FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Her Cottage For Her

Stiffening she held fast, staring ahead.

“Move your hair to the side.” He coaxed.

She reluctantly complied. Exposing the back of her bared neck.

He sensed her nervousness. Every creature feels uncomfortable exposing its neck.

For the first time it struck him how intimate it was for a woman to trust a man to put on their jewels. It never occurred to me afore…

He lowered the jeweled chain past her face, to drop around her neck. His slim fingers working the clasp. Taking the opportunity to reach over her shoulder and scoop his fingers through her heavy black curls. Guiding them back down her back over the sleek chain. The long hair fell to nearly past her waist he noted.

His mind wandered. Picturing that hair framing only the creamy skin of her back and swaying down to where her hips flared. Clearing his throat and mind to the best of his ability he walked back to the front of her. Giving a satisfied grunt at the sight of the silver chain draping dainty collarbones.

“You’re beautiful.” He couldn’t keep from whispering.

She smiled. “Well, if we are being that kind of honest then I must tell you,” She stared up at him mesmerized. “You’ve the most extraordinary green eyes I’ve ever seen.”

“You’ve mentioned them already.” He grinned. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard that. But for some reason, hearing it from her lips was far more meaningful.

“But I didn’t tell you that. And we’re always honest with each other, I simply must.”

“You haven’t seen the rest of your gift yet.” He smiled.

“There’s more?” She blinked. Pretty smile faltering in surprise.

“Turn, My Queen.” She lifted her skirt to straddle the log she sat on and then face the cottage he gestured to.

She clapped her hands over her mouth on a gasp.

Raese had quietly tended the cottage. Dragging dried branches far from the house, luring away rodents or serpents. Tearing out the high weeds except those directly next to the path she walked from her home.

To keep her from noticing when she came out.

It did look terrible in the middle of the front of the house. But it’ll take me no time to eradicate them now.

He’d worked around the cottage all day. Packing the stone with new mud mixed with silted dirt to make it sturdier. Cracked stones were replaced with ones of similar shape but more solid.

It looks better.

And, more importantly, it’ll better shelter her.

“I couldn’t work on the roof or you’d have been alerted to my surprise.”

“How’d you work at this all day without me hearing you?” She dropped her hands and looked suddenly alarmed.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you. Please don’t worry. I’d never harm you.” He reassured on a faint wince. Admitting, “I’m far more silent then most creatures. It’s a skill honed well over the years.”

“I don’t worry about you.” And with that simple sentence she allayed his fears.

He was stunned at the sincerity in her voice. Even she looked astonished having said it.

“You do trust me?” He processed her words.

“I do.” She gnawed her lip. Unsure what else to say. “Thank you for the best and only birthday I’ve ever had, Raese.”

“You’re welcome.” Following an impulse, he leaned over her to press a soft kiss to her forehead.

Her mouth hung open in surprise.

He sat and offered her a bit of roasted rabbit before she could say something discouraging.

Smiling softly at him and whispering thank you she took the bit of meat. Studying him from under her lashes for a long while.


Raese was proud, as he always was to arrive at King Lareth’s Hideaway Ball with such a woman.

It was another the king threw for all his kingdom. Serf to Lord alike.

Politics. Raese recognized. He hoped to draw more peasants to Wilhelm.

This one was in the bailey of Wilhelm Castle. Torches on the outer wall brightened the area. Posts with burning oil mounted throughout. A carpet rolled out as a makeshift dancefloor. Tables laden with a feast of roasted vegetables and wild bird. One with finer foods and ware for the Lords and royalty and on the far side, a lesser quality banquet for the lowly.

But they’re far from insulted. Raese noticed. They’re grateful for a warm meal and savoring an eve of festivity after sennights of toil. Willing to obey King Lareth’s rules.

Calisto had dressed in finery to match the gold embroidered tunic he wore. A high collar framing his chorded neck. And enhancing the dark shadow of a beard along his jaw and over his upper lip.

Calisto told him she enjoyed the look despite the customs of the country. A long overcoat of rich gold framed wide shoulders and draped his back. Outlining long legs in the matching cream-colored breeches.

But she’s the true sight to behold…

Wearing a lovely blue dress nearly gray in the darkness. It made huge crystal eyes snap with intelligence. She’d swathed a gold trimmed white cloak atop it, fastened with a fine gold broach to compliment the tones of his clothes.

He traced it with his fingertip. “Another gift from the villagers?”

“Another attempt at seduction.” She countered.

From King Lareth? Or yet another? He frowned slightly. Or the villagers attempting to seduce you into doing as they commanded?

Before he could ask what, her eyes narrowed, and face darkened with fury as she spotted someone.

“Excuse me. Please forgive me.” She gave his forearm a reassuring squeeze before stepping past him.

His eyes trailed after her, nearly mournfully as she left his side. He watched her weave through the crowd. Appearing and disappearing through shadows. His head shot higher as he noticed a poorly dressed man she aimed for.

That one turned and stepped into a deep corner to await her arrival across the bailey. Raese caught the merest flash of red eyes before the man’s face dimmed.

Radix. Raese felt his glow green in response to the threat. A rumbling growl emerged from his throat.

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