She will be out to prove she is not broken. She’ll be here.

Likely yelling at someone to prove she is not weak. That’d be just like her.

Shifting his angle, he moved into the shadow of the open stable door. He leaned against it to catch his breath. Watching all the movement for her blonde head.

“Step out Riaura.”

“I’m right here.” Her sweet voice emerged from behind him.

I longed for that, these days spent healing in WaterRose.

His back stiffened so quickly it hurt. Slowly turning, he found her disapproving gaze steady on him. Arms akimbo and hip cocked.

Both of which, are not good signs. He frowned, eyeing her stance.

“You’re wearing Nightway Armor, aren’t you?”


“Wha-why? Are you one of hers?”

“No. Never. I’m yours. Always.”

“For me, is it?”

“To protect you. Why else?” He said impassively.

“Was there something you wished to say to me?” Her toe tapped. Patience disintegrating.

Yes, I’m sorry.

“How’d you know I was here?” Is what came out of his mouth instead.

“I could smell the deceit.”


“Are you sure it wasn’t the horse shit?” He said with equal condescension. Offering a half smile in the hope of easing that hateful expression on her face.

“Could be that. I’m staring at it, either way.”

He winced. “It wasn’t-I wouldn’t-you don’t know...”

“Don’t I?” She cocked a hip and shifted her foot.


He noticed the sliding back and forth of her foot. Is she resisting kicking me? Probably.

“You’re dressed to go riding.” He tried to avert the pending attack. Attempting to detour the conversation.

To de-escalate her.

She looked prepared to go out. Complete with little dagger on her hip and hair held back by a dainty circlet tucked underneath the sides.

“Looked pretty clear to me.” She returned to the subject.

“It wasn’t as it seemed…”

“Oh!” Her voice softened dangerously. “So, it wasn’t you, half-clothed, with your hands roving my near naked mother?” She lifted a haughty brow.

Not by choice. He shuddered at the memory.

“It was that.” He grimaced. “But not by my choice.”

How does a man explain such a thing? He swallowed. Eyes falling as he tried to think of a way to explain without sounding weak.

“She forced you, did she?” Her lips whitened. “Or you just had no choice once you were jumping under your breeches?” She gestured in disgust.

“I was far from that!” His lip curled in disgust. Voice softening, “And yes, she did force me, actually.”

“Didn’t look forced when your lips were locked.”

It was.

“I suppose it didn’t. To you.” He sighed. Realizing he could not reasonably explain away what she saw.

She won’t understand anything I try to say.

Especially because she’s been expecting to see my lips locked with another woman’s for years.

“You’re the most powerful being I know, Alazar.” She chided. Chin hitching. “No way I believe she forced you to do anything.”

“No, I suppose you would not.” He relented. He gestured helplessly. Mouth open as he yearned to say more. But realizing nothing would appease her, his arms dropped.

“You’re a knave and a villain, and I’ll have nothing more to do with you.”

Don’t, Riaura!

The words stung and without meaning to, he found himself lashing out. His head whipped to glare at her. “Really? I’m so evil as that?” He took a step toward her.

She backed up but her look of rage didn’t dissipate.

“While you, complete with committed fiancé, continue little dalliances with me in dirty taverns?” His eyes narrowed. “Yet I’m the lowest of the low, am I?”

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