FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Her Soul Knows Me

Her face was on fire. “The day is still young.” She retorted.

He smiled. Strange hazel eyes searching.

“Your eyes…” She murmured.

He lifted a questioning brow.

“They…seem off. They don’t…suit your face.”

Because you know mine are blue.

Amusement vanished from his face. “Meaning?”

“It’s just…Well…Your face seems different from-from you.” Gnawing her cheek, she frowned. “I fear I am frightfully rude today. I don’t know why my tongue runs away with me.”

Because your soul knows I’m your mate.

His brows shot up and he opened his mouth. Pausing he suddenly looked away. “I hadn’t noticed.” He looked out across the park. But the abrupt awkwardness between them was unmistakable. He was uncertain how to respond.

“It’s stopped raining.” He sighed as he took a step away. Moving to walk from under the wooden structure.

Her voice stopped him. “You could tell me a little about the troubles you have with your brothers?”

He tilted his head smilingly. “I couldn’t even begin to.” He gave a broad gesture. Taking the opportunity to move closer again. Without meaning to his hand was tucking a wet lock of hair behind her ear. “But I’d be more than happy to hear more about yours.”

Her eyes widened in surprise at the sudden touch.

“I apologize it was reflex.” He swore at himself inwardly.

Stop touching her fool. But the longing was overpowering.

“Reflex?” She lowered to the grass. Tugging her dress from under her to lower to the wet grass and lay it around her. Gasping at the chill.

When it was clear he’d not answer, she offered. “You could join me, but I caution you the grass is soaked.”

“Well rise!” He laughed. Offering her his hand.

She shook her head. “No. I’ve already sat. I am determined to enjoy myself now.”

“Despite that there’s no chaperone?” He asked cautiously.

“Indeed…If you’re bold enough to join me. Or is your precious reputation too important?” She lifted a brow.

He scoffed at the irony it was his reputation that’d be ruined. What’s the worst that could happen? She’d have to marry me? Perfect. Speed this courtship to a conclusion.

“Well, if someone who follows the strictly set guidelines of life, like you, is willing to risk it, who am I to refuse?”

Will she admit she fibbed to me?

“It’s not completely true that I live strictly.” She conceded.

“Thought not.” He said decisively. Jumping a little as the damp grass soaked his breeches. “Whoo!”

She laughed. “Are you quite finished mocking me?” She lifted a brow.

“Probably never.” He said dismissively. “Luckily I won’t have many opportunities since you’re so swanlike in motion.”

“You mock my clumsiness?”

“That’d be ungentlemanlike.”

“Are you a gentleman?”

Far from!

“Certainly not!” He feigned horror.

She laughed freely now. And he was rewarded for his teasing.

“So…Your brothers?” He gestured expectantly.

Biting her cheek, she glared. Finally surrendering, she sighed and began confiding in him her troubles with her siblings.

Deragan stared at the candlelit windows of the shack where the Bishop family lived. He’d caught a foul stench and knew Cimmerii were around, so he lurked in the grove across the road. Watching Marcus enter the house and tiptoe through the entryway toward the stairs, as the door creaked closed. The boy obviously hoped he’d make it to the second level without being spotted.

“Marcus Bishop!” Her voice cracked like a whip.

Ooh. I know that tone.

“What’s wrong?” Marcus asked hesitantly.

Deragan’s exceptional hearing was able to isolate their voices. Sitting next to the trees bordering the road, Deragan’s knees were drawn up under his elbows. Blue eyes vivid like lightening. Watching the windows. Listening for any Cimmerii.

“What’s wrong?

Nora’s voice rose despite all her vows to Derrick Black, she’d keep calm. “How about you tell me what might be amiss?”

Deragan glimpsed something dark skittering around the left corner of the house. Rising he swept off his pants as he followed it. Rounding the corner, he spotted the Noni with its back turned. He caught it like a wild cat. By the back of the neck and the whipping tail. He adjusted his grip until he held its haunches and neck, flipping it out and snapping its ribs with incredible strength. Folding it in half, he wrapped his arms around and crushed it until it gave a wheezing breath. He gripped its tail in one fist. Tossing it over the road and well into the trees. He turned back to the house and could see in the entryway window near the door

Marcus froze in the kitchen doorway. Facing Nora, out of view in the kitchen.

William approached from the other side of the wall. Out of her view.

Marcus gave him a staying gesture behind the cover of the wall. Saying in a muffled whisper. “She knows.”

“Tell me what you did?” She reiterated. Aware they were both in range now.

William eased from the cover of the foyer wall to give her a half-hearted shrug. “It wasn’t our fault.” He was darker complected and had blacker hair. He was currently the center of her focus.

“You’re certainly to blame! Why would you fight on tutelage grounds?”

“Why are you always more upset with me?” He asked passively. Squinting at her.

Marcus crept toward the stairs.

“Because you’re the more mature of the two.”

Marcus spun in affront. “That’s not true!”

“It is.” William shot him a bland look.

“Not!” Marcus’ nose wrinkled.

Groaning, William looked back at her. “You know why.”

“You’re not going to claim you did this for my honor! I am your older sister.”

“Yes, you are.” He dipped his head. “But Nick says a Bishop doesn’t let anyone treat a lady that way. Especially not when that lady is our sister! Family for family, Nore. We look out for each other.”

Well, said Nicholas. It was apparent the older boy had, had much hand in raising these younger boys.

“Now Nicholas’ words come out your mouth.” She spat.

“And I’m proud to say them.”

She huffed and dishes clattered.

William’s shoes scraped the wood floor as he aimed for the stairs, making an escape.

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