FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter LUCIEN - Got Her in My Sights


Lucien said nothing, staring at her relentlessly. Meralee was slim and willowy. And nearly as tall as me. With doe eyes which were nearly black. Wisping strands of hair dropped alluringly over the upper rise of her breasts. Her skin held a sunny glow. Not the wan pale shade he abhorred.

This woman is all golden fire. Lucien appreciated that.

Other ladies glared at Mera maliciously, noting the intensity of his assessment.

She hardly noticed. Hairs on her neck stood on end. Her skin tingled with awareness. She peered up into his face, but it wasn’t what she saw. Visions of a black snout, glowing eyes and razor teeth flashed before her mind’s eye. But she couldn’t move.

“I don’t believe in such things.” She murmured, frozen in terror. Face horrified.

“What’s that?” His amber gaze unblinking.

She was mesmerized as the image dissipated and revealed him staring at her with hard eyes glinting like precious stone. She tore her gaze away, panting. Panicked heart thudding.

His attuned hearing caught the wild hammering.

As the crowd split, Anna handed her off to him. Passing Mera’s trapped hand into his care. Which he greedily took.

Mera tried to pull away.

It’s too late. His grip was unyielding around her soft fingertips. He quirked an intrigued brow as he leaned to apply a warm kiss to the back of her hand.

“Her name is Miss Meralee Carter.” Anna announced. Abandoning Meralee, with her hand still firmly in the dark man’s grip. Mera watched her friend go with a pitiful look.

“She’ll not save you.” He whispered to her. Still breathing along her fingertips.

Huge dark eyes met his, startled. She gasped when he gently began massaging the back of her hand with a thumb. A remarkably soft hand.

Glancing over her shoulder to the other side, she spotted Nora watching the interchange. Giggling. Unsympathetic to Meralee’s plight.

She won’t help you either. Lucien slipped her hand over his other forearm and covered it with his. Cocking his head at her, he effectually trapped her in his grip. “Do you know who I am, My Lady?”

Her brow furrowed in confusion.

His words were clear, but they carried the resonance of an echo.

Tuning into her thoughts, he found his smile made her feel dizzied and strangely warm. Her arm tingling where he touched her. Sending a wave of heat through her.


He was suddenly overwhelmed by visions she recollected. Dreams she’d had.

“You’ve been dreaming about me, Sweet.”

Gasping she yanked her hand from his grip and took a step back. “You’re gravely rude! I won’t soon talk to you again!”

But you let me so close…His gaze sharpened on her like a predator sensing retreat. Don’t turn back now. His laughter was daunting.

Giving him her back, she withdrew through the crowd.

Anna waited for her on the outskirts of the group. “What happened? What’d he say?” She asked excitedly.

“He’s off-putting. Making my stomach turn round.” She gestured in annoyance.

“That’d…be…attraction.” Anna nodded emphatically. “You’ve not felt it in a while, I understand.”

“No.” Meralee glowered at her friend. “Something deep in me saw him as a threat. I’ve never felt like that.”

“He’s Lord Lucien not a-a-” Anna argued.

Threat. His brow knitted as he unabashedly eavesdropped. Ignoring the women chittering around him as they closed in again.

“I don’t care.” Mera put up a staying hand. “I don’t intend to meet him, in truth. Nor do I want him to know me!”

We’ll see about that!

“I already know you, Meralee.” The voice rose from behind her as smooth and rich as brandy poured over chocolate. She stiffened. Shoulders hunkering. She didn’t move.

Thinking if she freezes, I won’t see her. But she’s too late. She’s in my sights…

Both ladies gasped in horror at the familiarity. The use of her first name without a proper introduction, and in such a crushing crowd was quite the scandal.

But Lucien was unable to resist baiting her. Show me more of that fire.

“I’m already with you.” He whispered for her ears alone. So, close his breath stirred the hair along the back of her neck. Leaning to the other ear he added. “You’ve had visions of me at night…”

You know what I am. I know what you are…Watcher.

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