FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter A Bit About Her

“Harpie.” Bast coaxed from the other side of her door. “Come see the fresh fall of snow on the mountain.”

“I can see it from here.” She argued through the door.

The locked door. As if that’d keep me out, if I really wanted in.

“Come join me for chocolate and some sweets to celebrate the holiday.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Why?” He slid his hand down the panel of the door next to his face as he considered why she was always so difficult.

The door ripped open so abruptly he fell a step forward and toppled onto her.

She yelped and he chuckled as he landed over her in a push up.

“If you wanted me off my feet, there’s easier ways to do it.” He lifted an inviting brow.

“I want you back on your feet! This instant.” She hissed threateningly. Baring small square teeth.

Bast chuckled. Rather enjoying the feel of her small frame pinned under him. Staring up at him in horror. Relenting, he slid backward onto his knees and offered her a hand.

To his surprise she slapped hers into it.

Which should’ve been my first clue.

Then she yanked. Hard.

He launched forward but instinctively rolled aside and landed on his shoulder. Rather than my face as she’d hoped.

She stood and glared down at him.

He held his stomach laughing.

“Why are you so damnably difficult!” She put her hands on her hips.

“Why are you so damnably serious!”

Her glare subsided and her brow relaxed. “I’m not. I have humor.”

“Where?” He feigned lifting the hem of her skirt as though to look for it.

She kicked his hand aside and he laughed.

“I see no trace of amusement anywhere on you. Are you even capable of it?”


He scoffed.

“I am!”

“You most certainly are not!”

Scrunching her face in annoyance she shook her head and strode off as though dismissing him.

“It’s because you know I’m right!” He rolled onto his stomach to call after her.

He clambered to his feet and caught up to her in the hallway. Jogging like a lad to reach her. Long gold hair trailing over his shoulders in a shining mane.

“Why do you despise the holiday so?” He asked.

“Because I never had such luxuries growing up.”

“Why? Were you poor?” He fell into stride with her and walked alongside her as she went downstairs.

She gasped in appall at his rudeness and gave him a withering look.

“It’s no insult to call someone poor.” He frowned at her. “It means you are without something. Not less than someone.”

“Unless that’s how you, yourself view it?” He poked her in the side meaningfully.

She hissed like a striking snake and walked closer to the railing.

To avoid being close to me.

“As a matter-of-fact we were quite wealthy.”

“Yet, you’re still miserable.” He interjected.

She gave him a sharp look. “Yes, I was.”


She glared at him.

Not going to answer that.

“I felt for the people on my fathers’ grounds who fought just to stay warm during the holidays while our neighbors feasted and shared lavish gifts.”

“The people of Ardae are not hungry during the holidays anymore.” Bast skipped down the last few steps and turned to offer her his hand.

Which she promptly swatted away as she walked past him.

In retaliation he swatted her rear which earned him a near swiping with those talons.


He danced from reach like a child avoiding a smaller one.

“How do you know what they do and don’t suffer whilst you sit up here in your fine Castle of Water?” She gestured around.

“Because.” He tilted teasingly close and tilted his head flirtatiously toward her. “I make it so. And whatever I make it, it is.”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Never in all my years have I met a man so arrogant.”

“And how many years might that be?”

“Go away, Sebastian.”

“Never, Harpie. You’re stuck here with me.” He fell into step behind her as she entered the parlor. He added in a sing song voice. “Possibly for an eternity.”

“If you live that long.” She grumbled ominously.

If she doesn’t kill me first. He interpreted. She very likely may.

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