FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter A Wounded Snowman

Raese swallowed, wondering if she’d intended to hurt his friend. Or just me?

“Did you do this?” He asked through gritted teeth.

Her eyes widened in horror. “I protect trees and you think I’d harm your little pet!” She was astounded. “Do you know what he is? How rare?”

Yes, a wakkon.

“You knew he was mine?”

“Yes. I’ve seen you with it several times.”

“Seen me?”


“You’ve been watching me.” He stated more than asked.

Her blue eyes were steady. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

“I didn’t know what to say to you.” He cringed at her astuteness.

I persuaded you to go to that ball. And they treated you like filth.

“Why?” Confusion was written over her face.

“I thought you’d believe I led you into that disaster apurpose.”

She frowned, mind working. “The Ball?”

What other disaster have I led you into? He was alarmed it took her so long to recall which.

“Yes.” He sighed, hugging Snowman. Somehow wishing he could toss the pup at her and vanish before this conversation delved any further into his shame.

She shook her head. “I knew it was nothing to do with you. I was grateful for what you did. Do you take me for a foolish twit?”


“No. But I felt you’d believe I betrayed your tender trust.”

“My, my, you are honest.”

“Always.” He smiled softly.

“You didn’t break my trust. Your only wrong was in not listening to me when I told you the villagers aren’t fond of me since I wouldn’t bend to their will.”

“My Queen, I suspect you bend to no one’s will.”

She shocked him with a vibrant smile. “What happened to your eye?” She gestured.

“It’s fake, so people don’t recognize me.” He pushed it atop his head, revealing a perfectly operable green eye.

“Who’s that?”

“I’ll likely tell you eventually, but not now.”

You don’t need to worry about who wants revenge on me. They exchanged a long look and she nodded.

“What happened to Snowman?” He used his head to gesture to the wakkon.

“I found him in a trap earlier today. I tried to get him to go to my cabin so I could tend him, but he seemed very uninterested in letting me help. Especially once he caught your scent.”

“He’s My Little Buddy.” Raese scratched the animal’s scruff.

“I see that.”

“Who sets the traps?”


How does she know what they are? He was puzzled. More and more curious about this woman by the second.

Black-skinned creatures filling Battling Country and sometimes filtering beyond the Netherlands into Dread Country.

What are they doing here? Raese shuddered at the thought of their twisted bony frames and thin brown hair.

Hideous creatures. Except the women. They’re even worse.

He thought of the Yearners. They were even more awful in their own way. Alluring and magnetic they still had the traits of the Firoque but could appear incredibly attractive to human men.

“They know just how to bait Wakkon.” She continued. Drawing him back to the problem at hand. “Since the creatures naturally prey on demon-kind, they fear them.”

I’m destroying those traps. Raese promised himself.

He stood with Snowman in his arms. “Well, lead the way.” He nodded forward.

Let’s see where you hideout.

“You?” Her eyes widened. “You wish to go to my hut?”

“I wish to tend my friend, here.” He lifted the Wakkon slightly.

Her nose scrunched as she mulled it over. Her face relaxed and she waved her arm for him to follow her.

Bold move. He hadn’t thought she’d actually relent.

She strode the woods expertly. He glimpsed her bare foot as she stepped over moss.

He had to wonder how cold the floor of Feglen had become under the threat of winter. She seems unfazed.

Raese couldn’t help his eyes wandering down her leather garments to swaying hips. Begging for a man’s caress over those soft lines.


As the cottage came into view, he was disheartened to see its rundown condition.

The Wakkon in his arms whimpered and Raese cooed soothingly.

Once inside, they worked side by side, dampening rags to clean the animal. Raese held Snowman, stroking his back and whispering reassuringly.

Calisto cleaned the wounds quickly. Her nimble fingers formed a splint from several slender twigs she kept in a drawer and some fabric from a stand.

She keeps tools on hand?

She does this often. Raese was strangely touched by her kindness.

“A trap?” He studied the deep gashes.

“Man’s trap.” She looked at him from under lowered brows as she carefully cleaned a wound under Snowman’s front leg. “Firoque use them.”

She tossed the rag into a metal bowl. Putting another over the fire to heat more water. “They hunt them because the wakkon can’t kill them if they’re extinct. As an added bonus, they sell their high-quality hides. The good king buys them at a high cost.” Her tone turned scathing.

“King Lareth?”

“Who else?” She gave him a nasty look.

“This isn’t my fault! He’s no friend of mine.”

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