FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter RAESE - Leave

WhiteHall, Harridan Hamlet, Paladines


It seemed an eternity passed since Raese saw his wraith. He paced his Country Home. Servants now regularly asked if he was okay. Sending him furtive looks.

Twice, the Widow Leslie Parker, his pretty mistress, stopped by to see him. Today was the third.

And so far, it’s especially miserable.

Leslie paced to and fro in his parlor. Her overly ruffled dress swishing around her.

Somehow, he couldn’t stop his mind from comparing her clothes and manner to Calisto’s subtle practicality.

Beautiful. Wild.

“Ray Ray” Leslie whined. Making him cringe at the unwelcome nickname. “You must tell me what’s going on! You hardly ever come see me anymore!” She ceased pacing to pout prettily. “In the last few years, you’ve been more and more infrequent in your visits.” She whimpered dramatically. “Without my beloved husband…”

Whom you likely killed with your whining.

He dropped to his green divan to watch her pacing. Annoyed she’d disrupted his morning nap. Time when I could be dreaming of Calisto. He felt uncharacteristic contempt creep into his face. He hadn’t the patience to conceal it as he propped an elbow on the armrest and tucked his fist into his cheek.

“I grow so lonely. I-”

She wants more money. He retrieved the small parcel box he’d tucked into his coat upon his footman distressedly reporting Widow Leslie Parker was on his doorstep.

He held it out boredly.

“Oh!” She scooped it greedily and flipped it open to reveal the pretty emerald jewels within. “Why green?” She frowned, scrunching up her face. “You know I hate green.”

Did I?

What color did Calisto favor?

“Well, I like it.”

“Oh, I see. So, you’d like to see your favorite color against my pretty skin.” She caressed her own neck in a gesture he suspected was intended to look alluring. Instead it looked like she attempted to swat and smear some insect.

I’d really rather avoid it actually.

She cheerfully discussed how lovely the trinket would look if she’d a green dress to match.

I’ll give you whatever you want if you promise to go away.

He no longer listened. “I’ll get you one.”

“A dress? How lovely. I’ll get it contracted with the boutique immediately.” She beamed at him. “But green is always prettier in silk, you know? It truly must be silk.

He gave a toss of his head and waved his fingers for her to go.

“Ray, Ray…When will you be by again?” The pout.

Can I say never. I deeply desire to tell her never again and send her packing.

“I’ll come to see you tonight.” He relented.

Unless I can figure another way to get you to leave now. He studied the determined glint in her eyes. No. This is the only way.

“Well, well…Just the thought of me in your pretty gems is too tempting to resist?” She gave a little wiggle to indicate her willingness.

“Just so.” He agreed lamely.

Please leave! To his relief he soon saw her off. Walking her to carriage and dully kissing her hand as a proper gentleman should. Before rushing back in and taking the stairs two at a time.

Reaching his chamber, Raese guzzled his housekeeper’s special blend tea designed to relax one’s nerves and stepped from his breeches to tuck under the coverlet. Drawing a slow breath, he willed his shoulders to relax.

In moments he was transported.

He recognized the woods as Feglen Forest. Where Calisto tended to lurk.

Perhaps I’ll see her today. His body heated at the prospect. Skin vibrating.

Raese hadn’t spoken to her in a long while but lingered around the village hoping to eventually get another glimpse. I can’t return to the Captain a failure.

Trying to find her led him to a drunken fight in the Buck’s Bell Tavern. A man had approached, accusing him of being a Dread. The Dread harlot’s lover.

Upset about the magic I used at the ball to save Calisto and bent on retaliation.

Raese was so enraged he’d bludgeoned the man within an inch of his life. Receiving a deep gash for his efforts, from a dagger he’d not seen approaching. If I weren’t such a fast healer that one was like to have killed me.

But as it was…I won the fight. With several brawny rounders no less. And without magic. He was ashamed to admit he was proud of the damage he’d wreaked on them.

But he’d learned a valuable lesson from that incident. I’m a target now. So, he dressed different. Dropping his guise as a Tree Cutter…For now.

Today, he appeared well-groomed. Fitted breeches and a dress tunic complete with carefully folded cravat and tailored dress coat. He’d topped this pretense with an eye patch to detract from vibrant green eyes. People asked why he wore it or stared rather than recognizing him.

He wandered the woods. Alert for sounds of Calisto’s presence. For the scent of lilies. Nothing.

He did identify a familiar squeak. A wakkon.

“Snowman.” He called with a click.

The diminutive white canine slinked from the brush. Nearly dragging its belly as it wove through underbrush. Looking more serpentine then wolfish. The animal had already grown over quadruple it’s previous size in the small amount of time that’d passed. Raese often came to visit him bringing treats and goodies.

“What are you doing My Friend?”

Snowman chittered in a friendly manner. Whiskers twitching as he reached for Raese’s lowered hand. Snowman sniffed it briefly and eased toward Raese.

Raese dropped to his knees, opening his arms.

Snowman gratefully leapt into them.

Raese held the Wakkon close. Stroking its smooth, fine hair. Impossibly soft.

Raese registered Snowman’s belly stuck to Raese’s torso. He peeled Snowman back and comprehended the little animal’s underside was covered in blood.

“Snowman! What happened to you?” He cried.

“A trap.” A soft voice said. Calisto emerged from the foliage and stepped gracefully into the clearing.

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