FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Knowing the Day

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Elsabet knew the day because he’d refused to fight with her all morning. Refused to incite her.

This morning he’d left some mint and date pastries in her chamber. Hearing her shuffling awake soon later and sounds that alerted him she moved to peer under the silver lid.

I’d bet she’d never tried the holiday treat.

“Is that bread?” She asked as she came in for breakfast that morning. Customarily taking a tray and piling it with a bit of egg and retreating back upstairs until he left out to the bailey for the day. To check the stone walls of WaterRose which required digging through the snow.

“Yes.” He murmured.

Her eyes moved to the window slits and noticed the green tinted candles there that hadn’t yet been lit.

Her eyes brightened briefly on one as she eyed it thoughtfully.

He finished his tea and rose without a word.

Crossing the meadow, he felt her eyes on his back from the window slit on the second level. She watched as he swung the axe and fell the wiltry tree.

When he returned dragging it with inhuman strength, it was much to his surprise that she opened the foyer door.

She said nothing and didn’t offer help. Merely opening doors for him.

He stood the wiltry tree. Returning to the bailey to bring heavy stones back in and pile them around the base.

She stood in the parlor and watched.

He said nothing. Unwilling to chase her off.

She stood by quietly as he hung all the crystals and came to the cloth in the bottom of crate he typically kept under the stairs. She watched his placement with alert eyes. Leaning as he leaned to hang them.

He fought a smile at her intensity. As she took it in. He felt her strange curiosity and perhaps a flicker of excitement.

“Will they start coming tonight?” She spoke of the other knights.

“It’s hard to tell.”

“They usually do. When you light your candles.” She gestured to the nearby window slit.

“Sometimes.” He hung her pearl earring.

She said nothing.

“I’m surprised you notice them. You never come down.” He remarked off-handedly.

“They’re not pleased I’m here.”

An interesting thing to say... His blue-green gaze flicked sideways to assess her.

She stared at the doorway as if worried someone else might walk into the parlor even now.

“They might be if you spoke to them.” He suggested.

“It’s not something I’m good at.” She said quietly. Usual bitterness returning. “They all know I’m a captive.”

Which wounds her pride. He considered for the first time how humiliating it must be for her to watch them come and go and see what she perceived as knowing looks they gave her.

Really they're just curious. About the power she holds over me.

They all teased Bast often enough he was well aware of their humor over the whole situation.

“And none of them help you.” He finished, hanging the earring from last year.

“Yet.” She said.

Not ever. He shrugged. Knowing they'd not betray him.

Holding out his hand to her, at his side. Without looking at her, he waited patiently.

She hesitated a moment before quietly reaching up and pulling the hook from her ear. Setting the small silver ball in his palm.

“Where?” He asked.

She pointed a finger toward the bottom of the tree.

He hung it.

She turned and left the parlor without saying anything more.

Her part is done. He knew. Infinitely pleased she’d joined him as much as she had. Despite that she still didn’t come back down for chocolate.

One day she will.

Alazareth arrived and they laughed together. Sharing a rare camraderie they only had on the holidays.

One of the reasons its my favorite holiday. Even severe Alazar relaxes and becomes almost human.

“What is with all these jewels?” Alazar gestured to the fancier decorations. "Looks like one of Rhyers' mistresses."

That's true.

The tracker when in his guise as Lord Bodin Rhyers was a rogue and a lady's man. With widows and young misses alike hanging all over him.

Bast nodded upward in answer. To the floor above them.

Elsabet's finery.

Alazar shook his head. “Are you going to explain why you’re keeping her? What she even is?”

“Eventually.” Bast sipped from his wooden cup. "When I'm ready to share anything about her with you."

Which I'm currently not. Bast like having her to himself. She's mine.

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