FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter Rebecca Parsons, A Horrible Girl

Rhyers caught the other man by the collar and marched him from the Ballroom.

“What are you doing?” Samuel stumbled after him. Blinking blearily.

“Locking your foolhardy tail somewhere safe and sound until you wash that disease out of your system.”

Whatever it takes.

“What are you talking about?”

You being fool enough to let Cimmerii touch you. Again. Rhyers grunted in aggravation. Scanning the Ballroom to ascertain Ebony hadn’t returned.

Rhyers tended to Samuel. Shackling him to his bedpost and gagging him to stem his ranting.

Rhyers stepped out and carefully closed the door behind him before migrating to his assigned chamber in the Parson Mansion but caught sniffling as he past another. Recognizing that energy and smell, his step slowed.

Ebony. He winced. Instantly contrite. Head falling back to stare at the trusses above his head. Praying for patience.

He knocked quietly. Hearing a sniffle and then silence. “Ebony.” He called. Hearing no movement. “Come to the door.”

After a moment it cracked. A dark eye peered at him, awash with tears.

“Come out and talk to me. I’ll not have you up crying all night.”

“I’m not crying!” She sniffed.

Clearly I’m naïve enough to buy that tale.

“There, you’ve done it…I’m convinced.” He said dryly. Green eyes steady on her.

Groaning heavily, she relented and slipped around the door to the hall.

“Are you okay?” He asked softly.

She’s going to say no. He tried to hide his apprehension as he waited.

“No! It wasn’t funny what you did to me tonight, Bodin!” Her shoulders slumped. “I only wanted to dance with you.”


“I didn’t think it was funny.” He dropped to sit across the hall from her, stretching to cross his legs between them.

“Then why did you do it?” She proclaimed.

To help.

“I…” He drew a long breath. Realizing he’d no better explanation then the one she offered. “Thought it’d be funny…”

Three, two, one…

“I knew it!” She murmured. A tear falling from her downcast face to hit the brown and black rug running the length of the hall.

Sighing he looked Heavenward for assistance.

“Sometimes Bodin, you’re my best friend.” She chided. Wrenching his heart. “Sometimes…You’re the meanest person I’ve ever met.”

Ouch. He lifted his hands helplessly. That stung. He didn’t really know why. Perhaps because she knows Rebecca Parson.

I did what I had to, to protect her. He told himself. Gnawing his cheek, a moment.

I’m doing worse to Samuel. A half smile turned his lips at that thought. Still hearing Samuel’s complaints down the hall. Muffled enough human ears couldn’t hear him.

Just then, Ebony glanced up. Catching Rhyers’ smile.

Shit! No…Wait.

She gasped in outrage.

Now, wait.

“I’m not laughing at you.” He said quickly. Reading her face.

She whimpered and turned. Fleeing back into her room and slamming the door.

He blinked at it. Rolling his eyes in frustration. At length he rose, dusting off his pants. Probably for the best. He thought. Before reluctantly walking away.

So why do I feel like I’m more horrible then Rebecca Parson.

No one is more horrible then that wretched girl.

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