FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Bast Gets in Some Hunting

Blowing a hissing breath, Nora worried her family had been hit with rocks. She looked at the children a moment to verify no one had been hurt.

Her kind heart worrying more for her younger brother and sister then herself. Just like the woman we’ve always known…

Bast’s yellow gaze flicked to the coach rattling from view through the iron gate down the drive.

There’s a special place for a man that’d hurt a woman and children. Bast watched the coach whipping around the corner. Back end sliding sideways. It’s wise for you to flee before I lose rein on my thin patience.

Nonis smoothly cleared the wheels to skitter along the iron fence, bordering the lawn. Far enough to ensure they were from the view of all the humans.

But not from mine…

Turning on the twins, Nora glowered.

Looking for someone to blame for her distress. A normal human reaction, Bast recognized.

However her young twin brothers did not.

Marcus tried several times to defend their actions. “That jackanape! He’s a-a-Nore!”

“Don’t!” She glanced at Airon meaningfully. “How in Ardae are we going to get the shackles off you?”

Fair question. Bast flinched, scrunching his short cat nose.

The twins exchanged a frown.

Eyes narrowing Nora opened her mouth...But abruptly deflated.

She doesn’t know what to say.

Siblings watching warily as she went from accusing to forlorn.

“What just happened?” Marcus asked William under his breath.

“She’s female.” William said quickly. “Go with it.”

A wise call. Bast lowered to a crouch. Watching them. Go inside children…So I can go kill some Nonis!

“What’s that?” Leaning over to collect her doll, Beth lifted the fragment of metal and offered it to Nora.

Drawing Bast’s attention from the skittering black Nonis. Clustered in a bunch as they bounced through the grass to get closer to the unknowing family.

Nora turned the item her baby sister had handed her, in the meager moonlight.

A spare key. That’s what Mac had thrown. Bast recognized. How will he explain the missing shackles to Nelson? He pondered.

He’ll blame the twins. The answer came immediately.

Giving her their backs, those boys wiggled their chained hands hopefully.

Snorting she tossed the key in the air and let it hit gravel again.


“Are you kidding!” Marcus objected loudly. “I’m bleeding from the head.”

Rolling his eyes, William swore.

Taking pity on them Airon collected the key and mustered his way through Marcus’ locks.

Like any good little brother. Would that I’d had one!

“That’s why you’re my little buddy!” Marcus caught him in a tight hug.

Airon beamed until his brother stood and rubbed his fist along the top of Airon’s head.

“Egad! Some thanks!” He smashed his hair back down giving his brother a mutinous glare.

Hands full of bags, Nora watched from the porch.

Tossing shackles in the dirt William shouted. “Let’s take the carriage and go home Nora. Let the Worthingtons come try to throw us out themselves.” He headed for the carriage.

Marcus carefully fisted the shackles.

What are you fools doing now? Bast began eying them nervously. Surely, they’re not intent on going back to Meadowbrook? That’d prove dangerous as Hell! Bast decided he couldn’t let that happen.

Distracted momentarily Nora demanded. “What are you doing with those?” She nodded her head toward the shackles Marcus toyed with.

“These?” He lifted them. “I’m keeping them!” Smiling widely while he twirled them. “For when Meralee comes around shrieking at us like usual.

“That’d be uncommonly unwise. Even for you.” William looked at him askance.

He’d likely lose some flesh in that effort.

Nora’s face scrunched in Marcus’ direction. “I’m telling her you said that.”

Smile dying, Marcus’ hands fell. Jaw hanging in horror. “No! Don’t do that!”

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