FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Pirates Aboard the WindStorm

Aboard the Windstorm, Peril Sea En Route to Isle of Wight


“So, what have they done?” Boy asked as he stepped to the helm next to Bast. To see the ship, The WindStorm, that they were quickly approaching. He saw the intensity on Sebastian’s face and new the importance of pirating this ship.

“After we raid her, you’ll take over Captain for the remainder of the voyage.” Sebastian directed. Ignoring the question.

“All the way to the Isle?” Boy blurted.


I intend to be busy.

“What goods are we taking from it?” Boy nodded toward the WindStorm.

“Very specific cargo…One,” Bast lifted his finger. “woman.”

Providing Savage Jack was right and she is here.

“You’re bringing a woman aboard? You know that’s bad luck!”

“I don’t give two shits.” Bast shot him a furious look.

Sore subject. Try to stop me from bringing her on.

Boy took a step back. Unaccustomed to getting that look from Bast.

It took little time for them to pull aside the WindStorm. When they did, they tossed grappling hooks and yanked the ships closer.

The men aboard the WindStorm were ill-prepared for an assault and lifted their hands in surrender. Aware of the formidable reputation of the FireStar’s Captain, they were unwilling to put up a fight.

Wise choice. All of Sebastian’s sailors were well-trained. Able to move cargo or pirate, depending on the need.

Lucien is more responsible for teaching them pirating.

Everyone was motionless, awaiting their embarkment…except one person. A redhead on the far side of the ship.

Working hard to conceal her face.

There you are, My Sweet. Sebastian had seen the logs of this ship. And the cargo record documenting her voyage.

After getting word from Savage Jack she’d soon be on a ship to the Isle, he’d received all shipping logs to discern where he thought she’d be.

Now I’ve got her. Her effort to select the most innocuous ship has backfired as they’re the most ill-prepared to defend it.

There were other pilgrims on the ship. Other women and children.

But only that one knows me. And he aimed straight for her.

Unsurprised when she peered at him from under her arm as he strode around toward the helm.

She fled to the stern. And when his men blocked her off from there and he doggedly headed for her, she fled below deck.

Good. Run. You’ll not go far.

That choice had eliminated her option of diving over the edge.

Which had been my fear.

He headed below deck after her. Scenting the air, he followed her aroma. Wildflowers.

He stared into the narrow crack behind a pallet of ale casks. “Care to come out? Or would you like me to come in after you?”

There was no sound.

He blinked. Turning his eyes gold and he could see her outline perfectly in the crack.

He wedged against the wall and shoved the pallets. Making the massive stack groan and the ropes creak as he slid the pallet from the wall enough, he could go in after her. During the act, he tilted the pallet further inward at the oppose side.

Pinching her in.

He walked in after her, knowing she had nowhere to go.

She turned and desperately clawed and pushed at every wall but could make no escape. Her purple skirts swishing as she turned in panic.

“Where are you going?”

“I think you have me wrong.” She pulled a braid of red hair over her shoulder and nervously kneaded it.

Trying to draw my attention to it.

“Please.” She begged. “I shall scream if you accost me!”

It almost sounded like real fear. But he knew better.

“If you scream…” He rolled his tongue over the inside of his cheek. “You’ll frighten the women and children above.”

Her lips whitened.

“Ah, as I thought. You’ve no wish to do that, now do you?”

She glowered at him.

He took a long step to corner her. Catching a fistful of that braid and fondling it, without pulling.

She hissed an indrawn breath.

“Did you honestly think this would fool me?” He growled. Lifting the twining locks to smell them before lifting his head and looked at her. “Soaked in wild cherries and yellow flower. Clever.”

Her mouth whitened and eyes narrowed virulently.

“Now that I’ve found you out,” He tossed the braid over her shoulder. Leaning over he slid her skirt up. Following the rise of it over the smooth lines of her calf and up over her thigh. Curving his hand over the back of it, he lifted it over his hip to press against her center. “what to do with you?”

Her hands automatically fell on his shoulders to balance herself since she now stood on only one leg. She hissed in reaction. “Don’t make me go through you to get out of here.”

“Ah,” He whispered against her mouth. “there she is.” He thrust against her and her head tipped back against a cask as she moaned against his lips.

“You can’t hide from me.”

“You can rot.”

“If I do, you’ll be with me.” He gave a lopsided grin. Releasing her leg he slapped a wrist shackle on her. Hooking the other to him.

“What have you done?” She cried. Face written with betrayal.

“Your move.” He grinned at her.

He walked back to the FireStar. When she resisted at the docking board, trying to dump her weight back, he gave the chain a fierce jerk sending her sprawling into his back. Chuckling he walked the plank back to the FireStar.

“You unbelievable wretch!” She cursed his back. “I could jump right now.”

“Go ahead.” He shook his wrist to remind her they were chained together.

“Taking you with me?” She chuckled coldly. “All the more reason to do it.”

“Try.” He shrugged. “You’ll drop. And dangle. I’ll stand here and look at you like you’re foolish. Then I’ll walk the rest of the way dragging you below the plank. Quite the spectacle for them.” He nodded back toward the WindStorm.

“You’re deplorable.”

“Oh, you’ve seen nothing yet.” He purred. “Wait until you’re on my ship. At my mercy.”

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