FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Bast Catches the Stink of Cimmerii

Cimmerii odor encircled the mansion like an obscene haze. Radix is here. Deragan watched candlelight brightening an upper chamber of Worthington Mansion. Feeling a presence behind him, he acknowledged. “Sebastian.”

“He’s here, isn’t he?” Bast stepped next to Deragan to study his dark-haired friend.


“His energy is.” Deragan gave him a sideways look.

“To intimidate her?”

To torment her.

“Yes.” Deragan stared ahead.

“Does he try to confuse her as he does everyone else?”

He tries even harder with her. Excessively cruel in his manipulations.

“Yes. He starts by invading her dreams.” Deragan’s blue eyes clouded with a mix of anger and pain. “He changes to look like me. Tries to talk like me.”

Which is why I have to disguise my face to keep from alarming her.

Deragan gave him a brief look. Face hardening. “This is the first time he’s tried sending another in his stead, in the hope she’d find him more appealing.” He continued. “He tries to torture her enough she’ll run confused, to him.”

“Ah.” Bast chuckled. “That’s why you spent all that time Spirit Running to her.”

“So, she’d already have someone to turn to.” Deragan agreed.

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I’m trying not to speak to her.”

“Why?” Bast was appalled.

“Because now that she’s seen me in the flesh, she’s piecing it together. And she’s angry with me. Not at all how I intended to reveal it.”

He’s processing that she’s seen me without my disguise.

Bast opened his mouth to ask but was unsure what to say.

“She thought I was a ghost. Now she knows I’m not.” Deragan emphasized.

And she’s furious with me.

“What does she think you are?” Bast asked tentatively.

An enemy. At the moment.

“A very alive liar.”

“You sure about that?”

What else could it be?

At his friend’s softening tone, Deragan shot him a look. “What are you trying to say Bast?”

“She’s likely hurt, but undoubtedly hopeful, that the person she’s been talking to is real.”

Slowly turning his head, Deragan stared at the mansion thoughtfully. Crossing his arms over his chest, he was quiet awhile.

Content to stand in silence with his comrade, Bast spun his head when Deragan spoke.

“You know if that little valkyrie of yours wizens up and keeps you around she’ll be a lucky...” Deragan struggled for a term. “Female.”

For the most part. Deragan thought dryly.

“Wise or not, I’m not giving up until she does.”

Of that, I’m certain.

Sebastian wandered away to patrol the other side of the estate, when a shadow was cast over the Worthington Manse. Catching Deragan’s eye.


So far from Dread Hideout? What’s wrong?

Deragan watched him vanish over Gunnison Forest, seeing he intended to land within the trees. There was the slight scrape of branches and the rustle of rich green leaves. Deragan waited.

In short time, the massive Viking strode from the trees looking every inch the fearsome warrior he was. With curling blonde hair blowing and his blonde beard enhancing the sharp cut of his broad jaw.

I certainly wouldn’t elect to fight him…If I hadn’t trained him day after day. But it was fair to say that Acharius had taught Deragan much of his ways of fighting in return.

“Rhyers.” Acharius filled in. Knowing it’d be Deragan’s first question.

I suppose it always is.

I need to know someone is with the artifacts.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have a problem?”

“What?” Deragan was surprised. “Nothing bothers you.”

“I’ve been seeing in color.” Acharius sighed.

“You what?” Deragan asked startled.

There could be Nonis. He reminded himself realizing he was loud.

Glancing around and lowering his voice he asked. “You what?”

How? That’s improbable.

“There’s a woman. A Watcher, I think.”

“A Watcher?” Deragan’s brows lifted.

“I’m very sure. And I think there’s more.”

Deragan blew a long breath and slumped down to sit on a mound along the side of the hill. Too shocked to stand this moment. “I thought they were all lost.”



“I think someone led them from Radix’s clutches.” Acharius tentatively explained.


“I don’t know yet.”

“What have you come to me for?” Deragan asked. Sensing that Acharius had not left the artifacts merely to deliver news he normally would’ve sent with Bast.

“I need some advice.”

Deragan’s head lifted as he awaited what his wisest knight would ask.

“I feel strong emotion for this creature-”

“The woman?”

Acharius tilted his head to the side in admonition.

“A woman is a far stretch from a creature.” Deragan chided. Hiding a smile.

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