Chapter ALAZAR - Marod Plants a Seed

Nightway Castle, Nightway (Lovers for three years)


Riaura sat across from Queen Marod for breakfast. “May we speak of Alazareth?” Her voice was tenuous.

Afraid of the answer. Alazareth’s armor creaked as he shifted.

The queen huffed. Fork clattering to her trencher so she could run a hand through her dense mass of twisted black hair. “Must we?”

“He is dear to me.” Riaura studied her hands in her lap.

That’s nice to hear at least. His blue-green eyes flicked to her from beneath the square helmet. Knowing she had no idea it was he standing along the fireplace guarding the Dining Hall.

“He’s a distraction.” She seethed. “Manipulative to the core! Wiley as he tries to sway you from me.”

Wouldn’t take much doing if I truly wanted, you hag!

“He doesn’t.” Riaura urged. “I-I have feelings for him.” She swallowed hard at the vulnerability in her confession.

Really? He blinked rapidly. Stunned she’d say such to her mother. She hasn’t even told me that.

I thought we told each other everything.

Or mostly everything…

Marod was quiet so long, Riaura’s green eyes lifted to see her. The queen’s brown ones were so dark they were nearly black.

Embittered and evil. Don’t be nasty. He willed her. Feeling his jaw tightening but knowing he could do nothing to defend her without giving himself away.

I need to be able to be here to defend her from bigger threats than the hurtful words of her mother. But it certainly didn’t feel like it. Just seeing the look on the woman’s face he wanted to intervene. Before she says whatever foul thing she has festering.

“You’re a little fool!” Marod attacked, enraged. “You know nothing about the man! He lurks in those woods like some predator hunting. And here you are, little fool.” She rose to lean over the table and point viciously at Riaura. “Eating up everything he offers. That man is probably married. Likely has a wife already! He probably keeps her hidden away somewhere. Just as he’d likely do to you! Has that even occurred to you?”

Riaura’s gaze fell. Eyes roving the floor in confusion. Breaths panicked.

Of course it didn’t occur to her because it’s the furthest thing from the truth! She knows me better than that.

But watching the expressions turning her face to anguish made him question it.

Don’t you, Riaura? I’d not do that to you.

Or any woman for that matter!

“As I thought.” Marod slid back into her chair. “You’re such a simple creature. So easily led.” She shook her head in disgust. “You shall see soon enough.” Marod said confidently. “Mama is ever right, Dear.”

Dear? You don’t mean that. You foul hag.

Riaura opened her mouth as though to argue and for a moment his hear surged with hope. Filling with faith that she understood his honor.

But seeing Marod had already began eating again, demeanor dismissive, she relented. Her forlorn gaze falling to the food on her wood trencher.


It was another cold winter afternoon the next day. Riaura was dressed for the elements. Heavy furs laced over her shoulders. Hunting helmet hanging over her ears to keep her warm enough to focus on her quarry. Bow slung over her shoulder and quiver crossing her back to the other side. Within easy reach. She lowered to one knee to look at the deer tracks marring the snow. Instead of heading straight for Deer Valley, she chose to track the animals this afternoon.

In this deep cold and low visibility, it’s a more accurate way to hunt. He thought.

Lost in thought, she absentmindedly tracked the animals. But as the snow grew thicker, the tracks she followed were soon washed out. Leading to her look up, staring around in confusion. Behind her the snow began falling harder and harder. She soon found her own trail gone. In a panic, she twisted a full circle. Jogging back toward the trees she rushed to see if she could pick up tracks there. But found nothing. Her pace heightened as she did what Alazar coached her a million times never to do.

She’s panicking. Guessing at directions rather than slowing down to think.

She rounded another tree and found herself slamming into Alazareth’s shoulder.

His hands wrapping her instinctively. “Never panic.”

“I know.” She panted. “But I got lost so fast.” The fear in her eyes made them glisten.

Insanely beautiful.

“Why are you hunting without me this late in the season?” He slid his own leather band over his hair to wrap his forehead and cover his ears. “You know ’tis not safe.”

She drew back a step, brows lowering beneath her leather helmet. “Why were you following me anyway?”

“To keep you safe.” He said quietly looking at the faint outline of tracks in the snow.

Tracks she missed in her fear.

Her face softened. “Of course you were.”

“You’re usually more careful.” He noted. “Is everything alright?”

She nodded hesitantly.

She’s stewing on what her mother told her. About me.

He gave her a rueful smile. “Confidence inspiring.”

“I’m okay, Alazar. I just needed some time to think.” She turned and began weaving through the trees again. Unnerved by his nearness.

She doesn’t want me touching her. Not a good sign.

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