FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter RHYERS - Getting a Bast Home

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


It took longer than Rhyers expected to ensure Sam was with Ebony and she was safe. He avoided speaking to her.

Knowing Bast had taken a few hard hits, he returned to the wood and found the panther laying between trunks on a pad of leaves. Breathing heavily.

“How are you?”

Bast changed from panther to man. Sitting up and forming clothes around his frame. “Fantastic.”

“You hurt?” Rhyers asked. A bit worriedly.

“Just a few bumps and bruises.”

You look a mite worse for wear.

“Why do you seem so exhausted?”

Bast sighed. “I’m not sure. Been taking longer for me to heal.” He confided.

“Any idea why?”


“Do you think,” Rhyers said slowly. “perhaps you expect too much of yourself? Could you simply be tired?”

“I suppose it’s likely.”

Very likely.

“Let’s get you back to WaterRose and I’ll watch over you while you get some rest.”

Bast reluctantly admitted. “I’ve been avoiding going to the castle.”

“Which means you haven’t been resting…At all.” Rhyers chided. “Why are you avoiding her Bast?”

“She’s impossible.” He tossed his hands.

“More than usual?”

There’s a lengthy story behind all this frustration.

“I’ve tried everything I can imagine. Everytime I get a few steps closer to her, she latches onto something she can use as a wall between us.”

“Of course, she does.”

“Meaning?” Bast’s blonde brows drew together.

“You’re an easy man to care about.” Rhyers put a hand to Bast’s shoulder. “I can imagine a woman trying to protect her heart would be clawing for reasons not to love you.”

“You think that’s what she’s doing?”


“Well, it’s a nice thought.” Bast sounded hopeful.

“I don’t think it’s a mere thought, My Brother.”

“How could I find out?”

“I’d ask her.”

“Lucien says I should touch her subtlely and determine if my touch effects her.”

What? Rhyers scoffed. Laughter spilling from him.

“Sure he would. I don’t think you possess such abilities at subtlety. Nor do I see you succeeding in games of seduction.”

“Ouch.” Bast feigned a wince.

“In your defense, you’ve never had to.”

“That’s what Lucien said.”

Well, it’s true! Rhyers just stared at him.

Eventually Bast shifted. Gaze falling to the leaves. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”

“I think you should just ask her. It’s more your style.”

“Ask her if she pushes me away apurpose?”


Bast nodded thoughtfully.

Rhyers’ hand fell from his shoulder. “Now, let’s get you back to the castle. Fear not, My Brother, I’ll protect you from painful conversations with your valkyrie.”

“Swear it?”

“I do.”

They entered WaterRose together. And Elsabet rushed downstairs, Bast’s name on her lips.

But true to his word, Rhyers cut her off.

When her gaze flashed red, Rhyers’ flashed white. Putting a hand to the bannister, he blocked her from going beyond the lowest step.

Bast ducked his head and cut a quick path to his chamber on the lower level, tucked under the dais.

“Sebastian!” She called out. Trying to see around Rhyers who moved stoically side to side to block her.

“What are you doing?” She demanded.

“Not now. He needs his rest.”

She hissed, lips baring teeth.

“Come now, I thought we were past that.” He offered her his arm. “To the library or the parlor?”

She glowered.

“Would you care for a cup of tea with me?”

Her face softened. “Tell me what’s wrong with him?”

“He’s very tired.” Rhyers’ voice rang with sincerity. “And though, I believe you care for him. All he needs at this time is some rest. I’d think you can appreciate that.”

“I can.” She said softly. “As long as you aren’t helping him keep things from me.”

“I’m not.” Rhyers said. “I’d tell you anything I could. And if I don’t have the right, I will tell you that. But I won’t lie or deceive you.”

“Fair.” She hesitantly put a hand to his arm and let him guide her to the parlor. Worry still written over her face.

“He’ll be fine.” Rhyers comforted, patting the back of her hand. “Just let him sleep awhile.”

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