FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Worthington with Anna Valentine

The dark-haired little girl and the toe headed boy piled downstairs and entered the kitchen.

“We heard you yelling at William.” The boy explained.

“We wanted to make sure you were okay.” The little sister whispered in her tiny voice.

“Don’t you think William is the one you should be checking on?” There was a smile in Nora’s softened tone, and he guessed that one of the kids was hugging her.

Probably the little girl.

“We tried that.” Airon grumbled. “Beth made me go. I asked, he thumped me upside my head, shoved me and closed the door in my face.” The boy pouted. “Like usual.”

“Thank you, I’m fine.” Nora sounded like she was hugging one, her voice muffled, as she murmured. “Don’t take it to heart. He loves you. And when you get a little bigger, he won’t treat you quite so much like an annoyance.”

“Annoying? You think me annoying?” He defended. “I am not annoying!”

“Course not.” She agreed. “And William knows too.” Giving him a wink, she gave some reassuring touch that resulted in loud objections.

Usually how he sounds when she ruffles his hair.

“Go play, Littles.”

Beth murmured. “See, told you William would be nice someday.”

Airon shouldered her slightly, nearly making her run into the wall as they crossed the entryway to the bannister. “I doubt that.” He said over his shoulder.

Deragan decided to walk around the rest of the house to check for Cimmerii.

Rounding the beat-down cottage Deragan paused and veered behind another tree as he glimpsed Simon Worthington standing with Nora’s redheaded friend. Anna Valentine.

Simon spoke in a low breath that even Deragan couldn’t overhear from this distance. His eyes turned orange rimmed in red.

Anna gasped and reared back.

Simon caught her wrist in a vicious grip. Whispering to her.

Deragan sensed it was a threat. He noticed the clothes Worthington wore, a dress coat and cravat, seemed to imply he intended to attend a ball. For a split second he imagined how good it’d feel to grab that cravat and tighten it until the boy’s face purpled.

Anna’s mouth whitened as she shook her head adamantly.

Worthington nodded slowly. Eyes glowing inhumanly.

He’s asking her to help him get close to Nora. Though Deragan couldn’t hear the conversation he was sure he understood the context.

At length she drew a long breath. Sniffling, she nodded.

She’s no choice. Deragan reminded himself to stave off the sudden surge of anger. If Anna didn’t comply with what Worthington ordered her to do, he’d likely kill her to. If she kept up the fight she’d be in as much danger as Meralee.

It made Deragan’s stomach sink to know he’d have to watch the girl so close to Nora. The girl that has so much sway over her.

Deragan was very afraid at some point he may have to kill Nora Bishop’s friend to save her life. He swallowed hard. She won’t take that well.

But I’ll do whatever is necessary to protect her.

An hour later, Nora answered a knock at the door to find Anna on her stoop. Her bobbing riot of red curls surrounding her face as she clapped her hands.

“We’re going to the Ball. We’re going. We’re going.” She chanted in a sing song voice. Determination lifting her chin as she challenged Nora to argue. “Nora, I found the most beautiful dress and had to get it fitted for you.” A cloth bag draped her footman’s shoulder. A strip of blue cloth peering from the bottom of the bag.

“Hallow’s Eve Ball. We’re going. It’ll be marvelous.” Anna explained.

Meralee materialized behind Anna, her sullen expression telling Nora she wasn’t Anna’s first victim tonight.

Nora’s eyes traveled to Anna blankly.

“I’ve been talking about it for a fortnight. Do you two not listen to anything I say?” Anna gave her a hand-on-hip impatient look.

Behind her, Mera mimicked the gesture with an exaggerated hip cock and dramatic head shake. Tossing her hands in mock excitement.

“Can’t Anna. Airon and Beth will-” Nora started.

“I already called Rosie.” Anna cut in pushing past Nora. Mera lifted her skirt and stepped inside.

“It’s true.” Mera rolled her eyes.

“Walk.” Anna ordered. Catching Nora’s arm and urging her toward the stairs. The footman following.

Topping the stairs, they saw William and Marcus shoving each other in the hallway.

Turning her regal head Mera’s eyes set on them.

They turned slowly in unison. Sensing her hate filled glance.

Mera’s lips tightened as her brows lifted. Expression scathing.

Marcus shoved William one way and they aimed for their chambers. Both of them still pushing the other as they escaped her view. Stepping inside they pulled their doors closed.

“I wonder how long it will take them to notice they went to the wrong rooms?” Nora pondered.

Only after the latches clicked, did Meralee reconvene the conversation. “Nore, you want me to straighten them out?”

“You already know what they did?” Nora sighed. “How did word spread already they were in trouble again?”

“The whole tutelage knows.” Anna commented shrugging. “When the Bishop boys fight, everyone watches.” Her tone was almost admiring.

Nora frowned.

“They’re trouble.” Meralee countered. “Wish me to discuss it with them?” She offered again.

Sparing Nora from answering, Anna told them the latest, “Lord Vandelhein, a known rogue has ruined the reputation of another miss.”

“Not surprising.” Meralee’s look was heinous. “It is his little game.” She knew his dubious intentions.

“You’ve the strangest look on your face.” Anna commented.

“I had the strangest conversation today. I’m still trying to puzzle it out.”

“With whom?” Anna’s jaw dropped. “A man, perhaps?”


“Hmm.” Anna’s freckled face brightened as her mouth opened. Then it darkened abruptly as realization dawned. “It was Lord Black, wasn’t it?”

“Let her have him.” Meralee nudged the redhead. “You’ve plenty. What was the conversation?” She fisted her dress and leaned forward excitedly.

“It was nice actually.”

“And?” Meralee arched a perfect brown brow.

“Whenever I’m near him, I get so…warm. It’s hard to explain. Deeper.”

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