FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter ALAZAR - After a Rebel Leader

Outside MidGale City, Nightway


Alazar had been stalking Garix Trembath, a large broad-shouldered man with a short beard and mustache sprinkled with gray. I’ve followed him since Riaura tasked me with killing him. Alazar had spent the day watching him talk to Nightway commoners.

Evening descended and full dark threatened, when Garix stood to welcome a couple into his camp. Offering them boiled water. Listening to their complaints. Others had come earlier and Garix had been as friendly. Devoting his time to hear them out.

“We hate ’er, Garix.” The man said.

“She’ll kill us all if’n she’s made Queen!” The man’s wife leaned forward to proclaim in a panicked voice.

Her husband squeezed her hand.

She bounced the bundle wrapped in a blanket on her knees. “I’s afeared!” She persisted. “If’n somethin’ isna done ’bout ‘er. Our li’l un’ won’ live ta be wed one day, ta ’ave a life of ’er own.”

“We’re starvin’.” Her husband added.

“I know.” Garix sighed. Offering them both dried bird meat.

They took it greedily.

“I’m workin’ on it. She’ll ne’er rule. Me and me Rebels ‘ave made a vow ta no’ let tha’ ’appen.”

“Thank God fer ye!” The woman cried.

“’ow’s ol’ Betrice?” Garix changed the subject from the woman’s proclamation of gratitude as he plucked a bit of meat himself.

“She doin’ be’er. But still sickly.”

“I’ll ‘ave me men ge’ sumthin’ from the Potionmaker in the Netherwoods. It’s said ’ers are the best.”

“Thank ye Garix.” The man gave the leader a hard handshake. His gratitude shining in his eyes. He stood with his wife and wrapped her shawl more tightly around her shoulders as he used a torch to lead them back out of the woods.

They hate her. Alazar realized. They fear she’ll be like Marod.

So, after a long day of tracking, he decided…It’s time.

Garix and two men sat around a fresh fire. Conspiring to burn Nightway fields, primarily those immediately surrounding the castle. Intent on starving the royals out. They assessed a crude map. Sharing bits of beni bird meat retrieved from a saddle bag.

Alazar characteristically walked into the middle of the rebel camp.

As I did the Death Dealer’s.

Alazareth kicked a log from the clustered trees, as he approached. Moving it with his foot until it was positioned across the fire from them. They stared at him, stunned.

“Can we help ye wit’ somethin’?” One stood and drew a curved sword.

Garix put a hand to the man’s forearm. “’Ave a seat, Shane.”

The man warily watched Alazareth but did as commanded.

“Migh’ me ask what brings ye ’ere, Friend?” Garix chewed thoughtfully as he assessed Alazar through dancing orange flames.

“I’m here to kill you.”

“Are ye?” Garix’s voice rose with interest.

Not afraid. Curious…Interested.

“An’ why migh’ tha’ be?”

Well, he has no idea who I am.

“You want to kill a woman.”

“I don’ e’er wish ta kill a woman…Who is this un’?”

“Princess of Nightway.”

“Ah…” Garix said thoughtfully. Still chewing. “I do plan ta kill tha’ un’.”

Least he’s honest.


She’s never hurt a fly. Why do you want her dead?

“She’s starvin’ ‘er people. Tha’s why we’re uprisin’.”

She’s not. Riaura wouldn’t do that.

“Not because you think she’s a Dread?” Alazar asked a bit surprised.

“Nah. Is she?”

She told me it was because you thought her Dread. But Alazareth looked at him and saw no trace of deception as he continued nibbling the meat.


She’s not.

“She’s evil jus’ the same.” Garix said.


“Why?” He asked quietly.

“She has those men comin’ bout the City. Robbin’ people blin’. Beatin’ children. Stealin’ from those who ain’t got a coin to their name as is. Me daughter ‘asn’t had o’ bite a bread in months. Wee one’s been eatin’ grass to soothe ‘er achin’ belly. Eatin’ wha’ rabbits me can poach.” Rage seeped into Garix’s voice which had been calm unto this point.

Danbury. Alazar was very sure Riaura was not to blame for that list of deeds. I’m going to find out. He decided.

“She doesn’t order men in MidGale.” He argued.

“She do.” Garix nodded solemnly.

It can’t be.

“Are you certain these are not Danbury men?”

“If them is. They callin’ themselves NightGuards.”

Alazar was taken aback. Why would they do that?

“Ye still inten’ ta kill me, Friend?” Garix queried.

Apparently finished with my questioning.

“I do.”

“Then we bes’ git ta it.” Garix drew a knife and stood. Walking between his men.

Too small. And you’re not quick enough. He assessed.

“I’ll kill you before you can nick me with that blade.” Alazareth sighed.

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