FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter I Wouldn't Wed Her

“I have to go Alazar! If I’m not back by daylight she’s like to kill me!” She moved to go.


She looked down at him still sitting. “What is it?”

“Be careful. Promise me.”

She nodded and walked away. Pausing across the clearing.

I have to let her go back to the woman that’d abuse her.

“Anytime you’ve need of me. I’ll be here.” He whispered. Knowing the wind would carry his words to her.

Waving his hand, he encased her in a silver orb only he could see. A shield. It’d alert him if evil touched her. Why didn’t I think to before?

He cursed himself. Wishing he had, and possibly prevented this past eve.

She slowed her step as the wind reached her. Turning to cast a look over her shoulder. She gave him a tight smile.

I’ll not stray so far from Nightway again. He vowed.

He pictured her devastation as she’d ran into him last night. Envisioned her fear and pain. Never again.

He began the search for some manner of den he could reside in. Close to Nightway Castle.

I’ll be here when she needs me.

“No!” Bast declared. Glancing nervously above him before lowering his voice. “You can’t do it!”

He and his valkyrie must not be getting along. Alazar noted vaguely.

“I’ll kill her quick.” Alazar assured dispassionately. He’d thought after explaining Radix’s connection to the Dread queen, Bast would support the decision.

“You can’t kill her at all! Especially if she’s one of Radix’s minions.”

Alazareth moved nose-to-nose with his twin brother. “I’m going to kill her.”

They were mirror images save Bast’s longer hair and softer expression.

“No. You’re not.”

“Then how would you suggest I keep her safe?” Alazareth demanded.

“Take her.”

“And do what with her?”

“Keep her. You clearly want her.”

“She’s a child!” Alazar cried outraged.

Bast scoffed. “I saw her when you crept out a fortnight ago. It’s a sad, sad thing that I must tell you that’s no little girl any longer. That is a beautiful young woman who’s madly in love with you. And if you keep rejecting her, she’ll find a man that wants her.” He gave his brother a pointed look. “Beautiful women always do…”

“Then explain your little…Pet.” Alazar gestured to the upper floor. “I assume if ye and she were mates she’d not still be locked in your chamber?”

“I am her mate.” Bast muttered grimly. “If I could explain her, she wouldn’t be nearly as interesting.”

“Interesting?” Alazar’s voice rose. “She’s not interesting! She’s violent! A killer.”

Bast scowled. “She’s more than that.”

“A manslayer?”

Bast changed the subject. “Bring the girl here and we’ll look after her.”

“I’m scared your beast would eat her!”

“She wouldn’t eat her.”

“You can’t guarantee she’d be safe here. She’s not immortal.”

“I can’t guarantee that.” Bast agreed at length. “But you can’t kill the queen. Any death by our hand would be tinged with magic. Radix would recognize its flavor…” Bast rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “We can poison her though. No magic in that.”

“Who’d be dumb enough to do that for us? Her own people fear her! You couldn’t pay them enough to risk her dungeons.”

“Then us.”

“Riaura would know me in an instant if I were caught with Marod.” Alazar stated on a heavy breath. “Besides the Captain has ordered me on a detail.”

“For his bride?”

“To lure his bride.” Alazareth grumbled.

By deceiving her. Something I don’t enjoy.

“Well, indeed.” Bast straightened. “You must go. I’ll take care of your pest. Perhaps serve her some wine...”

“Marod knows the wine servers well.”

Bast pulled on his cloak and yanked it up over his head. “One of her guard than.” He gave his brother a wink.

“You can’t let Riaura see you. She may still think I murdered her mother if she catches a glimpse of you.”

“Would she really mind?”

“Despite what she says, she still holds affection for the devil woman.”

“She won’t see me coming, Brother.” Sebastian assured. “They never do.”

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