FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter RAESE - First Birthday

WhiteHall, Harridan Hamlet, Paladines


Raese stirred fitfully. A smile toying at his lips as he dreamt happy memories.

He came by Calisto’s cottage often anymore at her behest. Taking her to Balls and sometimes simply evening walks. Carefully letting days go by between visits. To not overstay my welcome.

Though she was incomparably beautiful, and he found her incredibly attractive, he made no advances. She’s every inch a lady and I’ll treat her as such.

Despite what I’d wish.

His diligence had earned him bright greetings. Typically, a welcoming hug at his arrival. A moment I look forward to for days at a time.

Making my patience all worthwhile.

This evening he waited outside her cottage. This should be about when she wakes.

He knew her routine enough to know she generally woke before daylight and went to check Firoque traps. Ensuring no injured animals suffered. Any unable to release or be tended would be salvaged for her meals.

He knew for most of the afternoon she caught up on sleep inside. As late afternoon cooled, she’d emerge to bathe in the Lake, splashing chilly water on her face.

It was getting dark in the trees bordering her cottage as he finished stoking the little fire. Slowly turning a rabbit on the spit. The aroma filling the clearing. The sun was not yet down. He took his time cooking. Waiting for her to appear at the Main Room window over her washbasin. He’d positioned so she’d see him from there.

To know it’s only me. No threat.

He heard rustling within the structure and knew he’d caught her attention. I’m amazed she didn’t smell the fire afore.

He hoped she wouldn’t notice the weeds outside the cottage yet. Or absence thereof.

Her pretty face appeared in the window. In a rich burgundy dress fringed in gold and with wide hooped earrings. Hair bound in a loose bun atop her head and cinched with gold ribbons. Leaning on the sill, she pushed the shutters further open. Spotting him, she looked puzzled a moment before her face brightened with recognition.


She hasn’t noticed yet and ruined my surprise. He blew a grateful breath. She’s too focused on my cooking. He congratulated himself on his cunning.

“Good afternoon, Calisto!” He returned. “Would you care for a ball tonight?”

“I was just thinking it’d be a perfect summer’s eve for just such!”

“Once you caught sight of how dashing I look?” He posed for her. Angling his profile for her view. Making her laugh uproariously.

“Most certainly! Did you bring Strongman?”

He gestured over his shoulder toward the big grey gelding. “I brought him. He’s grazing in the trees. The smoke bothers him…Or he doesn’t appreciate my cooking. One or the other…” He shrugged.

“If he doesn’t, I may not!” Her perfect square teeth flashed.

We shall see about that!

“Come eat with me!” He waved her over. “Then I’ll wait for you to get ready!”

“Be right out.” She disappeared from the shutters. Emerging spryly from the door. “What’s the occasion?”

“Well, you said you recalled little from your childhood, other than being groomed as a weapon…And I wondered…Had anyone ever celebrated you?”

“Celebrated me?” Her brows drew together.

“Your birthday?”

“No!” She gasped, spreading the skirt of her dress onto the log he’d drawn for her. As though her legs had weakened in surprise.

He laughed fondly at her. “What’s that about?”

“I’ve always wanted a birthday.” She put a hand to her mouth in childlike wonder.

He frowned a little. “I guess I hadn’t expected quite that abundant of a reaction.”

She’s never had a gift? A bit of pastry or a hug? The thought saddened him. No wonder she’d grown so bitter.

Her eyes welled. And he pictured the cold creature that’d arisen from the Lake only a few months ago. Quiet and methodical and willing to dismiss him without a word. That’s not this warm woman I’ve found under the façade.

And it took only honesty and a bit of loyalty. He was amazed at the change from his initial perception.

She’s even more beautiful now. And he’d thought her quite lovely then.

“I brought you a gift.” He held aloft a small string-wrapped parcel and carefully placed it in her stunned lap.

Her eyes huge with excitement, she looked from it to his face. “What is it?”

“You have to open it.”

“For me?”

“Yes, for you, Silly Woman.”

She untied it daintily and nimbly unwrapped the parchment. Lifting the lid to the narrow boxes to reveal a beautiful string of sapphires. She gasped in surprise. “They’re stunning!”

“You like them? I thought you’d love them since they’re the closest shade to your eyes, I could find.”

“My eyes?” She blinked slowly at him. “They’re beautiful. I love them! Only I would’ve preferred a shade of green like yours. So, I could wear them and think of you every moment.”

He was stunned. Staring at her in total uncertainty. What does a man say to that?

“Every moment?”

“It’d be like having you with me always.”

“You make that sound incredibly tempting. I’ll be sure to get you a set.”

She put up a staying hand. “Oh, no! You mustn’t. This is plenty! How did you-” Her eyes flew to his face.

“I’ve much set aside.” He grinned.

She gave him a chastising look.

“Recall I was only pretending to be a TreeCutter to hunt a beast.”

“Water monster.” She corrected.

“I have ample fortune hidden away.”

“Then I gladly, greedily, accept your gift!” She hugged it to her chest.

“May I?” He offered. Standing and reaching for it.

“No!” She cried. “You gave it to me!”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “No, Silly Woman.” He held out his palm. “Hand it over.”

Giving him a devastated look, she cautiously lowered the jeweled necklace to his hand. Eying him suspiciously. When he moved behind her she twisted to look at him. Turning both ways to keep him in view.

“Relax!” He laughingly ordered.

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