FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Nearly Killed Me

“What?” She spun the bow toward him to ask.

No. Reflexively he swatted it to the side sending her arrow off into the bushes.

“Why did you do that?” She blinked huge green eyes.

So you wouldn’t put it through my heart.

“Because you pointed it at me.”

“I didn’t know I was not to!”

I’d thought that much was obvious. He blinked slowly.

“I thought I covered that when I said do not kill me.” His tone was dry. “I didn’t realize when you said you wished to kill a man, you meant me.”

“I don’t.”

Are you certain? I’m not convinced this moment. He thought ruefully.

“Then why did you point it at me?”

She scowled. “I don’t believe I did.”

He groaned. Palming his face and letting it slide down in frustration.

“What?” She asked.

He handed her another arrow. And they went through the same process, but she stayed focused on her target. Thankfully.

This is going to prove a long day. But to his surprise she drew a quaking breath and then went incredibly still.

When everything stopped, she let the arrow fly and it landed dead center in his circle with a dull thunk.

What the-how the- He looked at her with stunned eyes.

“Another.” She didn’t look at him. Merely holding her palm out expectantly.


“Do it again.” He slapped it into her hand. “I don’t believe it.”

She went through the same. But much steadier this time. The arrow stacked against the first. Several more followed until she rolled her shoulder and mentioned it hurt.

She probably does ache. It’s been nearly two hours of archery.

For her first time…Or so I thought.

“How?” He was studying her in bafflement.

“Mags and Aggie say I have incredible aim.”

No shit. He was sure his face showed surprise, but she was busy eyeing her handiwork.

“Collect your arrows.” He ordered to keep her from noticing he was impressed.

“I think it helps,” She grunted as she climbed a log. “That I’ve been practicing what you do. And have gotten quite good.”

What’s she talking about now?

Sometimes she makes no sense.

“What I do?” He pondered.

“Yes. But with kitchen knives.”

Throwing them? Kitchen knives? Surely not!

“You’ve been throwing daggers?” He blinked in horror.

“Just kitchen knives.” She defended. Beginning to tug arrows from the tree as though an old expert. “And this.” She tossed her skirt up to reveal her jeweled dagger glinting from a sheath wrapping her tender thigh.

He swallowed hard. Whether it was in surprise at her remarkable skill or the lovely length of long leg, he was unsure.

It was the leg. He decided.

But I don’t see the benefit in more arrow excursions for her. He glanced at her walking next to him and realized she hadn’t complained of her aching shoulder, or the long trek, or her wet dress throughout the afternoon.

Only of the dead squirrel. He rolled blue eyes Heavenward for patience.

They walked until darkness descended around them.

With him unsure what to say. She’s an impressive woman.

Skilled. Beautiful. Vibrant.

And desirable.

I’m aroused because she shoots a fine arrow. He laughed at himself.

Hearing something in the distance, Acharius straightened, eyes wary as his head whipped from side to side.

Sensing his urgency, she stilled next to him. “What is it?” She asked at length.

“I thought I heard someone.” Finally, he eased, and they began walking again.

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