FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Wrapped About Her Finger

I wish I was. The minor dragons were scraping at the inside of his broken ribs. Ouch.

“About what?” Bent over, he tried to catch his breath. Clutching his abdomen, he twisted to peer at her.

I am listening. I just hurt.

“What if I never ran? What if I chose to stay with you?”

You’d never do that.

“I know you, Els.” He blew a pained breath. “You’ll never stay with me. If given the choice between me and freedom you’ll only ever pick one…Don’t give me hope where there is none, it’s cruel.”

“Forcing me to stay here forever is cruel!”

I know. His head fell.

She gingerly leaned over to push him back in the chair. Ignoring his groan of pain. Catching his forearms, she unwrapped them and tugged until he climbed wanly to his feet.

She walked backward, urging him to trail her steps. Pausing near the blue chair to draw him close enough she could unlatch his belt and partially unlace his breeches. She carefully reached within near his hip bones and caught the bottom of his shirt, pressing her supple breasts against his bare stomach, her chin propped on his chest as she slid both sides out excruciatingly slowly.

Erotically. Despite my dilapidated state.

“Els, I can’t keep up with your moods tonight. I’m not sure if I’m delirious or you’re erratic.”

“You know very well it’s both.” She said dismissively.

“If this is a fever delusion please don’t wake me.”


“I won’t.” She breathed along his skin. To his surprise, she applied a warm kiss to the spot on his chest where her face pressed.

Once the shirt was free of his waistband, she slid off both cuffs, trailing her palm warmly along the sinews of his arms until he was free of the fabric. She tossed it into the blue chair and clasped his forearms again to drag him. She walked backward out of the library and up the stairs. Blue gaze captivating him.

Ripping my clothes off? Stripping me? Kissing me?

This isn’t what it seems. His hand landed on the railing. His other forearm clutched in her fists.

She’s angry with me. She’s going to do something awful.

Probably try to get away. Still, he found himself stepping hypnotically after her. Oh, I’m too far in. I’m going to find out where this is going.

“You have me wrapped about your pretty finger, you know that?” His hand slid the railing as he took the steps in pace with her.

“If I did, you’d give me whatever I wished.”

I would…If I were strong enough…

“Anything but your freedom. I could no longer bear this place, without you in it.”

“You did for centuries.”

And it was utter hopelessness.

“But after having you here I couldn’t live with the silence anymore.”

“Your brethren are always here.”

It’s not the same.

“They’re not you.” He murmured. Hearing the weariness in his own voice.

“You’re right. They cannot do this.” She led him to his chamber and kicked the door closed.

Do what?

“What are you going to do to me, Els?”

Knock me unconscious? Gut me? He was bone-tired. Too exhausted to fight you.

She set him on the edge of his bed and gently pulled off his boots.

Taking off my boots?

Am I passed out drunk somewhere, dreaming?

“What are you doing woman?” His voice rose.

She’s doing much kneeling before me. And despite all his exhaustion, at least a piece of his body refused to participate in the utter dilapidation of the rest of him. Responding avidly to what she was doing.

Damn you for a fool. He glared at his lap. Hands resting along his thighs.

He hoped she’d not notice his quick response to her nearness. Doing everything but what I wish she was.

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