FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Acharius Visits for Advice

He comes to me for lady advice?

“I-I…Know this…” Acharius admitted. “I believe she-she, perhaps…” He swallowed.

This is hard for him.

“She?” Deragan prompted.

“Enjoys my company as well.”

“How much does she enjoy your company?”

Now I’m merely torturing him. Deragan fought down amusement.

“Well, not-not that-uh-no.” He deflated.

Of course not. My honorable brethren.

I don’t believe I’ve ever before seen him quite this shade of purple.

“So, what is your dilemma, Acharius?” He took pity on the huge flustered man.

“Chavias is hunting me.”

Deragan leapt to his feet.

“I will have Rhyers, Mardichi and Bast guard you throughout the day and night.”

“You cannot.” Acharius shook his head gravely. “If he comes after me, you cannot risk them. He may kill them all.”

“You’d be mighty hard to kill between the three of you.”

“But Chavias is ruthless. He’s a monster on the battlefield…” Acharius reminded. “As you recall he is distinctly able to wield weapons in each hand independently. I’ve only seen two warriors do that. Him and…”


“What do you need of me, Friend?” Deragan’s tone was hesitant.

Don’t ask me to let him kill you. I won’t be able to do it.

“I have fondness for this woman. And I’ve belief she has it for me as well. But with Chavias hunting me, it’s probably for the best I let whatever there, lay?” He winced just asking it.

He thinks I should tell him to leave her be.

“I don’t think I’m the man for this advice.”

“Nay?” Acharius looked startled. “You’ve never refused me counsel.”

“I’m merely not the best candidate. But I know a man very immersed in the intricacies of romance.”

“No. No! No.” Acharius’ mouth whitened and he shook his head adamantly. “I’m not talking to Bast!”

“Acharius, My Friend, you are talking to a man whose failed to keep his woman countless times.”

“Fair point. But you’re no matchmaking crone either. Set on creating great romance when there’s bare a flicker of fondness.”

“I’m no matchmaking crone!” A great declaration came from behind Acharius. Making him cringe.

Sebastian. Deragan was amused. He’s been there a moment.


Acharius’ upper lip twitched as he reluctantly faced Bast.

“Sounds like there’s a bare flicker of fondness.” Bast said with a bright grin. Staring up at Acharius confidently.

Acharius shook his head adamantly.

“You look mighty scared for such a big beast.” Bast announced.

“Don’t. I’ve no need-I’m fine.”

Bast laughed and moved aside Acharius. Throwing his arm around the taller man’s shoulders. “Let’s chat.”

“Let’s don’t.” Acharius groaned. Sounding very near a whine for such a large man.

Once they were away from Deragan, they stopped.

And Deragan shamelessly eavesdropped.

“I heard a lot.” Bast said.

Acharius grunted.

“Let me just tell you,” Bast sobered. Face going serious. “Chavias is a concern. He’s always a concern. You know I’ll do everything possible to protect you.”

“You can’t always be there.” Acharius murmured. “You’ve got to let it be. It’s Chavias’ choice to come at me. I don’t want any of the rest of you in danger.”

“Don’t say it like that.” Bast objected. Understanding dawned on his face. “That’s why you fear pursuing wooing this woman?”

“I don’t want her in danger.” Acharius’ spine stiffened. I’ve spent a long time protecting her. I don’t want to be the cause of her harm.

“Well,” Bast clucked in his cheek. “I don’t have any great wisdom to offer. But a grain of thought for you to consider…If my Valkyrie were interested in a lifetime with me, I wouldn’t think twice. I’d love nothing more than the chance to see her reciprocate my interest.”

Acharius frowned as he mulled it over.

“Truth is,” Bast put a hand to his shoulder. “To say that she needs your protection and that is why you are making choices for her is to imply that she has less intellect or perseverance then you.”

Acharius looked as if Bast had punched him.

“Is that how you see her?”

“Not in the least!” Bast objected.

“Then don’t treat her like she’s less.”

“She’s not.” Acharius reiterated.

“Then let her make her own choices.”

Acharius was wide-eyed. After a long moment he slowly began nodding. Sighing he turned and began aiming for the concealment of the trees to change back into a dragon and make his way back to the Dread Hideout. Tossing over his shoulder. “Damn you for a manipulative bastard.”

Well done, Protector. Deragan gave a nod of approval.

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