FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter ALAZAR - A Sweet Visit

Warlock Grove, Nightway


Alazareth couldn’t yet define his odd relationship with the princess of Nightway. He mulled it over as he wove through the Warwood, trailing the faint scent of rose oil.

And in truth I don’t care to give it name. For once in his life, he just wanted to enjoy something. Consequences be damned.

They’d been meeting for months. Strange to realize it’s been so long.

She often emerged in the early evenings to practice archery and hunt with him. Ensuring the castle had meat for its tables. In addition, were her many breaks spent lounging in the grassy meadow beyond the chaos of Nightway’s bailey.

Searching for some peace.

But the last sennight had been an exception.

She’s hardly come out at all. She’s been avoiding me.

But it’d been only a matter of time before she needed the escape.

She’s never been well-suited to the throngs of people.

Which is probably why she’s here today. Staring at clouds.

The curve of her hip thrusting up toward the sky, clad in leather riding pants. Her cream muslin top strapped at the shoulder with a ruffle across the plunging breast. Leather corseting making them strain against the fabric.

Mmm…Tempting. From his vantage point he was permitted a view of ample cleavage as he approached. Those perfect globes inviting his touch. Her hair a tangle of waves over the grass. Eyes focused above.

She hasn’t heard me. Swiping a piece of wheat from near his boot he laid head to head with her just out of her view. Sliding to lean over her enough to trace the bit of wheat over the swell of her breast, down through the dark hollow and up her neck.

She moaned as he traced her jawline up to outline her lips.

I love that sound.

“Alazar.” She murmured.

That one too.

“And if it were not me?” He queried.

She turned her head up to see him. “It’s always you. Who else could sneak up on me?”

“Your skills have improved, and you’re keenly observant but don’t overestimate yourself. I could’ve been a villain from the trees.”

“You’re the only villain in these trees.” She grinned.

Perhaps that’s true. He grudgingly tilted his head returning her smile.

“Does no one miss you when you come out in the middle of the day?”

“They always miss me.” She groaned. “There’s always someone searching for me to tell me do my lessons. But out here,” She gestured. “The day is mine.”

Free to run like a wild hoyden.

“I miss you.” He cut in.

Where have you been the last sennight?

“And I miss you.” She rolled to her belly. Eyes the same shade as the spring grass folding under her, gazed at him.

She looks like she belongs out here.

A forest sprite. Something half-wild and ready for play. I’d play with you. Even as he thought it, her lashes lowered.

She leaned her chin into her hands. Nearly nose to nose with him. “Gooday my assassin.” She whispered.

“Don’t say that out here!” He glanced around. Seeing no one.

She tipped closer. Nearly brushing her lips to his.

No need to say anything further. When she leans this close there’s only one thing she’s after.

A devious half smile curled her lips as though hearing his thoughts.

“And if I were to tell you no?” He challenged.

Not that I would…Or could. He swallowed.

“You wouldn’t.”

“I cannot.” He corrected quickly. “But if I did?”

“Then I’d seduce you.”


“How?” He blurted. “What does a princess know of seducing?”

“Oh, you’ve taught me many things Alazar.”

“Don’t blame me!” He scoffed. “You watch your servants more than you should!”

“How else would I learn?” She shrugged. Blonde hair pooling over smooth shoulders.

Jaw ticking, he eyed her. “You know very well how.”

Come to me.

“Then tell me how to seduce you.” She leaned up on her knees, keeping the intensity in her eyes as she crawled across the gap toward him.

Don’t do that…He groaned in his throat. Watching her beautiful curves slinking toward him.

“Aye…Because you need my assistance in wrapping me around your finger.” He scoffed.

“It couldn’t hurt.” She gave a sideways shrug.

Yes, it could. Hurt me.

“You’re incorrigible.” He laughed.

“And you?”

“A rogue.” He caught her up in his arms and rolled her underneath him. “One with a lust for seductive princesses.” He growled. Kissing along her neck to her lips.

She purred. “Just one princess though, aye?”

That’s not how you talk.

“Don’t talk like me.” He paused to glare at her. Then a devilish look lit his eyes. “Just one…So far.”

She punched him in the arm. “Let me up.”

Not a chance.

“Fine. Fine. I take it back…” His voice grew solemn. “Just you, Little Dove.”

Only you.

Her arms wrapped warmly about his neck to pull him down to her.

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