Chapter In the Grasp of Evil, An Unwanted Seduction

She reached down and pressed a palm to his chest. It seared him, burning deep into the tissue like a hot iron. Hissing through his teeth he was unable to contain the pain and shouted against the agony. She pulled back, face shining with elation. “Oh, you are powerful.” She tilted her head as she eyed him. “I can see why the girl is so taken with you.”

“She…is…not-we are in-” She pressed her fingertip to his lips, silencing him as effectively as if sewing them shut.

Despite all his strength of will, he couldn’t budge the power the demon had leant her. She’s too strong.

She drug a nail from the middle of his forehead over one eye and partway down his cheek. Blood seeped from the wound into his eye. Blinding him on one side.

“Relax. You’re mine to toy with. Don’t fight…” She smiled evilly.

Leaning over she cupped one hand against his jaw and the other curved around the back of his neck.

Just as he heard the footsteps hurrying up the stairs. He looked at Marod hatefully. She’s doing this for just that reason. To hurt Ri.

Don’t let her see this. He prayed. Blinking away the blood. Unendingly grateful when he heard Riaura’s door open and close as she headed to her chamber to dress for the day.

Marod slicked her hands over his body possessively. Licking her lips gleefully as her fingertips worked the laces of his breeches. Despite that her chamber door was still swung wide.


“You evil b-”

She pressed her lips to his and he was unable to resist the demands of her magic, working his lips despite every ounce of his will screaming against her.

She tastes like ash. Like Radix smells.

When the door creaked, he scented Riaura before he saw her.

The most Alazareth could do was slide his eyes sideways to glimpse her frozen in the doorway with horror and shame written over her.

She’s crushed. He recognized the pain glistening in her beautiful eyes. No Sweetheart.

This isn’t me! I’d never- But he couldn’t speak.

He took in every detail of her perfect features. Afraid he might never see them after this. The flow of shining gold hair, the flick of long dark lashes, the perfect arch of golden brown brows, full shining lips so quick to offer him a secretive smile. And the slight upturn of her pert little nose and coral-shaped ears.

There’s nothing about her that doesn’t shine as brightly as the morning sun.

Nothing about her I won’t miss. He thought sadly.

Marod’s lips still worked against his and she lowered to kneel naked between his knees.

He tried to talk against her mouth as he met Riaura’s look but nothing coherent emerged.

Riaura’s lips parted as though she to say something, but nothing came but a broken sob.

No! No!

She trusted me. Did. His mind corrected. He’d never wanted to touch her as badly as he did this moment. But the Dread had her claws in him and his hands moved of their own volition to curve over her rounded hips.

One last torn look of betrayal wrote over Riaura’s face. Strange green lights began to spark around her hair. When she yanked the door closed behind her. There was a burst of green light and the sound of something popping in his ears.

“And that,” Marod pulled back to offer him a sly smile. “Is that.” She caught his hand and molded it over a dangling breast. “You did well, Lover. Now let’s get you up on the bed and see what else you have to offer.”


Dear God, Nothing. Get off me! Despite his deep disgust, he noticed something happened in Riaura’s rage. That dose of magic had charged him. He wasn’t at full strength but the sway over him began to lessen. To buy time, he rose obediently to his feet and let Marod lead him to the bed.

Once there she crawled upon it and held her arms out to beckon him. Opening fleshy legs like the mouth of a toothless monster.

But collecting every remnant of his strength, he lurched forward and caught her by the neck.

She squawked, and black eyes burnt orange as she tried to summon magic to fight him. Though her skin became hot as smoldering coals he refused to release her. Tightening his grip on her skinny neck until he felt little veins rupturing. Hearing the delicate snapping sounds they made. Each more gratifying then the last.

Die you demon-whore.

But just as he knew she was a mere second from death so justly deserved, her skin became too hot for him to hold any longer. And he too weak to continue his desperate grip. Growling in his throat he clung on, but finally had to release her as he collapsed to the floor. Cursing her with every profane word he could think of. Knowing when she caught her breath she’d summon the guards to kill him.

And I’m far too weak to fight them. He couldn’t stomp down the horror when the door flung open again. Far quicker than he’d anticipated. Drawing a quaking breath he slid himself to the corner and spun to put his back to it so he could at least sit up to face whatever came at him now. But to his shock it was no guard that stood in the doorway.

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