FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Finding Garix Trembath

“Ye try ta scare me?”

“No. I’m telling you it’s pointless to fight me.”

I’ll kill you without missing a breath.

“Ye hope ta have me lay down so ye can cut me throat then?” Garix asked dryly.

I’ve a better idea.

“No.” Alazar cocked his head to assess the large man thoughtfully. “I’m going to kill you. Or she’ll send someone else to.”

“Methinks ye’re tryin’ to say somethin’ else ta me…” Garix’s brow knitted.

“I’m saying I’m going to return and say I’ve killed you…In exchange for two things.”

“Two?” Garix’s voice rose.

“Two. You’ll not send anymore rebels after the girl.”

Or I’ll kill you slow.

“Whyever no’?”

“Because I’m the Assassin Nauvree, The BloodLetter.” He let it sink in.

“No.” The two men parallel Garix hissed indrawn breaths. Understanding what that entailed.

“And because she’s my lover.”

No one touches her but me.

All three men gasped.

“Ye ’ave a le’er on ye for me fam then?” Garix challenged.

Yes. The Nauvree always leaves the bit of parchment.

Alazar pulled a rolled document from inside his tunic and tossed it on the ground. All knew no one who’d been the Nauvree’s prey lived to speak of it. But he left the letters with his mark for his victim’s family. Telling them why their loved one was assassinated.

A strange courtesy, I suppose.

But it means something to me.

“It says you were killed to protect the woman I care for.” He explained blandly.

“She ‘as to pay for wha’ she’s done to ’er people…” Garix said. Brown eyes narrowing as he considered fighting Alazareth. Despite knowing he’d lose.

Don’t do it.

“But not at your hand.” Alazareth shook his head warningly.

“Then ’ose?”


“She’s yer lover! Ye jus’ said!”

But she’s not to blame for what you’re accusing.

“She is. But if she’s as evil as you say then I’ll hold her to account. And ensure the suffering of your kin stops. But it’ll be my doing. Not yours.”

Or anyone else’s.

“And I’ll need time. Time to find out what’s really happening and if she’s the one behind the suffering or if it’s the other.” He added.


“Then wha’ will ye do?”

“I’ll get control of her and right what’s been done to the Nightway people… Which brings me to my second demand.”

Garix gave him a sideways look.

Not liking the sound of that.

“I want in.”


“I want to be one of your Rebels.” He explained.

“To wha’ end?” One of the other men demanded.

“To learn the truth of what’s happening and who suffers at whose hand. And to guide the retribution on the Nightway royalty.”

Or stop it.

Garix’s silence requested further explanation.

“To ensure she remains safe.”

“And what of the evil Queen?” The other man asked.

I couldn’t care less.

“Kill her.”


“The sooner the better if you can.” Alazar said dispassionately. “But you.” He pointed to Garix. “You’re dead. You’ll go into hiding or I can’t infiltrate the castle.”

“Yer askin’ us ta trust a man we jus’ met. The Nauvree, no less…”

Yes. One who came here to kill you.

“I’m telling you,” His face hardened. “you’ve no choice right now.”

Garix gave him a pensive study.

Trust me, you don’t.

“You can’t fight him.” One of the other men told the leader.

He’s right. Listen to him.

“If you let him in, he could be spying for Nightway.” The other objected.

Shut your mouth. Alazareth gave him a scathing glance. Or I’ll shut it for you.

“’E’s admittin’ ’e is.” Garix gestured. “’E’s saying e’ll spy for both sides ta see where justice is needed.”

You’re right. He looked at Garix with renewed respect. He’s clever.

“You believe him?” One of the other men asked.

“I do.” Garix said strongly. “Ye’ve me word.” He offered Alazar his hand.

Alazar took it. Knowing the man would keep it. “You’re honorable.” He noted.

Garix only lowered his head. “I ’ope ye are as well.”

I am.

“I prize it above all.” Alazar said somberly.

They exchanged a nod. As they both took a seat near the fire, Garix passed him a lump of dried meat. “So, let’s come to an agreemen’ then.”

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