FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Essius and Libby Report Their Failure

Smart girl. Rhyers arrived between the two statues. Staring from one to the other.

Apparently she didn’t much need my help anyway. Even as he thought it the layer of ice over Essius cracked down his side and began to fracture.

Her magic is already dissolving.

It doesn’t last long. He looked back toward the house where she’d disappeared. Rarely used, I’d guess. Rhyers pondered what manner of creature she was. He’d never seen anything with capabilities like that before.

There was more crackling and chunks of ice began to fall off of both of the statues.

Ugly little sculptures anyway. Rhyers was tempted to kick one and see what happened but decided against it. More inclined to follow them back to Radix. To see what happened since they’d failed to acquire their prey.

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border

“It wasn’t my fault!” Essius tossed his head up toward Libby who stood next to him. Blinking onyx eyes slowly.

Fortunately for Chavias, this whole scene was unraveling in the cave hall just outside his cell. He lay on his cot feigning sleep so they didn’t know he watched.

Radix glared at both Essius and Libby hatefully. “I sent you to fetch one woman. How hard could that prove to be?”

“She froze us.” Essius whined. “Libby had her but she lost her grip.”

“She…was…fast.” Libby sighed. As though too sleepy to utter words.

Radix reached down and caught Essius by the ear. Wrenching it up so hard it forced Essius to right himself on his legs. He hovered, standing awkwardly and shifting from one foot to the other to keep his balance. “You’re useless.” He shoved him away. Delivering a solid kick as Essius fell sideways and cowered into a ball.

“Please Master.”

“Do you two witless wonders even realize you were followed?”

“Followed?” Essius’ high voice wailed.

Libby blinked slightly faster to indicate she listened despite her great lack of response.

“Yes. The tracker was on your heels. That’s why I sent the Cimmerii escort to circle you in the Netherlands.”

“You saved us?” Essius beamed up at Radix as though he were a great savior.

“No you fool!” Radix struck him soundly. “To keep you from leading him straight here to my lair.”

“Of course. Of course. You’re wise.” Essius crawled back to lap at the back of Radix’s withered hand lovingly.

Like a hound desperate for a stroke rather than a backhand. Chavias was blatantly disgusted. Leaning up slightly off the cot to watch their interaction.

Libby is gone. That much was obvious. She was a shell save for the occasional flickers of red in her black eyes indicating Cimmerii power floated inside her. Like an evil firefly with a mind of its own.

All emotion and will was gone from her.

She’s his now. And somehow it still brought Chavias sorrow. Even as dark as he’d seen her to be he knew that ultimately she’d been a woman merely desperate to be important. Now she’s nothing.

He got what he wanted from her and even he considers her worth nothing.

He’d sacrifice her for himself in an instant.

Radix jerked his hand from Essius sliming tongue. “What did you find?”

“The woman has magic.” Essius nodded vigorously. “Beautiful. So, so beautiful. She wore no shoes.” Essius pointed to his own bare feet.

Radix shook his head in annoyance. Face twitching in irritation.

“She stood in snow. She make us ice.”

“Ice?” Radix’s brow lifted.

Now he’s interested. Chavias groaned inwardly. He’ll want to control her now.

He’s thinking what a wonderful weapon she’d be.

“It hurt Master. Being so cold. And couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Almost die.”

“You wouldn’t be so lucky.” Radix glowered down at him before turning dismissively. Gray robes hissing over the stone floor. “I will send Okine to get her. Since you’re both too inept to manage even the smallest detail!” He shook his head in repulsion. “Where was she?”

“Big Hall. White house with apple grove. Just over hill in Mane Country.”

“I knew she was south in Mane Country.” Radix murmured to himself. As though faintly surprised at how simple it was to find her.

Simple for me too then. Chavias closed his eyes. Inhaling slowly through his nose and blowing out through his mouth, he subsided into a meditative state to send his spirit running over the landscape. Crossing Grier and over the hill. Down into the slight valley on the other side.

Essius was right. Chavias could see the woman staring fearfully out the windows. A beautiful blonde.

A familiar one. And Chavias realized she was his snow angel. The woman he’d glimpsed months ago in his dream.

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