Chapter A Familiar NightGuard

Despite the NightGuard armor, even through blurred vision, he knew the face so resembling his own. Staring down at him so intently.

“Bast.” He sighed. Letting his head fall back against the wall in relief.

“Hello brother.”

Alazar would’ve never suspected he’d be so grateful to be staring up into the face of his twin. “How’d you know?” Alazareth murmured with the last vestiges of his strength.

“Close enough to hear your soul screaming.” He walked over and lifted his brother effortlessly into his arms, like a small child. Tossing only a cursory glance at the naked woman on the bed still panting for air. “Though this, you’ll have to explain. I’m dying to know…”

“God Forbid!” Alazar swore. “Just get me out of here.”

I am never telling you I was about to become her whore.

An unwilling mate. Bast would enjoy that far too much. Alazar already envisioned his brother’s cocky grin and deep amusement. I’m never telling him…

“You’re welcome, by-the-by…For flying to your aid in the middle of trying to seduce my valkyrie.” He grumbled.

That probably was an inconvenience. Alazar did feel a brief pang of conscience. By now she’s likely booby trapped her chamber.

“Bloody Hell.” Alazar murmured. Head lolling as Bast took the stairs two at a time. “I probably saved your life then.”

“Well,” Bast gave him a dirty look. “I don’t thank you.”

“No.” Alazareth murmured. “You never would.” But despite his grumblings he’d never been more thankful to see his brother.

“Where is your woman?” Bast asked.

Hiding somewhere. Crying. Broken.

Because of me…

“I doubt she’ll ever be mine.”

Bast reached the bottom of the stairs as four guards shoved open the door to the foyer. Bast lifted a hand and brought them to a dead stop. Their eyes glazing, they looked at each other in confusion. Bast walked wide around them and exited the door. Walking around the corner wall until they were out of sight.

He lowered Alazareth and let the disguise of his armor fall away. Tugging his gray cloak from over his shoulders to drape around Alazareth’s. Pulling it closed over his twin’s burned chest. “You’re beginning to shiver. What was that?”

“Radix’s magic.”

Bast tilted his head, lip curling in disdain. “He had you submitting to that woman? Why? What does he gain from that?”


I lose everything…

“Riaura saw it.”

Bast drew in a long breath from between his teeth. “That sounds like one of his games.”

“They both knew it’d crush her.”

“And you?”

“Me as well.” He admitted. Eyes fighting to stay open, he blinked heavily.

“I imagine you were the target, My Brother.” Bast commented as he lifted Alazareth again. Noticing the other man had already collapsed from exhaustion. “A little time at WaterRose and you’ll be healed and ready to kill whoever did this to you.”

“Marod.” He murmured before going unconscious just as Bast tossed him over his shoulder.

Sebastian hadn’t lied. In two days’, time Alazareth was snapping waspishly at his brother once more.

Taking out on him my grief for what I’m losing.

Riaura will never forgive what she thinks she saw.

“I’m fine. Stop fussing over me.” He swatted away the wood mug of broth, Bast tried to hand him. Nearly sloshing it on the floor.

“You’re an oversized infant!”

“I cannot stay laying here forever.” He hollered at his twin stalking from the room. “Why don’t you send your lovely valkyrie in here to tend me.”

He taunted. Knowing it was the only thing guaranteed to get a rise out of his brother. Bast stepped back inside and with a snarl, tossed the steaming liquid over the coverlet.

Making Alazareth hiss in pain.

Bast smirked over bared teeth and turned to leave the room but met the scathing look of the woman herself. “Elsabet?”

“Is that how you tend the sick?”

“It’s how I tend my brother.” He retorted as they went down the hall with her loudly reprimanding him.


When Bast returned later he was set on not letting Alazareth bait him.

“I told you. I won’t remain lying her forever. It is killing me to do nothing.”

Bast calmly stood over him. “My Bird is right. It’s not laying there that is killing you. It’s wondering how she fares.”


Alazareth’s eyes roved the coverlet. “Have you seen her?”

Bast groaned. “Of course, I checked on your woman, Brother. Need you even ask?”

“Only checked on?”

Bast groaned and stared at the ceiling above him like an impatient teenager. “Yes, only.”

“How is she?”

“Beautiful. Sad.” Bast sighed. “She’s okay. For now.”

Perhaps on the outside. She’s never okay inwardly. He worried for her.

“I have to get back to her.”

“You can’t watch over the girl every day, Brother. You have to give her a chance to grow…Unless that is what you fear.”

I only fear growing apart.

Alazareth’s eyes narrowed on his long-haired twin. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I saw that fiancé of hers arriving at the castle. Won’t he, at least keep her safe?”

Alazar gave him a chastising look. Not in the least.

“Fair enough. Get out of bed then.” Bast uttered in disgust.

Alazar tossed back the coverlet and saw his chest was taped. “Did you do this?”

“No. I wouldn’t touch you while you were covered in sweat.” Bast looked appalled. “My valkyrie did that while I was out.”

“You left me alone with her?” Alazar’s voice rose. Teasing note absent now in his horror.

“She didn’t eat you.” Bast gestured. “She tended you. You should be thankful.”

“To be alive?”

Bast gave a grudging head tilt.

Not reassuring.

“She probably licked the blood off. How do you know she didn’t fill me with venom?”

“You wouldn’t still be alive.” He said boredly. “Besides, what reason would she have?”

“Does she require one?” Alazar countered.


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