FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter A Plot for Removal

Shaking her head, she stepped from his reach, determined to escape his presence. She bumped into the solid wall of a man’s chest. Gasping.

“Meralee?” It was her eldest brother frowning down at her.


“Are you okay? You look as though you’ve seen a ghost?”

Wide, doe-like brown eyes turned trustingly up to him. Drake pulled her close to his side. “Come Little Sister.” He scanned over her head, staring down the stranger causing his sister’s distress.

“What did you do? I’ve never seen her so shaken!”

“Is she usually unflappable?” He asked blandly.

“Yes.” Drake’s green eyes narrowed on the tall brown-haired stranger.

“I find it likely she’s trouble.”

“I’m trouble?” She expostulated. Mouth gaping in astonishment.

There you are. The woman underneath. With soft, shocked eyes. And quick surprise.

“She doesn’t deny it.” Lucien gestured as if that explained all.

“She’s tenacious!” Drake defended. “But only because she’s too smart for her own good!” He tucked her behind him.

“Too smart?” She cried. Peering around her brother’s shoulder to give him a betrayed look.

She is clever, no doubt. Lucien met his look unfazed.

“Tenacious seems a kind word for her rudeness.”

“My rudeness?” She gasped in outrage. Cheeks flushing.

“See.” He nodded toward her. “She admits it.”

“Adm-I-what?” She sputtered.

“I merely spoke to her.” Lucien gave the other man his most sincere look.

Albeit wickedly but no need to discuss that.

Mera caught Drake’s sleeve and yanked him around. Dragging him from Lucien. They’d only walked partway across the room with her hissing at him in a low tone, when Worthington intercepted them.

Little shit. Contempt twitched Lucien’s upper lip.

He asked her older brother, in a low tone, for a dance with her.

Don’t do it. But even Lucien knew he didn’t really have a choice.

Drake nodded reluctantly. Lingering to watch the interaction. Only conceding to keep from making a scene or snubbing the superior as his sister had already done.

He’s likely already been told. It’d be unlike the gossips to hide such a thing.

Worthington spoke to her, but she refused to look at him. Recoiling at his touch. Her hands stiffly floating above his arm and shoulder as she refused contact with him.

She glared down her brother.

Utterly disgusted. Lucien almost feel her skin crawling, from where he stood.

“You are beautiful, My Miss Carter. But if you don’t stay out of my way that beauty could become…marred.”

You won’t touch a hair on her gorgeous head. Lucien’s brown eyes slitted on the blonde boy. Making the scar slashing down one cheek seem deeper, darker as he fought the rise of disdain swelling in him.

No wonder Deragan hates him.

“Do you threaten me, Worthington?” She sneered.

Yes, that was a threat. Lucien thought. Near enough to hear the interchange. His hands tightened as he yearned to pulverize the boy’s face. It’s one thing to tease a lady but another to threaten her with harm.

Who taught him to talk to women? They should be hung.

“Duke of Worthington.” Simon corrected.


“That’s your father.” She reminded.

Making Worthington’s blue eyes darken.

He doesn’t like that reminder. Lucien noted.

As soon as the music ended, she jerked free. Shooting Worthington an utterly revolted look.

She’s fearless. Lucien thought. Utterly indomitable. No wonder the Captain feared for her. At that thought Lucien glanced across the dance floor and spotted his captain.

They exchanged a nod.

He was right to summon me. It’s time I come up with a plan to remove her.

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