FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Come With Me

“Aren’t you worried I’d get hurt?” She asked in an overly emphasized woman’s voice.

No. I wouldn’t let them get close enough.

His face turned to a scowl. “Less worried with you next to me. Then you back here getting into whatever scraps you do when I’m away.”

“I get in more scraps when you’re here and I have to clean up your messes.” She said bitterly.

Don’t invite the messes in, and I won’t spill them on your floor.

“Ah, you mean smoothing over any angst with your clientele?” He said boredly.

She set the last tankard down with a thump. And slapped both hands to the counter to glare at him. “I make a business of having as many contacts and customers in place as I can. Everywhere I go.”

I know. I point them in your direction.

And your skill makes them return.

“And why do you suppose they’re so willing to work with you?” His piercing eyes narrowed.

“Because I make good on my word!”

And because they respect you. I demand it.

“And when they’re unsatisfied and they threaten you. Whose name do you use to keep them at bay?”

Her mouth went dry and she looked away.

That’s right. Mine.

“You’re welcome.” He turned and left the counter. Pausing as he opened the door. “Murah?”


“I’ll be back tonight. And you’ll be here.”

Not at home pretending to be sick to evade me.

“Or I’ll hunt you down in your warm bed, in your hut, surrounded by your bodyguards…”

God knows they’re not enough to slow me down.

“I’ll find you.” He persisted despite her eyes rounding. “And if I find you there…Well, you’ll be right where I want you anyway…” He half-shrugged.

She shrieked and he closed the door to block the sound of her ranting. Walking away chuckling.

I love being back.

“I hate that he’s back!” Murah whined to Markus.

“Me too.” He agreed. “It’s just a question of who’s going to die not ‘if’ or ‘when’.”

“Is he really so bad?” Thomas, the other bodyguard, asked from next to them.

“Worse.” She and Markus said in unison.

She sighed. “Hire some extra barmaids tonight for…sanitizing. Did we get whoever that was last night, cleaned up?” She asked nearly as an afterthought.

“In the hole out back.” Markus nodded. “Barely a stain left.”

“Have Dale widen the hole.”

“I hate when he’s back.” Markus grumbled as he left Murah’s hut.

“Me too.” She whined.

Thomas sat in the wooden chair near the door. Lifting his wooden cup of water to sip as he sat sentry.

She watched the young man forlornly.

“Yes?” He glanced at her. Smiling proudly to be taking care of his family working for her. Her coin helped put food in his little brother and mother’s bellies.

“Be careful.”

“I always am, mum.”

“No, Thomas. I mean exceptionally careful.”

His brow knitted as he looked at her.

“He’s like a feral animal. Do not challenge him. Especially if he is coming at me.”

“I’m charged with protecting you!” He argued, leaping to his feet.

“Yes. But going against him would be foolish. Your job now is to keep anyone fool enough to challenge him, from doing so and dying in my establishment.”

The young man looked at her aghast.

“And Thomas?”

“Yes?” He stared at her in shock. Brows lifted nearly to his hairline.

“Never, never, pull a weapon on him.”

He gaped at her in confusion.

“Besides, honestly, I may be the only one in this Guild he’s not likely to kill.” She reassured.

“Not likely?” The boy’s voice rose.

“I’d never put it past him to kill anyone.” She said dismissively. Turning to sweep her floor. “That’d be foolish.”

“My name is Acel Jaxson, Savage Jack. I’m assassin, killer, warrior. I kill without blinking. Man or woman. My code is simple. Don’t betray me or I’ll kill you.

Only one betrays me and lives. In a world where I’m King, she is Queen. But she intends to never be mine. She doesn’t realize she already is…”

-Savage Jaxson to Chavias on a raiding day

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