FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter LUCIEN - Sensual is Different, Bast

Worthington Manse, Grier Country


Entering the Worthington Manse, Lucien ducked the footman offering to take his cloak. Keeping his hood up, he walked the edge of the ballroom. Keeping Miss Carter in view, the same as he had the last fortnight. Paralleling her movements.

He heard her confide to the redheaded widow, Anna Valentine, that she thought Lord Black’s intentions toward Nora Bishop less then savory.

That amused Lucien. He’s the only one that does have honorable plans for her.

Now mine toward Miss Carter... His dark eyes roved Meralee’s tall, slim, frame appreciatively. But, I can’t get close enough to get a good look at her. He’d listened to her talking to men and noted she was particularly prickly.

A fiery hellcat.

He caught enough of her conversations to note she despised the Worthington boy. Smart girl. It’s obviously because of how he treats the Bishop girl. Lucien felt her hungering to strike Simon Worthington.

He also saw the way Worthington looked at Meralee Carter. Scanning her like a wench in a tavern. Malice marked his gaze.

He wants to hurt her. Lucien doubted it’d be long before he was after Meralee as heatedly as he’d been Miss Bishop. Deragan was right to call me to watch her.

Even as he thought it, Worthington crossed the room. Running a caressing hand down Meralee’s arm to get her attention.

Her head whipped. When she saw him, she hissed through her teeth like a viper. Swearing at the sight of him.

Never without something to say. Humor curled Lucien’s lips.

She shoved his hand away with a scathing look. Pretty brown eyes hardening to stone. Lovely dark hair escaping the ties to drape along her cheek. Enhancing her finely arched brows.

The blonde boy’s jaw tightened at the humiliation.

Lucien sensed the same Cimmerii tinge the Captain had.

Worthington looked around to see who witnessed the slur.

Lucien was sorely tempted to blatantly watch merely to increase Worthington’s humiliation. But it’d only endanger her further.

Before Worthington could react, she gave him her back and left the Ballroom floor. Spurning the fine heir for all to see.

And from the look on her face, she enjoyed it. Lucien worried she flirted with evil.

And therein lies the rub. As Deragan had seen, there’d be no way to tell that hotheaded woman to be cautious with the Worthington boy.

So, how to coax her away? As the Captain suggested. Would it even be possible?

Clubbing her and dragging her from Meadowbrook looks to be more effective. He watched her nearly snarling as another gentleman eased from the chairs, to ask her for a dance. When those vicious brown eyes zeroed in on him, he winced and backed away.

She’s nearly feral.

“Careful, Brother. Your thoughts are showing.”

“Good God I dearly hope not!” Lucien shot Bast a startled look. Slightly astonished that his gold haired brethren had materialized on the dance floor next to him.

Sneaking up on me. His favorite damn game. Lucien gave him a dark look.

“Why? Were your thoughts awful?” Bast asked, intrigued.

“I was thinking of dragging that woman off.”

“Oh?” Bast quirked an intrigued brow. “Unlike you…She must be fascinating.”

“Evil, I suspect.”

“Evil as in Radix’s? Or as all women can be?”

“She’s a woman.”

They nodded gravely.

Bast lifted a glass of brandy. Lowering it he said, “I’ve brought you something.” He held out his hand.

Without tearing his eyes from his prey, Lucien held out a hand. Astonished at the weight of what dropped to his palm. Familiar weight.

Glancing down he instantly recognized the ruby ring. “How’d you get it?”

“Apparently we know someone in common.”

“The beggar man.” Lucien supplied instantly. “How much do I owe you?”

“Some advice perhaps.”

Lucien gave Bast his full attention. “The great Sebastian Bodane? What could you possibly need advice from me for?”

“A woman.”

Lucien’s astonishment was apparent. “You’re aware I’m the man who just confessed to thinking of dragging a screaming woman from a packed ballroom? What could you possibly need advice for? Have I entered some fictional universe, I’m unaware of?”

Bast waited patiently for him to finish his mocking. When it began to seem endless, he pointed across the dance floor. “Your pretty prey is in motion.”

Lucien quieted as his head lashed back to the stunning brunette.

She made her way to the punch table. As she served herself a drink, they continued conversing.

“What could possibly be your issue?” Lucien asked.

“My mate.”

“The Valkyrie?”


“What of her?”

“Since I won’t free her from WaterRose, she’ll not have any of me.”

“Is she immune to you?”

“She seems to be, now.”


Lucien eyed him. “If you’re saying ‘now’ then you have reason to believe she wasn’t at some point.”

Bast looked at him, blinking in a way which told Lucien enough.

“Have you tested it?”

“What?” Bast’s brows knitted.

“I find it amusing to test a woman’s attraction. Have you never done so?” A glance at Bast revealed the depth of his confusion. “Of course not.” Lucien said ruefully. “You’ve never had to.” He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Draw close. Let her smell you, feel your heat. Brush against her if she’ll permit. Feed her by your hand if she’ll allow. At worst you might experience some rejection.”

“She’s offered me that aplenty. I’ve grown accustomed to it.” But there was a wounded note Bast couldn’t keep from his voice.

He’s in agony.

“It’s something I haven’t tried.” Bast admitted.

“It’s amusing to see the effect you have on a woman. And if you play it well you can drive one attracted to you to distraction with wanting.”

Bast swallowed. “That…would be…grand.”

“Grand?” Lucien’s lip curled as he gave his friend a sideways glance. “Perhaps delicious?”



“Is this some lesson in how I should speak to her?”

It was intended to be.

Lucien nodded. “References to hunger, food and taste in a sensual manner.”

“I’ve tried that.”

“I’ve heard you. There’s very little sensual.”

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