FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter CIMMERII - Matthew Murdoch

LandingTown, Igonox


Old Matthew Murdoch bit the ring he wore on his index finger several times as he made his way to the docks. He knew plenty of men aboard the bigger ships that’d pay a pretty coin for such a precious bauble.

In his mind’s eye he saw the man in the dark alley shifting from human to beast in the midnight hour. Leaving behind only this wealthy little treasure.

Matthew wandered from ship to ship until he came across one, he recognized. Matthew knew the man that usually stood the helm of this masterpiece. Matthew glanced at the heavy sack of nuts he gripped.

This Captain known as a brutal sea lord, had a soft spot for fine things. Matthew climbed the docking ramp and was quickly greeted by the Captain, a tawny man with sharp eyes, Matthew simply called ‘Cap’n’.

The Captain of the ship greeted Matthew with a hearty slap on the back. Thumbing him some coins as he took the sack.

“Matthew! What a fine day for a visit! I was just preparing to pull up anchor. I’m Isle bound, my friend. Care to come with me this time? Man’s got a lot more chance of finding work there.” The Captain gave Matthew the invitation often. And always with such a friendly grin, Matthew found himself sorely tempted more than once.

“I ‘ave a lo’ely lil trinket I migh’ sell ye for real reas’able, Cap’n.”

The Captain gave him an encouraging look and Matthew slowly uncurled his fingers, looking furtively about. Worried someone might snatch it from his palm. The Captain gasped and gave Matthew a strange look. Snagging the gem from the poor beggar man, ignoring the outraged shout Matthew gave.

“Where’d you get this?” He demanded. Holding the ring to the light to examine it. Brow furrowed.

“Bloke gave it me, fair an’ right.” Matthew said indignantly. Reaching for the ring, but the Captain of the Firestar was a full head taller than Matthew and easily kept the ring from the beggar’s short reach.

“Why?” The Captain asked. When he turned and looked intently at Matthew, the poor man was forced to take a step back. The Captain’s eyes were strange now. More yellow and illuminated like a torch burned from within.

“What?” Matthew blinked.

“What’d he give it to you for?”

“He-he wanted my silence, Cap’n.” Matthew stuttered out.

“Silence from saying what?” The Captain snapped.

Matthew would’ve sworn the man’s black pupils thinned to slits. Like cat eyes.

“I-I don’ know, Cap’n. I naught but a foo’ an’ my eyes ’ceive me as oft as not an’more.”

The Captain closed his eyes and when he opened them, they appeared harmless. As though Old Matthew had merely imagined the eerie change.

The Ship Captain reached into his satchel and pulled a good amount of coin. Slapping it into Matthew Murdoch’s palm with a grin. The cold demeanor was gone as quickly as it’d come. The Captain stepped from Matthew’s path back down the ramp.

Matthew scurried down, able to see an old man, tall and frail with a long gray beard, watching the exchange curiously from the dock, still assessing the FireStar Captain’s broad back, all he’d been able to see from his view.

Matthew’s attention averted to the withered stranger in the gray robe. He made his way down the ramp numbly, coin in hand. He jingled it noisily. Stunned at the amount. He pocketed the coin and turned to shout his thanks for the Captain’s generosity but the stranger in the gray robe stepped before him, silencing his words.

“What a fine gem you sold there, Matthew.” His voice hissed. He watched Matthew with beady black eyes.

“Do I know ye?” Matthew asked, baffled.

“Would you like the chance to earn many fine things?” The stranger asked.

“Wha’ odd day this comin’ ta be.” Matthew’s eyes lit. “More coin?”

The stranger put an arm across Matthew’s slim shoulders. Together they turned and began the walk down the dock. Matthew nodding eagerly.

“I know that lovely ruby ring and how you may get many more like it. Just tell me where you got the ring.”

Matthew looked back at the Captain aboard his ship tying off the sails with his crew. Noticing now, that the Captain watched him raptly. Shrewd eyes unblinking.

“Matthew. Matthew!” The man in gray robes shook him. “Have you been listening?” A dangerous note entered his voice.

As Matthew Murdoch disappeared down the dock with the strange old man he glanced down and saw the gray cloak was trimmed with tattered white fur. Looking as decrepit as the man wearing it.

The Captain watched with interest.

Sebastian Bodane, Captain of the Firestar understood exactly what was going on.

Radix…Damn him.

As he led Matthew Murdoch out of sight, Bast’s eyes fell to the ruby ring pinched between his fingertips. I know this pretty trinket.

It’s up to you, Old Matthew not to choose whatever it is Radix Malorum offers you. Bast sighed and hoped the beggar would make the right choice.

He’s not a bad soul, afterall. Bast turned, giving a hardy shout to his sailors.

Hoping the old man wouldn’t be swayed.

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