FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Teaching Her Archery

“Not today.” He acknowledged before turning and walking back to where he’d stood early.

“Nor any other.”

“Then you shall starve.” He tossed back at her. “Apparently this was a poor course for me to endeavor.”


“Because you don’t wish to shoot.”

“I do!” She argued. Catching his arm. “I only don’t wish to shoot squirrels…Or rabbits.”

“I think it best we head back.” He said dryly.

“Then what if the cottage is beset by a man? What would I do then?”

Depends…If it’s Mardichi again, throw him some ale. He’ll go away.

“You’d shoot a man but no rabbits or squirrels?”

Utterly nonsensical!

“If the man be more deserving then the squirrel.”

More deserving then the squirrel? Has she lost her wits?

“You’re terrifying.” He eyed her. “Do you know that?”

“Come.” She hoisted her skirt to begin her quiet walk again. Leading the way back to where they’d stood when he shot the squirrel.

His confusion abated at his amusement at her strange posturing and the glimpses of slim ankles she offered in her maneuvering. Once back at the tree, he drew his arrow and quickly nocked it. Sending it flying into the tree.

Perfect shot.

“Whoa…” She breathed. “Let me.” She held her hand out. Wiggling her fingers expectantly.


Pulling an arrow from the quiver he slapped it into her hand. “You take it and you put it here, like this.” He nocked another on his bow. “And you pull back like…” He’d thought she was listening until she interrupted him.

“What’s this?” She stared intently at his back.


“This.” She poked his leather quiver repeatedly.

“A quiver.”

“Why is it called that?”

“For bloody sake! Hell, if I know.”

Her eyes widened at his profanity.

Not appropriate for her ears. He chastised himself.

“I apologize.” He ducked his head. “Apparently we’ve much work to do.” He sighed. “This is an arrow.”

“An arrow?”

Yes. An arrow. Good Lord!

He held it with the sharpened end up. “This is the point.” He put a finger to it. “This side goes in your threat.” He pointed to the tree. Tossing it in the air to catch it upside down. Holding it out to her. “And these-” He pointed to the feathers.

“Make it fly?” She blinked innocently as she grasped his wide wrist to lean in for a better look.

“Yes.” He said slowly. “They make it fly.”

Albeit more technical then that. But fine…

“Do it again!” She commanded.

Alright. He let fly an arrow followed by five more to follow the first. They landed in sequence. In the time it would’ve taken a mortal to nock one arrow, he’d set seven in a circle to include the first.

Lovely aim. He admired his work.

“Try to shoot in that.” He faced her. Pointing at the empty circle in the center.

She took the arrow and nocked it. Grip shaking as she drew back. The arrow wobbling against the wood. She blinked rapidly, trying to focus. Biting her bottom lip until it nearly bled. Grip making the bow tilt side to side.

Good God! She’s going to kill someone.

“Try not to kill me.” He watched her warily.

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