FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter SEBASTIAN - A Broken Howl

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Sebastian heard an anguished cry which wrenched him from his sleep. A scream breaking into a mournful howl. Fading into the torn roar of a dragon.

Bast felt the pain of the animal tearing through his mind. Ripping his heart asunder. Bast had heard that agony before. Usually from the Captain.

Once from Calisto Merlinus when she’d lost her mate.

But never from Mardichi?

Bast ran out into the hall where Elsabet intercepted him, fumbling for a grip on his clothes in an attempt to stop him.

“Whatever it is, don’t go!” She grasped for his sleeve, but he danced from her reach and ran past her.

Catching the banister, he swung himself around and jumped the railing to land in the foyer below.

“I will come back!” He shouted up to her.

She leaned over the railing. Having followed him that far. And now gripped it white-knuckled. “There’ll come a time you won’t!” She called brokenly to his back as he rushed across the foyer towards the door.

Only there, did he turn to look back up at her. “I’ll always come back for you. Never be gone forever.” He vowed. Before twisting to rip open the wide double doors. Slamming them behind him as he rushed out into the afternoon sunshine.

Bast climbed higher into the mountains until topping the primary peak. Then taking the downhill slope at a breakneck pace. The shortest route into Mane Country. Which was at a higher elevation then much of the others. Bordering the mountain territories.

Mane & Grier Country Border

He found the cottage at the border of the Grier and Mane Country, where Mardichi had been residing.

As Bast approached at a breakneck pace, he was slowed by the stench of Cimmerii. Hearing Mardichi’s cries out loud now, Bast turned into a man. Footfalls quiet as he eased through the open cottage door. Following the screams and roars into a narrow room in the back.

Finding Mardichi on his knees rocking back and forth. Murmuring forlornly to something small clutched in his hands.

No. Not that. Bast urged. Circling his friend as his stomach fell through the floor. Please no. Don’t let it be…

Mardichi was shirtless. Back split by red dragon spines. Pulsing and rustling as the skin on his shoulder blades turned to red scales. Then melded back to pink flesh before splitting and emerging again as he fought the beast trying to arise from his body.

Bast was filled with dread. He was happy for so long!

Walking on clouds these last few years…Bast’s eyes slid sideways and glimpsed the carefully made crib carved of rough wood and smoothed until so pale it was nearly white. Decorated with dark knotholes.

It was empty. The blankets crumpled at one end.

Oh, no. Bast felt his entire body slump in misery. That little boy had filled the remaining holes in Mardi’s soul.

Bast swallowed. “Mardi?” He asked warily. Aware if the tiny thing in his arms was what Bast feared…He’ll lash out at anything alive.

Mardichi’s head flew up. Mouth filled with thin pointed teeth and eyes flashing ruby. He met Bast’s look.

Sensing the danger, Bast’s eyes flashed gold, his own animal prepared to defend itself should the barbarian descend on him with all that rage. But instead of violence, Bast found tears coursing the man’s broad face. I didn’t even know he was capable of such expression!

He’s utterly shattered. And Bast ached for the barbarian’s pain.

Mardichi sobbed uninhibitedly. Gaze falling brokenly to the bundle dwarfed by his thick forearms.

Black mucus still surrounded the infant’s mouth and his eyes so much like Mardichi’s, were open but absent any light.

It was a nightmarish thought. A dead infant…

“He’s gone.” Mardichi murmured confusedly.

“What-what happened?”

Who would’ve done this to your family?

“I don’t know.” Mardichi climbed to his feet. Sniffling hard. “I just came in the door.” He gestured to the front. “I called for her but I can’t-she’s not…I can’t find her. Then I came to check on him and he’s…”

Her? His wife. Bast was quiet. Echoing pain tearing across his face at Mardichi’s clear agony.

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