FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter RHYERS - An Unwelcome Guest

Parson House, Mane Country


Rhyers found himself at Rebecca Parson’s come out ball. Wishing to be anywhere but here.

She’s a horrible girl. Really.

“Bodin?” Ebony said softly.

He turned quickly, recognizing her voice. A smile written over his face without him even realizing it. “Yes?”

“Would you dance with me?”

He gave an exaggerated groan. “I hate dancing. It’s simply dreadful…”

“You only refuse to dance with me.” She stomped her foot.

“You’re a little girl.” He laughed.

“But you dance with Rebecca.”

Only once and I’ve regretted it ever since.

She won’t stop clawing at me now. Horrible girl.

“Ebony you don’t want to be seen with me.” He said softly.

But it’s nice that you seem to have forgiven me for leaving you to cucumber sandwiches because of your evil maid.

“I’m seen with you right now!” She gestured around.

No one is looking right now.

He laughed at her sharp intelligence. “Yes but no further. I don’t wish to be seen with little girls.” He walked away. Hoping he’d not hurt her sensitive feelings again.

An unlikely hope, really.

I always hurt her feelings.

Everything hurts her feelings…

“What was that about?” Samuel asked. Eyes intent.

Oh, back to accusing me again?

“I wouldn’t dance with her.” He admitted.

So perhaps it is a little my fault.

“Why not? You probably hurt her feelings. Again.”

Is it a day with a sun again then?

Shocking circumstance…Her with hurt feelings.

“Sam, if people are close to us-” He began to carefully explain.

“Forever Knights?”

Well, yes. What else would I be talking about?

“Yes…They can be targeted by Cimmerii.”

“I see.” Samuel nodded slowly. “For the best then.”

Finally! Thank you for sound logic!

“The further from me the better.” Rhyers gave a self-satisfied nod at his friend’s sudden understanding.

“Very good then. Thank you.”

Just then, Rhyers turned his head and spotted a beautiful red-haired woman. Tight ringlets bobbed from atop her head.

Deiti. He recognized her as one of Radix’s minions. One he favors.

Her strange orange amber eyes set on Ebony. Narrowing on her. Rhyers followed her gaze.

No. You will not! Putting a hand to Samuel’s bicep he pointed at Deiti. Samuel nodded and headed for her.

Rhyers walked toward Ebony in her pretty cream dress.

She was sipping forlornly on punch in the corner. He faintly registered Rebecca Parson making some cruel jokes at Ebony’s expense due to his rejection of a dance.

I can’t focus on that right now.

He neared Ebony and drew close enough to nudge an elbow into the bottom of her punch glass. Sending the red drink spilling over her light dress. Irrevocably staining the shining satin and rushing down her chest.

“Bodin!” She gasped and looked at it horrified.

“Time for little girls to leave.” Rhyers said.

Ebony looked at him. Tears jumping into her eyes and her bottom lip quivering. “You did it apurpose!”

I did. I’m sorry. His face was pained.

He shrugged. Waving at her. “Bye Ebony. ’Tis past your bedtime.”

Crying out, she ran from the Ballroom.

I’m sorry, Friend. Rhyers watched her go thankfully.

His eyes returned to Deiti. Come here, evil wench.

He joined Samuel at the doorway to tell her. “You’re not welcome here.”

“Why?” She asked. Dark lashes fluttering. She reached out a beckoning hand as though to touch his forearm. Her other one already caressing Samuel’s.

Samuel stared at her frozen. Lips parted and breaths heaving as he stared at her, paralyzed.

Rhyers knew instantly he didn’t want that touch. Not this day or any other! He viciously slapped her hand away.

She gasped and he felt the instant surge of his magic leave him to connect to her, at even that slight contact.

She’s a Gripper. A creature that’d claw into something else’s power and steal it temporarily. Feeding on it.

Her eyes widened on Rhyers. “You’re one of them.”

He gave a toothy smile for the onlookers as though he’d merely been flirting. As he murmured under his breath. “You should leave before I break your neck right here.” Giving her a voracious wink.

“You wouldn’t dare!” She whispered back. But after meeting his unblinking green stare for a moment, she took a tentative step back. “You can’t…” Face fearful she shook her head in panic.

Rhyers followed her step. “I can. I will. And I want to, Sweetheart.” His eyes darkened with intent.

She looked around the room frantically.

Rhyers reached for her. Aiming to do exactly as he threatened. Everyone watching be damned!

But Samuel shocked him by stepping into view, between them.

“Don’t hurt her, Bodin! She’s only here for the party.” He was appalled. “What are you doing?”

You’re defending her?

From behind Samuel she smirked. Before turning and vanishing into the crowd.

A Gripper and a Temptress.

She’s plying his will. Rhyers groaned. Realizing what occurred.

Damn her. It’d be long hours before Samuel would escape her sway. The effects of her touch wearing off. In the meantime, he’d do whatever she directed him to.

He’ll hate himself in the morning. Rhyers stared him down. Ready to throttle him for letting her escape.

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