FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter Radix Locked Something in Her

“But I got away from her.”

She let you go.

“I ran. I ran to you, Alazar.” Tears welled in eyes as she stepped before him, tilting her head up to look at him. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

He drew a steadying breath. Forcing his face impassive as his eyes slid to her.

“Why’d she do that to me?” Her eyes shined as she cradled her injured hand to her chest. Just as she had so many years ago.

She’s still that scared little girl. Unable to stand the sight of the tears pouring her cheeks, he looked away.

She startled him by lunging at him and wrapping her arms about his neck. Tucking her head under his chin.

“You’re safe with me, Riaura.” He stared ahead. Tone unyielding.

“I know.” She whispered sleepily. Growing heavy around his neck.

He set her down, so her head rested on his knee. Letting her sleep. Removing his tunic, he tucked it around her.

When she woke with nightmares, he murmured soothingly to her until she settled.

As the sun crested, he lifted the hand she’d been so protective of.

It was a pretty, fine-boned hand. Needing only a few jewels to make it quite grown. But the hideous wound marred it. Destroying what it could yet be. He gingerly turned it to see the gaping skin. How deep is this?

She moved a little and yelped as pain shot through the hand. Sitting bolt upright.

His teeth gritted at her pain. I’m sorry.

How could a mother let this be done to her young? The thought made him sick.

What spell had Marod concocted at Radix’s bidding? He knew enough of that ritual to recognize a containment spell. What did they lock inside her?

Riaura watched carefully as he hovered his hand over hers. Moving it in slow circles. A silver glow emanated from his hand like sparkling smoke. Moving to the wound and making it waver as if it were underwater. Edges lifting to whisper closed. As it healed. Silver flakes fell from his hand. He sighed and summoned another rush of energy making the silver sparkles ricochet from the grass in a burst around them. Raining over their little corner of the trees.

She stared, jaw agape, at the smooth scar marring her palm.

“Does it still hurt?” He asked her softly.

She stared at him with shocked eyes.

“Is it better?” He persisted.

She nodded and stared at her palm in awe. Flexing it a few times. “Like the squirrel…How?”

Squirrel? Strange to remember that…

“It’s a gift someone gave me long, long, ago.”

The Fallen.

“It’ll be daylight soon.” He said. “Hear the Flint birds singing?”

“I’m no longer a child.” She tipped her head chastisingly. “I know you’re changing the subject Alazar.”

“Then let it be changed.” He scowled. “You’re not grown either.”

Her eyes fell and they exchanged a period of silence.

“Would you marry me someday?” She blurted.

Good God! Never.

He reared back, sputtering. “Where would you get such a ridiculous idea?”

“Is it so ridiculous? I only feel safe with you. I always want to be around you.” She said passionately.

You’re not safe around me.

He stared at her in sheer horror. “Right now, there’s a young man somewhere in Ardae dreaming of you.”

Worthy of you.

“But he won’t be you!”


Emotion crossed her face. “What do you mean?”

“You’re a child!” He shifted from her. “And I live…here.” He gestured.

No place for a young woman to flourish.

“I love it here!”

His shoulders slumped as he realized he only hurt her feelings. What a dreadful conversation!

She was affronted. “You think me too foolish to understand?”


“No! Naïve is all.”

He saw her insulted expression and winced. This is going horribly. And only getting worse by the minute. He could tell from the dark look on her face.

What just happened?

“I’m not naïve!” She argued leaping to her feet and fisting her skirts.

Now how’ve I offended her?

“I meant no insult Riaura. There’s no wrong in your naivete. Wish we all were so lucky.”

Subsiding, she sat back down next to him. He stared ahead. Watching bubbles floating from the lake to the treetops.

Her smile faded and face went serious. “Would you ever hurt me Alazar?”

His head whipped to assess her. Eyes flashing yellow for the barest second before he controlled it. You know better!

“Alazareth!” She gasped. Leaning back onto her palms. “You’re eyes.” She closed hers hard and opened them but found his were normal.

Don’t be insulted, Alazar. He reminded himself. The one person in the world that should love her betrayed her this night.

“Never.” He straightened to look at her steadily with blue eyes.

That’s why you can’t stay out here in these woods with me.

And he knew that, ultimately, that’s what she was asking. Darkness of the worst kind circled her like prey.

But Radix wasn’t going to harm her any more than he already had where she was, or he would’ve.He needs her.

But if Radix knew she was connected to a Forever Knight…He’d cut her throat.

I’ve no choice but to send her back. He swallowed the rise of revulsion swelling at the thought. Nightway needs her.

Her mother won’t kill her. He told himself, praying it was true. And what if I can’t keep her safe out here anymore then in there?

But that didn’t ring true. It felt like he could.

She must’ve seen the war on his face.

“You alone can’t keep me safe.” She sounded much older. “It’s magic they do. We’re nothing against that.” She gave him a sad look. “But I know you would if you could…”

His eyes bore into hers. As he came to a decision.

“I’m not what you think. I can and will protect you.” His steely blue eyes turned molten yellow. Pupil slitting. Face changing into something animal. Like a hound, but more horrifying.

She reared back. “What are you?”

“I’m not your kind, Riaura. I’m capable of much, but I can’t keep you safe out here.” His eyes followed her pensively.

I can’t lock you away in WaterRose. I’ve seen the damage that’s done to Bast’s creature.

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