Chapter Burka, My Sarabi

Serdephe eyed the thing’s hulking head and huge orange eyes. Long wisps of drool dangled from elongated bottom tusks in a mouth big enough to divide the creature’s head nearly in half, back to its tiny rounded ears. Thick back legs with split hooves seemed unbalanced by overly long, spindly front limbs. Dangling limply and curling at the wrists so three inch claws were folded up along narrow ankles. Its back and shoulders were incredibly well-muscled. Covered in a dusting of coarse brown hair.

Not to pretty to look at. He knew.

“It has the same eyes as my dogs.” She frowned at its hideous appearance.

“It should.” Tev said dismissively.


“Well, yes.” He caressed the things bottom jaw as it tossed it’s head. Calming as he eased close enough to press his chest along its side.

Rumbling softly, it leaned into him.

“They’re the smaller form of this. Something we usually call a ‘Targue’. Named for their wolf resemblance.”

She scrunched up her face. “I prefer Demon Dogs. It sounds more…affable…Strangely.”

More affable? His pale blue eyes flicked to her, askance.

“Suit yourself.” He shrugged. Still caressing the animal. “This is Burka. She is going to help me find Raese.”

I hope.


“She can track almost as good as the Dogs. But faster.”

“Will she keep you safe?” She eyed it doubtfully.

Safe enough.

“As safe as the dogs will keep you.”

“It looks evil.”

Not anymore.

“It was once…So were your dogs.” He defended.

She frowned and tilted her head in interest. “Then how?”

“I am a Neophyte.”

“A what?”

“I can touch things, coax creatures into betraying what they believed or had faith in. I can revert them to something else.”

Her brows lowered in confusion.

No, I’d never use it on you.

“I only use it to turn darkness into something that can see light again.”

“You save their souls?”

I’d never thought of it that way. He stared at her from under Burka’s lower jaw. His mind worked feverishly to process that strange idea.

“I suppose…Perhaps, I try.”

“Hmm.” She turned it around thoughtfully. “You’re The Neophyter.” She nodded. “You turn bad things good. Fighting for light in Ardae.”

Nothing so grand as that sounds.


Still nodding in satisfaction she turned on her heel and headed back to wait by the heavy door to return back indoors.

Back to thinking me some great hero again, no doubt. But his eyes followed the rounded curve of her rear as she walked. If she knew what I was thinking, she’d see me far less so…

He joined her there, unsure what she was thinking. “What’s going through that busy mind of yours?”

“I’m deciding what kind of man it is that I’ll one day wed.”


What foolishness!

“We won’t-” He objected. Glowering.

She lifted a staying hand, pressing a finger to his lips to stop him. “Don’t say things that’ll hurt my feelings before you leave me.”

Hurt your feelings? Since when have you claimed to have those. His mouth closed and his features eased as her words sank in.

“How long will you be gone?” Her voice wavered.


You’ll miss me, in truth?

“I’ll be back soon.” He said through gritted teeth. Quickly looking away.

Don’t reassure her, fool!

You shouldn’t be encouraging her attentions. He knew better.

She watched him perceptively. “You’re lying. You think you’ll be gone a long time.”

He shrugged. I am lying. I knew she’d know.

“You do.” She sighed. Looking at the floor. “Please hurry back to me.” She rose on her toes and kissed his cheek. Watching pleased, as a flush crept up his neck.

Damn her and her lovely backside!

“It’s not the first time I’ve kissed your face.” She reminded.

The night we left the tavern and I walked her home. He recalled instantly. As if I’ve forgotten it for a single moment. Still froze him in his tracks. And looking at her pretty face and purple hair he was awash with fears of how much he was going to miss her.

I’ll be thinking of that face nearly every waking moment. He was certain. And he couldn’t resist taking it in like a starved man.

I won’t be here to watch her hunt.

Or ensure she makes it home safely afterward. He swallowed a heavy lump.

The dogs will be. He reassured himself. Driver, Groomsman and the others.

So why do I still feel so unsure about going? Knowing this is something I must do?

He was quiet a long while. Light blue eyes roving her face while she returned his look steadily through turquoise eyes framed far too densely in black lashes. High cheekbones could not hide the fearful tightness of her lips. And that waving purple hair was wild along her face and over her shoulders. As free and untamed as the woman herself.

What would I do if something happened to her?

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