FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter DERAGAN - Bad News in the Tutelage

Grier Tutelage, Meadowbrook, Grier Country


Headmistress Withers caught Nora after the last bell ringing. Startling her in the hallway bad enough she almost dropped her books. “Oh! You near scared me to death!”

“The twins were fighting here again, Nora. We can’t have that. Not in the Tutelage! It’s not behavior fit for Grier.” Mrs. Withers many chins wobbled as she shook with the mere idea of inappropriate behavior. Hazy gray eyes blinking quickly at Nora. Judgement clear on her face.

Nora flushed. “When?”

“Yester noon.”

“At the tutelage?”

Penny Withers crossed her arms over her chest and stared down her sharp nose. “You know I try to disregard what they do around town. But such appalling behavior won’t be tolerated here! There’s too much of that going around.” She muttered. “Like the Valentine lawn party, for instance.” Mrs. Withers shuddered.

“I know, Mrs. Withers.” Nora was shamefaced. “They’re just trying to defend me. Not cause trouble.”

“Well for not having the intent, they’re certainly efficient!” She muttered. “Protect you from what?” Withers suddenly demanded as Nora’s words dawned.

“From Worthington.”

“Worthington?” The Headmistress scoffed. “Protect you from Worthington? He’s such a good sort! Handsome, charming…You could do worse. Why would you need protecting from him?” Mrs. Wither’s voice rose at the idiocy of the conversation.

Nora’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll talk to them.”

“And Nicholas.” Withers added darkly.

“And…Nicholas?” Nora’s shoulders slumped.

“It’s high time you bring your eldest brother into it. Afterall, he is now Head of the House.”

Biting her lip, Nora twisted away.

The Headmistress caught her arm. “I did try myself. He’s been fighting the Nightway rebels, I’m told. ’Tis hard to get him messages.”

Nora nodded.

Meadowbrook, Grier Country

Nora stared at the graveled walk underfoot as she headed home. Detouring through town, to the messaging building. Pulling out a quill she scribbled a missive on a flattened scrap of leather and sent it with a rider to Nightway Country for Nicholas. Pressing a coin in the currier’s hand to ensure the missive was delivered.

She etched another and handed over more coin with that rider, to go to Bishop House. A note for Marcus to get the little ones from the Tenderage so Nora could have some time to think.

Lightening started. Within minutes it was a fragmented drizzle. An instant after, it bloomed to a full-blown downpour. Pulling her wrap up over her head, she walked the cobbled road. Careful not to slip. Already drenched. She crossed the Park to the framed play area. After only a couple blocks, she was frozen. Shivering under her cloak.

Ducking into Grier Park, she sought shelter beneath the play pieces. Tipping under a coiling wooden slide, waxed inside until it shone smoothly. The steps to the platform served as a makeshift roof. Now and then a sheet of cold rain splattered into her face anyway. Wiping it away she squinted against the onslaught, waiting for the wind to ease enough she could get home.

Sensing a presence made her turn and spot Deragan. Dark wet hair crossed his forehead, cropped short. He was tall with the collar of his cloak turned against the rainstorm.

He verified his guise as Derrick Black, was carefully in place.

Not like at the lawn party. Where he’d forgotten to keep his eyes masked, as Bast had kindly pointed out later. I’ll be more careful. She noticed his overly prominent brows and somewhat too thin nose.

I can’t look too familiar. He reassured himself. Resisting the urge to let dark blue eyes shine through. Eyes she always seems to recognize.

He attuned to her thoughts.

She noted his raw animal appeal. It drew her in, despite rather plain features. Consoling, at least. Assuaging his wounded pride. Our connection.

“Greetings.” He gave her a nod as he rubbed his hands together and breathed in them. Crowding albeit too close to her, to share her makeshift windbreak.

“Did I say I’d share?” a waspish note crept into her voice.

Your annoyance isn’t with me. It’s with your brothers.

“You didn’t say you wouldn’t.” He revealed perfect white teeth in a quick grin. Shoving his hair back.

“Hello, Lord Black.”

Even that much of his name in her breathy tone, had an effect on him.

“Derrick.” He corrected, as he unlaced his cloak and pulled it from his shoulders to drape around her. Making her jump at the sudden touch.

I should’ve prepared her.

She doesn’t know you, you fool. He reprimanded himself for his carelessness. Knowing why she was wary. Knowing what had happened to her in so many lifetimes before. For knowing me.

But I promised I’d not forsake her. Ever. A niggling voice reminded him why he was here. Despite his awareness of the danger it put her in.

“On your feet today, I see?” He teased, trying to lighten the tension.

“I’m generally not so graceless.” Her gaze fell, but her irritation rose again. “Mayhap I wanted to be alone.” She snapped.

“Mayhap you wanted company.” He countered with a shrug.

Her glower prompted him to gesture around. “Really? You’d make me stand out in that?” He tilted his head chidingly. “To prove your wrath? That seems rather unkind.”

“Apologies.” She murmured guiltily. “I’m not feeling very friendly today.” She admitted. “My friend Meralee was snapping at our friend Anna lately too. It’s something in the air…” She gestured around.

Yes. Radix Malorum contaminating everything.

“In truth? I was finding you a delight.” He said dryly.

Despite herself she smiled at his quick charm.

Tall and slim with wet strands of dark hair tipping over his forehead he was striking. Green-brown eyes glittered with amusement. “What are you staring at?”

“I’m not sure. There’s something a little wild about you. Not quite a gentleman. Is that impolite to say?”

“It is. Should we try again?”

She nodded shamefaced.

“Derrick Black.” He turned his hand palm up for hers.

“I remember.” Her lips twitched as she gathered her composure. Proferring him her hand. Which he brought to his lips. Purposely meeting her gaze as he brushed his mouth along the back of her fingers. Feeling her slight tremble in response.

That’s my woman.

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